**Counting Closed Workflow Executions**
You can use ``swf count-closed-workflow-executions`` to retrieve the number of closed workflow executions for a given domain. You can specify filters to count specific classes of executions.
The ``--domain`` and *either* ``--close-time-filter`` or ``--start-time-filter`` arguments are required. All other arguments are optional. ::
aws swf count-closed-workflow-executions \
--domain DataFrobtzz \
--close-time-filter "{ \"latestDate\" : 1377129600, \"oldestDate\" : 1370044800 }"
"count": 2,
"truncated": false
If "truncated" is ``true``, then "count" represents the maximum number that can be returned by Amazon SWF. Any further results are truncated.
To reduce the number of results returned, you can:
- modify the ``--close-time-filter`` or ``--start-time-filter`` values to narrow the time range that is searched. Each
of these is mutually exclusive: You can specify *only one of these* in a request.
- use the ``--close-status-filter``, ``--execution-filter``, ``--tag-filter`` or ``--type-filter`` arguments to further
filter the results. However, these arguments are also mutually exclusive.
See Also
- `CountClosedWorkflowExecutions <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazonswf/latest/apireference/API_CountClosedWorkflowExecutions.html>`_ in the *Amazon Simple Workflow Service API Reference*