**To obtain the capacity used by a set of rules** The following ``check-capacity`` retrieves the capacity requirements for a rule set that contains a rate-based rule statement, and an AND rule statement that contains nested rules. :: aws wafv2 check-capacity \ --scope REGIONAL \ --rules file://waf-rule-list.json \ --region us-west-2 Contents of `file://waf-rule-list.json`:: [ { "Name":"basic-rule", "Priority":0, "Statement":{ "AndStatement":{ "Statements":[ { "ByteMatchStatement":{ "SearchString":"example.com", "FieldToMatch":{ "SingleHeader":{ "Name":"host" } }, "TextTransformations":[ { "Priority":0, "Type":"LOWERCASE" } ], "PositionalConstraint":"EXACTLY" } }, { "GeoMatchStatement":{ "CountryCodes":[ "US", "IN" ] } } ] } }, "Action":{ "Allow":{ } }, "VisibilityConfig":{ "SampledRequestsEnabled":true, "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled":true, "MetricName":"basic-rule" } }, { "Name":"rate-rule", "Priority":1, "Statement":{ "RateBasedStatement":{ "Limit":1000, "AggregateKeyType":"IP" } }, "Action":{ "Block":{ } }, "VisibilityConfig":{ "SampledRequestsEnabled":true, "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled":true, "MetricName":"rate-rule" } } ] Output:: { "Capacity":15 } For more information, see `AWS WAF Web ACL Capacity Units (WCU) <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/latest/developerguide/how-aws-waf-works.html#aws-waf-capacity-units>`__ in the *AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced Developer Guide*.