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from cfnlint.rules import CloudFormationLintRule, RuleMatch
class Config(CloudFormationLintRule):
"""Check if Metadata configuration is properly configured"""
id = "E4002"
shortdesc = "Validate the configuration of the Metadata section"
description = "Validates that Metadata section is an object and has no null values"
source_url = "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/metadata-section-structure.html"
tags = ["metadata"]
def _check_object(self, obj, path):
results = []
if isinstance(obj, (dict)):
for k, v in obj.items():
results.extend(self._check_object(v, path + [k]))
if isinstance(obj, (list)):
for i, v in enumerate(obj):
results.extend(self._check_object(v, path + [i]))
if obj is None:
message = "Metadata value cannot be null"
results.append(RuleMatch(path, message.format(message)))
return results
def match(self, cfn):
"""Check CloudFormation Metadata Interface Configuration"""
matches = []
metadata_obj = cfn.template.get("Metadata", {})
if metadata_obj is None:
message = "Metadata value has to be an object"
matches.append(RuleMatch(["Metadata"], message.format(message)))
if metadata_obj:
if isinstance(metadata_obj, dict):
matches.extend(self._check_object(metadata_obj, ["Metadata"]))
return matches