**Example 1: To update a document association** The following ``update-association`` example updates an association with a new document version. :: aws ssm update-association \ --association-id "8dfe3659-4309-493a-8755-0123456789ab" \ --document-version "\$LATEST" Output:: { "AssociationDescription": { "Name": "AWS-UpdateSSMAgent", "AssociationVersion": "2", "Date": 1550508093.293, "LastUpdateAssociationDate": 1550508106.596, "Overview": { "Status": "Pending", "DetailedStatus": "Creating" }, "DocumentVersion": "$LATEST", "AssociationId": "8dfe3659-4309-493a-8755-0123456789ab", "Targets": [ { "Key": "tag:Name", "Values": [ "Linux" ] } ], "LastExecutionDate": 1550508094.879, "LastSuccessfulExecutionDate": 1550508094.879 } } For more information, see `Editing and creating a new version of an association <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/sysman-state-assoc-edit.html>`__ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*. **Example 2: To update the schedule expression of an association** The following ``update-association`` example updates the schedule expression for the specified association. :: aws ssm update-association \ --association-id "8dfe3659-4309-493a-8755-0123456789ab" \ --schedule-expression "cron(0 0 0/4 1/1 * ? *)" Output:: { "AssociationDescription": { "Name": "AWS-HelloWorld", "AssociationVersion": "2", "Date": "2021-02-08T13:54:19.203000-08:00", "LastUpdateAssociationDate": "2021-06-29T11:51:07.933000-07:00", "Overview": { "Status": "Pending", "DetailedStatus": "Creating" }, "DocumentVersion": "$DEFAULT", "AssociationId": "8dfe3659-4309-493a-8755-0123456789ab", "Targets": [ { "Key": "aws:NoOpAutomationTag", "Values": [ "AWS-NoOpAutomationTarget-Value" ] } ], "ScheduleExpression": "cron(0 0 0/4 1/1 * ? *)", "LastExecutionDate": "2021-06-26T19:00:48.110000-07:00", "ApplyOnlyAtCronInterval": false } } For more information, see `Editing and creating a new version of an association <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/sysman-state-assoc-edit.html>`__ in the *AWS Systems Manager User Guide*.