**Example 1: To view specific inventory type entries for an instance** This following ``list-inventory-entries`` example lists the inventory entries for the AWS:Application inventory type on a specific instance. :: aws ssm list-inventory-entries \ --instance-id "i-1234567890abcdef0" \ --type-name "AWS:Application" Output:: { "TypeName": "AWS:Application", "InstanceId": "i-1234567890abcdef0", "SchemaVersion": "1.1", "CaptureTime": "2019-02-15T12:17:55Z", "Entries": [ { "Architecture": "i386", "Name": "Amazon SSM Agent", "PackageId": "{88a60be2-89a1-4df8-812a-80863c2a2b68}", "Publisher": "Amazon Web Services", "Version": "" }, { "Architecture": "x86_64", "InstalledTime": "2018-05-03T13:42:34Z", "Name": "AmazonCloudWatchAgent", "Publisher": "", "Version": "1.200442.0" } ] } **Example 2: To view custom inventory entries assigned to an instance** The following ``list-inventory-entries`` example lists a custom inventory entry assigned to an instance. :: aws ssm list-inventory-entries \ --instance-id "i-1234567890abcdef0" \ --type-name "Custom:RackInfo" Output:: { "TypeName": "Custom:RackInfo", "InstanceId": "i-1234567890abcdef0", "SchemaVersion": "1.0", "CaptureTime": "2021-05-22T10:01:01Z", "Entries": [ { "RackLocation": "Bay B/Row C/Rack D/Shelf E" } ] }