Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
import copy
from functools import reduce # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
import regex as re
from cfnlint.rules import CloudFormationLintRule, RuleMatch
class SubNeeded(CloudFormationLintRule):
"""Check if a substitution string exists without a substitution function"""
id = "E1029"
shortdesc = "Sub is required if a variable is used in a string"
description = "If a substitution variable exists in a string but isn't wrapped with the Fn::Sub function the deployment will fail."
source_url = "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/intrinsic-function-reference-sub.html"
tags = ["functions", "sub"]
exceptions = ["TemplateBody"]
def __init__(self):
self.config_definition = {"custom_excludes": {"default": "", "type": "string"}}
self.subParameterRegex = re.compile(r"(\$\{[A-Za-z0-9_:\.]+\})")
def _match_values(self, cfnelem, path):
"""Recursively search for values matching the searchRegex"""
values = []
if isinstance(cfnelem, dict):
for key in cfnelem:
pathprop = path[:]
values.extend(self._match_values(cfnelem[key], pathprop))
elif isinstance(cfnelem, list):
for index, item in enumerate(cfnelem):
pathprop = path[:]
values.extend(self._match_values(item, pathprop))
# Leaf node
if isinstance(cfnelem, str): # and re.match(searchRegex, cfnelem):
for variable in re.findall(self.subParameterRegex, cfnelem):
values.append(path + [variable])
return values
def match_values(self, cfn):
Search for values in all parts of the templates that match the searchRegex
results = []
results.extend(self._match_values(cfn.template, []))
# Globals are removed during a transform. They need to be checked manually
results.extend(self._match_values(cfn.template.get("Globals", {}), []))
return results
def _api_exceptions(self, value):
"""Key value exceptions"""
parameter_search = re.compile(r"^\$\{stageVariables\..*\}$")
return re.match(parameter_search, value)
def _variable_custom_excluded(self, value):
"""User-defined exceptions for variables, anywhere in the file"""
custom_excludes = self.config["custom_excludes"]
if custom_excludes:
custom_search = re.compile(custom_excludes)
return re.match(custom_search, value)
return False
def match(self, cfn):
matches = []
refs = cfn.get_valid_refs()
getatts = cfn.get_valid_getatts()
# Get a list of paths to every leaf node string containing at least one ${parameter}
parameter_string_paths = self.match_values(cfn)
# We want to search all of the paths to check if each one contains an 'Fn::Sub'
for parameter_string_path in parameter_string_paths:
# Get variable
var = parameter_string_path[-1]
# Step Function State Machine has a Definition Substitution that allows usage of special variables outside of a !Sub
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-stepfunctions-statemachine-definitionsubstitutions.html
if "DefinitionString" in parameter_string_path:
modified_parameter_string_path = copy.copy(parameter_string_path)
index = parameter_string_path.index("DefinitionString")
modified_parameter_string_path[index] = "DefinitionSubstitutions"
modified_parameter_string_path = modified_parameter_string_path[
: index + 1
if reduce(
lambda c, k: c.get(k, {}),
# Exclude variables that match custom exclude filters, if configured
# (for third-party tools that pre-process templates before uploading them to AWS)
if self._variable_custom_excluded(var):
# Exclude literals (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/intrinsic-function-reference-sub.html)
if var.startswith("${!"):
var_stripped = var[2:-1].strip()
# If we didn't find an 'Fn::Sub' it means a string containing a ${parameter} may not be evaluated correctly
if (
not "Fn::Sub" in parameter_string_path
and parameter_string_path[-2] not in self.exceptions
if (
var_stripped in refs or var_stripped in getatts
) or "DefinitionString" in parameter_string_path:
# Remove the last item (the variable) to prevent multiple errors on 1 line errors
path = parameter_string_path[:-1]
message = f'Found an embedded parameter "{var}" outside of an "Fn::Sub" at {"/".join(map(str, path))}'
matches.append(RuleMatch(path, message))
return matches