**Example 1: To get details of an association** The following ``describe-association`` example describes the association for the specified association ID. :: aws ssm describe-association \ --association-id "8dfe3659-4309-493a-8755-0123456789ab" Output:: { "AssociationDescription": { "Name": "AWS-GatherSoftwareInventory", "AssociationVersion": "1", "Date": 1534864780.995, "LastUpdateAssociationDate": 1543235759.81, "Overview": { "Status": "Success", "AssociationStatusAggregatedCount": { "Success": 2 } }, "DocumentVersion": "$DEFAULT", "Parameters": { "applications": [ "Enabled" ], "awsComponents": [ "Enabled" ], "customInventory": [ "Enabled" ], "files": [ "" ], "instanceDetailedInformation": [ "Enabled" ], "networkConfig": [ "Enabled" ], "services": [ "Enabled" ], "windowsRegistry": [ "" ], "windowsRoles": [ "Enabled" ], "windowsUpdates": [ "Enabled" ] }, "AssociationId": "8dfe3659-4309-493a-8755-0123456789ab", "Targets": [ { "Key": "InstanceIds", "Values": [ "*" ] } ], "ScheduleExpression": "rate(24 hours)", "LastExecutionDate": 1550501886.0, "LastSuccessfulExecutionDate": 1550501886.0, "AssociationName": "Inventory-Association" } } For more information, see `Editing and creating a new version of an association <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/sysman-state-assoc-edit.html>`__ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*. **Example 2: To get details of an association for a specific instance and document** The following ``describe-association`` example describes the association between an instance and a document. :: aws ssm describe-association \ --instance-id "i-1234567890abcdef0" \ --name "AWS-UpdateSSMAgent" Output:: { "AssociationDescription": { "Status": { "Date": 1487876122.564, "Message": "Associated with AWS-UpdateSSMAgent", "Name": "Associated" }, "Name": "AWS-UpdateSSMAgent", "InstanceId": "i-1234567890abcdef0", "Overview": { "Status": "Pending", "DetailedStatus": "Associated", "AssociationStatusAggregatedCount": { "Pending": 1 } }, "AssociationId": "d8617c07-2079-4c18-9847-1234567890ab", "DocumentVersion": "$DEFAULT", "LastUpdateAssociationDate": 1487876122.564, "Date": 1487876122.564, "Targets": [ { "Values": [ "i-1234567890abcdef0" ], "Key": "InstanceIds" } ] } } For more information, see `Editing and creating a new version of an association <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/sysman-state-assoc-edit.html>`__ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*.