**Example 1: To get the current state of a change calendar** This ``get-calendar-state`` example returns the state of a calendar at the current time. Because the example doesn't specify a time, the current state of the calendar is reported. :: aws ssm get-calendar-state \ --calendar-names "MyCalendar" Output:: { "State": "OPEN", "AtTime": "2020-02-19T22:28:51Z", "NextTransitionTime": "2020-02-24T21:15:19Z" } **Example 2: To get the state of a change calendar at a specified time** This ``get-calendar-state`` example returns the state of a calendar at the specified time. :: aws ssm get-calendar-state \ --calendar-names "MyCalendar" \ --at-time "2020-07-19T21:15:19Z" Output:: { "State": "CLOSED", "AtTime": "2020-07-19T21:15:19Z" } For more information, see `Get the State of the Change Calendar <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/change-calendar-getstate.html>`_ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*.