"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.CordovaCommand = exports.CORDOVA_BUILD_EXAMPLE_COMMANDS = exports.CORDOVA_RUN_OPTIONS = exports.CORDOVA_COMPILE_OPTIONS = void 0;
const utils_fs_1 = require("@ionic/utils-fs");
const utils_subprocess_1 = require("@ionic/utils-subprocess");
const utils_terminal_1 = require("@ionic/utils-terminal");
const lodash = require("lodash");
const path = require("path");
const color_1 = require("../../lib/color");
const command_1 = require("../../lib/command");
const errors_1 = require("../../lib/errors");
const executor_1 = require("../../lib/executor");
const npm_1 = require("../../lib/utils/npm");
name: 'debug',
summary: 'Mark as a debug build',
type: Boolean,
groups: ['cordova', 'cordova-cli'],
hint: color_1.weak('[cordova]'),
name: 'release',
summary: 'Mark as a release build',
type: Boolean,
groups: ['cordova', 'cordova-cli'],
hint: color_1.weak('[cordova]'),
name: 'device',
summary: 'Deploy build to a device',
type: Boolean,
groups: ['cordova', 'cordova-cli', 'native-run'],
hint: color_1.weak('[cordova/native-run]'),
name: 'emulator',
summary: 'Deploy build to an emulator',
type: Boolean,
groups: ['cordova', 'cordova-cli', 'native-run'],
hint: color_1.weak('[cordova/native-run]'),
name: 'buildConfig',
summary: 'Use the specified build configuration',
groups: ["advanced" /* ADVANCED */, 'cordova', 'cordova-cli'],
hint: color_1.weak('[cordova]'),
spec: { value: 'file' },
name: 'target',
summary: `Deploy build to a device (use ${color_1.input('--list')} to see all)`,
type: String,
groups: ["advanced" /* ADVANCED */, 'cordova', 'cordova-cli', 'native-run'],
hint: color_1.weak('[cordova/native-run]'),
'ios --prod --release',
'ios --prod --release -- --developmentTeam="ABCD" --codeSignIdentity="iPhone Developer" --packageType="app-store"',
'ios --buildConfig=build.json',
'ios --prod --release --buildConfig=build.json',
'android --prod --release -- -- --keystore=filename.keystore --alias=myalias',
'android --prod --release -- -- --minSdkVersion=21',
'android --prod --release -- -- --versionCode=55',
'android --prod --release -- -- --gradleArg=-PcdvBuildMultipleApks=true',
'android --buildConfig=build.json',
'android --prod --release --buildConfig=build.json',
class CordovaCommand extends command_1.Command {
get integration() {
if (!this.project) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Cannot use Cordova outside a project directory.`);
if (!this._integration) {
this._integration = this.project.requireIntegration('cordova');
return this._integration;
async checkCordova(runinfo) {
if (!this.project) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException('Cannot use Cordova outside a project directory.');
const cordova = this.project.getIntegration('cordova');
if (!cordova) {
const capacitor = this.project.getIntegration('capacitor');
if (capacitor && capacitor.enabled) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Refusing to use Cordova inside a Capacitor project.\n` +
`Are you looking for the ${color_1.input('ionic capacitor')} commands? See ${color_1.input('ionic capacitor --help')}\n\n` +
`If you are switching from Capacitor to Cordova, run: ${color_1.input('ionic integrations disable capacitor')}\n`);
const { confirmCordovaUsage } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../../lib/integrations/cordova/utils'));
const confirm = await confirmCordovaUsage(this.env);
if (!confirm) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException('', 0);
await executor_1.runCommand(runinfo, ['integrations', 'enable', 'cordova']);
async preRunChecks(runinfo) {
const { checkForUnsupportedProject } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../../lib/integrations/cordova/utils'));
const { loadCordovaConfig } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../../lib/integrations/cordova/config'));
if (!this.project) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException('Cannot use Cordova outside a project directory.');
const parts = executor_1.getFullCommandParts(runinfo.location);
const alias = lodash.last(parts);
await checkForUnsupportedProject(this.project.type, alias);
await this.checkCordova(runinfo);
// Check for www folder
if (this.project.directory) {
const wwwPath = path.join(this.integration.root, 'www');
const wwwExists = await utils_fs_1.pathExists(wwwPath); // TODO: hard-coded
if (!wwwExists) {
const tasks = this.createTaskChain();
tasks.next(`Creating ${color_1.strong(utils_terminal_1.prettyPath(wwwPath))} directory for you`);
await utils_fs_1.mkdirp(wwwPath);
const conf = await loadCordovaConfig(this.integration);
await conf.save();
async runCordova(argList, { fatalOnNotFound = false, truncateErrorOutput = 5000, ...options } = {}) {
if (!this.project) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException('Cannot use Cordova outside a project directory.');
try {
await this.env.shell.run('cordova', argList, { fatalOnNotFound, truncateErrorOutput, cwd: this.integration.root, ...options });
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof utils_subprocess_1.SubprocessError) {
if (e.code === utils_subprocess_1.ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND) {
const installArgs = await npm_1.pkgManagerArgs(this.env.config.get('npmClient'), { command: 'install', pkg: 'cordova', global: true });
throw new errors_1.FatalException(`The Cordova CLI was not found on your PATH. Please install Cordova globally:\n` +
`${color_1.input(installArgs.join(' '))}\n`);
if (e.code === utils_subprocess_1.ERROR_SIGNAL_EXIT) {
if (options.fatalOnError) {
this.env.log.error('Cordova encountered an error.\nYou may get more insight by running the Cordova command above directly.\n');
throw e;
async checkForPlatformInstallation(platform, { promptToInstall = !['android', 'ios'].includes(platform), promptToInstallRefusalMsg = `Cannot run this command for the ${color_1.input(platform)} platform unless it is installed.` } = {}) {
if (!this.project) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException('Cannot use Cordova outside a project directory.');
if (platform) {
const { getPlatforms } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../../lib/integrations/cordova/project'));
const { confirmCordovaBrowserUsage } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../../lib/integrations/cordova/utils'));
const platforms = await getPlatforms(this.integration.root);
if (!platforms.includes(platform)) {
if (platform === 'browser') {
const confirm = await confirmCordovaBrowserUsage(this.env);
if (!confirm) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(promptToInstallRefusalMsg);
const confirm = promptToInstall ? await this.env.prompt({
message: `Platform ${color_1.input(platform)} is not installed! Would you like to install it?`,
type: 'confirm',
name: 'confirm',
}) : true;
if (confirm) {
await this.runCordova(['platform', 'add', platform, '--save']);
else {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(promptToInstallRefusalMsg);
exports.CordovaCommand = CordovaCommand;