**Example 1: To start a change request** The following ``start-change-request-execution`` example starts a change request with minimal options specified. :: aws ssm start-change-request-execution \ --change-request-name MyChangeRequest \ --document-name AWS-HelloWorldChangeTemplate \ --runbooks '[{"DocumentName": "AWS-HelloWorld","Parameters": {"AutomationAssumeRole": ["arn:aws:iam:us-east-2:1112223233444:role/MyChangeManagerAssumeRole"]}}]' \ --parameters Approver="JohnDoe",ApproverType="IamUser",ApproverSnsTopicArn="arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:1112223233444:MyNotificationTopic" Output:: { "AutomationExecutionId": "9d32a4fc-f944-11e6-4105-0a1b2EXAMPLE" } **Example 2: To start a change request using an external JSON file** The following ``start-automation-execution`` example starts a change request with multiple options specified in a JSON file. :: aws ssm start-change-request-execution \ --cli-input-json file://MyChangeRequest.json Contents of ``MyChangeRequest.json``:: { "ChangeRequestName": "MyChangeRequest", "DocumentName": "AWS-HelloWorldChangeTemplate", "DocumentVersion": "$DEFAULT", "ScheduledTime": "2021-12-30T03:00:00", "ScheduledEndTime": "2021-12-30T03:05:00", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Purpose", "Value": "Testing" } ], "Parameters": { "Approver": [ "JohnDoe" ], "ApproverType": [ "IamUser" ], "ApproverSnsTopicArn": [ "arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:111222333444;:MyNotificationTopic ] }, "Runbooks": [ { "DocumentName": "AWS-HelloWorld", "DocumentVersion": "1", "MaxConcurrency": "1", "MaxErrors": "1", "Parameters": { "AutomationAssumeRole": [ "arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/MyChangeManagerAssumeRole" ] } } ], "ChangeDetails": "### Document Name: HelloWorldChangeTemplate\n\n## What does this document do?\nThis change template demonstrates the feature set available for creating change templates for Change Manager. This template starts a Runbook workflow for the Automation document called AWS-HelloWorld.\n\n## Input Parameters\n* ApproverSnsTopicArn: (Required) Amazon Simple Notification Service ARN for approvers.\n* Approver: (Required) The name of the approver to send this request to.\n* ApproverType: (Required) The type of reviewer.\n * Allowed Values: IamUser, IamGroup, IamRole, SSOGroup, SSOUser\n\n## Output Parameters\nThis document has no outputs \n" } Output:: { "AutomationExecutionId": "9d32a4fc-f944-11e6-4105-0a1b2EXAMPLE" } For more information, see `Creating change requests <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/change-requests-create.html>`__ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*.