**Example 1: To describe managed instance information** The following ``describe-instance-information`` example retrieves details of each of your managed instances. :: aws ssm describe-instance-information **Example 2: To describe information about a specific managed instance** The following ``describe-instance-information`` example shows details of the managed instance ``i-028ea792daEXAMPLE``. :: aws ssm describe-instance-information \ --filters "Key=InstanceIds,Values=i-028ea792daEXAMPLE" **Example 3: To describe information about managed instances with a specific tag key** The following ``describe-instance-information`` example shows details for managed instances that have the tag key ``DEV``. :: aws ssm describe-instance-information \ --filters "Key=tag-key,Values=DEV" Output:: { "InstanceInformationList": [ { "InstanceId": "i-028ea792daEXAMPLE", "PingStatus": "Online", "LastPingDateTime": 1582221233.421, "AgentVersion": "2.3.842.0", "IsLatestVersion": true, "PlatformType": "Linux", "PlatformName": "SLES", "PlatformVersion": "15.1", "ResourceType": "EC2Instance", "IPAddress": "", "ComputerName": "ip-", "AssociationStatus": "Success", "LastAssociationExecutionDate": 1582220806.0, "LastSuccessfulAssociationExecutionDate": 1582220806.0, "AssociationOverview": { "DetailedStatus": "Success", "InstanceAssociationStatusAggregatedCount": { "Success": 2 } } } ] } For more information, see `Managed Instances <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/managed_instances.html>`__ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*.