**Example 1: To create a patch baseline with auto-approval** The following ``create-patch-baseline`` example creates a patch baseline for Windows Server that approves patches for a production environment seven days after they are released by Microsoft. :: aws ssm create-patch-baseline \ --name "Windows-Production-Baseline-AutoApproval" \ --operating-system "WINDOWS" \ --approval-rules "PatchRules=[{PatchFilterGroup={PatchFilters=[{Key=MSRC_SEVERITY,Values=[Critical,Important,Moderate]},{Key=CLASSIFICATION,Values=[SecurityUpdates,Updates,UpdateRollups,CriticalUpdates]}]},ApproveAfterDays=7}]" \ --description "Baseline containing all updates approved for Windows Server production systems" Output:: { "BaselineId": "pb-045f10b4f3EXAMPLE" } **Example 2: To create a patch baseline with an approval cutoff date** The following ``create-patch-baseline`` example creates a patch baseline for Windows Server that approves all patches for a production environment that are released on or before July 7, 2020. :: aws ssm create-patch-baseline \ --name "Windows-Production-Baseline-AutoApproval" \ --operating-system "WINDOWS" \ --approval-rules "PatchRules=[{PatchFilterGroup={PatchFilters=[{Key=MSRC_SEVERITY,Values=[Critical,Important,Moderate]},{Key=CLASSIFICATION,Values=[SecurityUpdates,Updates,UpdateRollups,CriticalUpdates]}]},ApproveUntilDate=2020-07-07}]" \ --description "Baseline containing all updates approved for Windows Server production systems" Output:: { "BaselineId": "pb-045f10b4f3EXAMPLE" } **Example 3: To create a patch baseline with approval rules stored in a JSON file** The following ``create-patch-baseline`` example creates a patch baseline for Amazon Linux 2017.09 that approves patches for a production environment seven days after they are released, specifies approval rules for the patch baseline, and specifies a custom repository for patches. :: aws ssm create-patch-baseline \ --cli-input-json file://my-amazon-linux-approval-rules-and-repo.json Contents of ``my-amazon-linux-approval-rules-and-repo.json``:: { "Name": "Amazon-Linux-2017.09-Production-Baseline", "Description": "My approval rules patch baseline for Amazon Linux 2017.09 instances", "OperatingSystem": "AMAZON_LINUX", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Environment", "Value": "Production" } ], "ApprovalRules": { "PatchRules": [ { "ApproveAfterDays": 7, "EnableNonSecurity": true, "PatchFilterGroup": { "PatchFilters": [ { "Key": "SEVERITY", "Values": [ "Important", "Critical" ] }, { "Key": "CLASSIFICATION", "Values": [ "Security", "Bugfix" ] }, { "Key": "PRODUCT", "Values": [ "AmazonLinux2017.09" ] } ] } } ] }, "Sources": [ { "Name": "My-AL2017.09", "Products": [ "AmazonLinux2017.09" ], "Configuration": "[amzn-main] \nname=amzn-main-Base\nmirrorlist=http://repo./$awsregion./$awsdomain//$releasever/main/mirror.list //nmirrorlist_expire=300//nmetadata_expire=300 \npriority=10 \nfailovermethod=priority \nfastestmirror_enabled=0 \ngpgcheck=1 \ngpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-amazon-ga \nenabled=1 \nretries=3 \ntimeout=5\nreport_instanceid=yes" } ] } **Example 4: To create a patch baseline that specifies approved and rejected patches** The following ``create-patch-baseline`` example explicitly specifies patches to approve and reject as exception to the default approval rules. :: aws ssm create-patch-baseline \ --name "Amazon-Linux-2017.09-Alpha-Baseline" \ --description "My custom approve/reject patch baseline for Amazon Linux 2017.09 instances" \ --operating-system "AMAZON_LINUX" \ --approved-patches "CVE-2018-1234567,example-pkg-EE-2018*.amzn1.noarch" \ --approved-patches-compliance-level "HIGH" \ --approved-patches-enable-non-security \ --tags "Key=Environment,Value=Alpha" For more information, see `Create a Custom Patch Baseline <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/sysman-patch-baseline-console.html>`__ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*.