**Example 1: To list all maintenance windows** The following ``describe-maintenance-windows`` example lists all maintenance windows in your AWS account in the current Region. :: aws ssm describe-maintenance-windows Output:: { "WindowIdentities": [ { "WindowId": "mw-0ecb1226ddEXAMPLE", "Name": "MyMaintenanceWindow-1", "Enabled": true, "Duration": 2, "Cutoff": 1, "Schedule": "rate(180 minutes)", "NextExecutionTime": "2020-02-12T23:19:20.596Z" }, { "WindowId": "mw-03eb9db428EXAMPLE", "Name": "MyMaintenanceWindow-2", "Enabled": true, "Duration": 3, "Cutoff": 1, "Schedule": "rate(7 days)", "NextExecutionTime": "2020-02-17T23:22:00.956Z" }, ] } **Example 2: To list all enabled maintenance windows** The following ``describe-maintenance-windows`` example lists all enabled maintenance windows. :: aws ssm describe-maintenance-windows \ --filters "Key=Enabled,Values=true" **Example 3: To list maintenance windows matching a specific name** This ``describe-maintenance-windows`` example lists all maintenance windows with the specified name. :: aws ssm describe-maintenance-windows \ --filters "Key=Name,Values=MyMaintenanceWindow" For more information, see `View Information About Maintenance Windows (AWS CLI) <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/maintenance-windows-cli-tutorials-describe.html>`__ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*.