[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
**Example 1: To get the status of a specific command**

The following ``list-commands`` example retrieves and displays the status of the specified command. ::

    aws ssm list-commands \
        --command-id "0831e1a8-a1ac-4257-a1fd-c831bEXAMPLE"

**Example 2: To get the status of commands requested after a specific date**

The following ``list-commands`` example retrieves the details of commands requested after the specified date. ::

    aws ssm list-commands \
        --filter "key=InvokedAfter,value=2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"
**Example 3: To list all commands requested in an AWS account**

The following ``list-commands`` example lists all commands requested by users in the current AWS account and Region. ::

    aws ssm list-commands


        "Commands": [
                "CommandId": "8bee3135-398c-4d31-99b6-e42d2EXAMPLE",
                "DocumentName": "AWS-UpdateSSMAgent",
                "DocumentVersion": "",
                "Comment": "b48291dd-ba76-43e0-b9df-13e11ddaac26:6960febb-2907-4b59-8e1a-d6ce8EXAMPLE",
                "ExpiresAfter": "2020-02-19T11:28:02.500000-08:00",
                "Parameters": {},
                "InstanceIds": [
                "Targets": [],
                "RequestedDateTime": "2020-02-19T10:18:02.500000-08:00",
                "Status": "Success",
                "StatusDetails": "Success",
                "OutputS3BucketName": "",
                "OutputS3KeyPrefix": "",
                "MaxConcurrency": "50",
                "MaxErrors": "100%",
                "TargetCount": 6,
                "CompletedCount": 6,
                "ErrorCount": 0,
                "DeliveryTimedOutCount": 0,
                "ServiceRole": "",
                "NotificationConfig": {
                    "NotificationArn": "",
                    "NotificationEvents": [],
                    "NotificationType": ""
                "CloudWatchOutputConfig": {
                    "CloudWatchLogGroupName": "",
                    "CloudWatchOutputEnabled": false
                "CommandId": "e9ade581-c03d-476b-9b07-26667EXAMPLE",
                "DocumentName": "AWS-FindWindowsUpdates",
                "DocumentVersion": "1",
                "Comment": "",
                "ExpiresAfter": "2020-01-24T12:37:31.874000-08:00",
                "Parameters": {
                    "KbArticleIds": [
                    "UpdateLevel": [
                "InstanceIds": [],
                "Targets": [
                        "Key": "InstanceIds",
                        "Values": [
                "RequestedDateTime": "2020-01-24T11:27:31.874000-08:00",
                "Status": "Success",
                "StatusDetails": "Success",
                "OutputS3BucketName": "my-us-east-2-bucket",
                "OutputS3KeyPrefix": "my-rc-output",
                "MaxConcurrency": "50",
                "MaxErrors": "0",
                "TargetCount": 2,
                "CompletedCount": 2,
                "ErrorCount": 0,
                "DeliveryTimedOutCount": 0,
                "ServiceRole": "arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/aws-service-role/ssm.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForAmazonSSM",
                "NotificationConfig": {
                    "NotificationArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:111222333444:my-us-east-2-notification-arn",
                    "NotificationEvents": [
                    "NotificationType": "Invocation"
                "CloudWatchOutputConfig": {
                    "CloudWatchLogGroupName": "",
                    "CloudWatchOutputEnabled": false
                "CommandId": "d539b6c3-70e8-4853-80e5-0ce4fEXAMPLE",
                "DocumentName": "AWS-RunPatchBaseline",
                "DocumentVersion": "1",
                "Comment": "",
                "ExpiresAfter": "2020-01-24T12:21:04.350000-08:00",
                "Parameters": {
                    "InstallOverrideList": [
                    "Operation": [
                    "RebootOption": [
                    "SnapshotId": [
                "InstanceIds": [],
                "Targets": [
                        "Key": "InstanceIds",
                        "Values": [
                "RequestedDateTime": "2020-01-24T11:11:04.350000-08:00",
                "Status": "Success",
                "StatusDetails": "Success",
                "OutputS3BucketName": "my-us-east-2-bucket",
                "OutputS3KeyPrefix": "my-rc-output",
                "MaxConcurrency": "50",
                "MaxErrors": "0",
                "TargetCount": 2,
                "CompletedCount": 2,
                "ErrorCount": 0,
                "DeliveryTimedOutCount": 0,
                "ServiceRole": "arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/aws-service-role/ssm.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForAmazonSSM",
                "NotificationConfig": {
                    "NotificationArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:111222333444:my-us-east-2-notification-arn",
                    "NotificationEvents": [
                    "NotificationType": "Invocation"
                "CloudWatchOutputConfig": {
                    "CloudWatchLogGroupName": "",
                    "CloudWatchOutputEnabled": false

For more information, see `Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/run-command.html>`__ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*.


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