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import json
from cfnlint.rules import CloudFormationLintRule, RuleMatch
class EventsLogGroupName(CloudFormationLintRule):
"""Check if the settings of multiple subscriptions are included for one LogGroup"""
id = "E2529"
shortdesc = "Check for SubscriptionFilters have beyond 2 attachments to a CloudWatch Log Group"
description = (
"The current limit for a CloudWatch Log Group is they can have 2 subscription filters. "
"We will look for duplicate LogGroupNames inside Subscription Filters and make sure they are within 2. "
"This doesn't account for any other subscription filters getting set."
source_url = "https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-application-model/blob/master/versions/2016-10-31.md#user-content-cloudwatchlogs"
tags = ["resources", "lambda"]
limit = 2
def check_events_subscription_duplicated(self, cfn):
"""Check if Lambda Events Subscription is duplicated"""
matches = []
message = f"You can only have {self.limit} Subscription Filters per CloudWatch Log Group"
log_group_paths = self.__get_log_group_name_list(cfn)
for _, c in log_group_paths.items():
if len(c) > self.limit:
matches.append(RuleMatch(["Resources", c[2]], message))
return matches
def __get_log_group_name_list(self, cfn):
log_group_paths = {}
for value in cfn.get_resources("AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter").items():
prop = value[1].get("Properties")
log_group_name = json.dumps(prop.get("LogGroupName"))
if log_group_name not in log_group_paths:
log_group_paths[log_group_name] = []
return log_group_paths
def match(self, cfn):
"""Check if Lambda Events Subscription is duplicated"""
matches = []
return matches