[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
from cfnlint.helpers import RESOURCE_SPECS
from cfnlint.rules import CloudFormationLintRule, RuleMatch

class Value(CloudFormationLintRule):
    """Check if Outputs have string values"""

    id = "E6003"
    shortdesc = "Outputs have values of strings"
    description = "Making sure the outputs have strings as values"
    source_url = "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/outputs-section-structure.html"
    tags = ["outputs"]

    def __init__(self):
        self.resourcetypes = []

    def initialize(self, cfn):
        resourcespecs = RESOURCE_SPECS[cfn.regions[0]]
        self.resourcetypes = resourcespecs["ResourceTypes"]

    def match(self, cfn):
        matches = []

        template = cfn.template

        getatts = cfn.search_deep_keys("Fn::GetAtt")
        refs = cfn.search_deep_keys("Ref")
        # If using a getatt make sure the attribute of the resource
        # is not of Type List
        for getatt in getatts:
            if getatt[0] == "Outputs":
                if getatt[2] == "Value":
                    obj = getatt[-1]
                    if isinstance(obj, list):
                        objtype = (
                            template.get("Resources", {}).get(obj[0], {}).get("Type")
                        if objtype:
                            attribute = (
                                self.resourcetypes.get(objtype, {})
                                .get("Attributes", {})
                                .get(obj[1], {})
                            if attribute == "List":
                                if getatt[-4] != "Fn::Join" and getatt[-3] != 1:
                                    message = "Output {0} value {1} is of type list"
                                            message.format(getatt[1], "/".join(obj)),

        # If using a ref for an output make sure it isn't a
        # Parameter of Type List
        for ref in refs:
            if ref[0] == "Outputs":
                if ref[2] == "Value":
                    obj = ref[-1]
                    if isinstance(obj, str):
                        param = template.get("Parameters", {}).get(obj)
                        if param:
                            paramtype = param.get("Type")
                            if paramtype:
                                if paramtype.startswith("List<"):
                                    if ref[-4] != "Fn::Join" and ref[-3] != 1:
                                        message = "Output {0} value {1} is of type list"
                                            RuleMatch(ref, message.format(ref[1], obj))

        return matches


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
ApproachingLimitDescription.py File 1.5 KB 0644
ApproachingLimitName.py File 692 B 0644
ApproachingLimitNumber.py File 680 B 0644
Configuration.py File 5.19 KB 0644
Description.py File 1.1 KB 0644
ImportValue.py File 1.59 KB 0644
LimitDescription.py File 1.43 KB 0644
LimitName.py File 694 B 0644
LimitNumber.py File 682 B 0644
Name.py File 638 B 0644
Required.py File 1.16 KB 0644
Value.py File 3.14 KB 0644
__init__.py File 106 B 0644