**To describe a WorkSpace** The following ``describe-workspaces`` example describes the specified WorkSpace. :: aws workspaces describe-workspaces \ --workspace-ids ws-dk1xzr417 Output:: { "Workspaces": [ { "WorkspaceId": "ws-dk1xzr417", "DirectoryId": "d-926722edaf", "UserName": "Mary", "IpAddress": "", "State": "STOPPED", "BundleId": "wsb-0zsvgp8fc", "SubnetId": "subnet-500d5819", "ComputerName": "WSAMZN-RBSLTTD9", "WorkspaceProperties": { "RunningMode": "AUTO_STOP", "RunningModeAutoStopTimeoutInMinutes": 60, "RootVolumeSizeGib": 80, "UserVolumeSizeGib": 10, "ComputeTypeName": "VALUE" }, "ModificationStates": [] } ] } For more information, see `Administer your WorkSpaces <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workspaces/latest/adminguide/administer-workspaces.html>`__ in the *Amazon WorkSpaces Administration Guide*.
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
create-tags.rst | File | 479 B | 0644 |
create-workspaces.rst | File | 1.54 KB | 0644 |
delete-tags.rst | File | 475 B | 0644 |
deregister-workspace-directory.rst | File | 472 B | 0644 |
describe-tags.rst | File | 571 B | 0755 |
describe-workspace-bundles.rst | File | 1.05 KB | 0644 |
describe-workspace-directories.rst | File | 2.35 KB | 0644 |
describe-workspaces-connection-status.rst | File | 751 B | 0644 |
describe-workspaces.rst | File | 1.18 KB | 0644 |
migrate-workspace.rst | File | 563 B | 0755 |
modify-workspace-creation-properties.rst | File | 725 B | 0644 |
modify-workspace-properties.rst | File | 538 B | 0644 |
modify-workspace-state.rst | File | 520 B | 0644 |
reboot-workspaces.rst | File | 443 B | 0644 |
rebuild-workspaces.rst | File | 449 B | 0644 |
register-workspace-directory.rst | File | 528 B | 0644 |
restore-workspace.rst | File | 411 B | 0644 |
start-workspaces.rst | File | 550 B | 0644 |
stop-workspaces.rst | File | 545 B | 0644 |
terminate-workspaces.rst | File | 458 B | 0644 |