"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.PlatformCommand = void 0;
const cli_framework_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework");
const color_1 = require("../../lib/color");
const cordova_res_1 = require("../../lib/cordova-res");
const errors_1 = require("../../lib/errors");
const executor_1 = require("../../lib/executor");
const base_1 = require("./base");
class PlatformCommand extends base_1.CordovaCommand {
async getMetadata() {
return {
name: 'platform',
type: 'project',
summary: 'Manage Cordova platform targets',
description: `
Like running ${color_1.input('cordova platform')} directly, but adds default Ionic icons and splash screen resources (during ${color_1.input('add')}) and provides friendly checks.
exampleCommands: ['', 'add ios', 'add android', 'rm ios'],
inputs: [
name: 'action',
summary: `${color_1.input('add')}, ${color_1.input('remove')}, or ${color_1.input('update')} a platform; ${color_1.input('ls')}, ${color_1.input('check')}, or ${color_1.input('save')} all project platforms`,
name: 'platform',
summary: `The platform that you would like to add (${['android', 'ios'].map(v => color_1.input(v)).join(', ')})`,
options: [
name: 'resources',
summary: `Do not pregenerate icons and splash screen resources (corresponds to ${color_1.input('add')})`,
type: Boolean,
default: true,
async preRun(inputs, options, runinfo) {
await this.preRunChecks(runinfo);
if (options['r'] || options['noresources']) {
options['resources'] = false;
inputs[0] = !inputs[0] ? 'ls' : inputs[0];
inputs[0] = (inputs[0] === 'rm') ? 'remove' : inputs[0];
inputs[0] = (inputs[0] === 'list') ? 'ls' : inputs[0];
cli_framework_1.validate(inputs[0], 'action', [cli_framework_1.contains(['add', 'remove', 'update', 'ls', 'check', 'save'], {})]);
// If the action is list, check, or save, then just end here.
if (['ls', 'check', 'save'].includes(inputs[0])) {
await this.runCordova(['platform', inputs[0]], {});
throw new errors_1.FatalException('', 0);
if (!inputs[1]) {
const platform = await this.env.prompt({
type: 'input',
name: 'platform',
message: `What platform would you like to ${inputs[0]} (${['android', 'ios'].map(v => color_1.input(v)).join(', ')}):`,
inputs[1] = platform.trim();
cli_framework_1.validate(inputs[1], 'platform', [cli_framework_1.validators.required]);
async run(inputs, options, runinfo) {
const { getPlatforms } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../../lib/integrations/cordova/project'));
const { confirmCordovaBrowserUsage, filterArgumentsForCordova } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../../lib/integrations/cordova/utils'));
if (!this.project) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Cannot run ${color_1.input('ionic cordova platform')} outside a project directory.`);
const [action, platformName] = inputs;
const platforms = await getPlatforms(this.integration.root);
if (action === 'add') {
if (platforms.includes(platformName)) {
this.env.log.msg(`Platform ${platformName} already exists.`);
if (platformName === 'browser') {
const confirm = await confirmCordovaBrowserUsage(this.env);
if (!confirm) {
const metadata = await this.getMetadata();
const cordovaArgs = filterArgumentsForCordova(metadata, options);
await this.runCordova(cordovaArgs, {});
if (action === 'add' && options['resources'] && cordova_res_1.SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS.includes(platformName)) {
const args = ['cordova', 'resources', platformName, '--force'];
const p = await cordova_res_1.findCordovaRes();
if (p) {
await executor_1.runCommand(runinfo, args);
else {
this.env.log.warn(await cordova_res_1.createCordovaResNotFoundMessage(this.env.config.get('npmClient')));
this.env.log.warn(`Cannot generate resources without ${color_1.input('cordova-res')} installed.\n` +
`Once installed, you can generate resources with the following command:\n\n` +
color_1.input(['ionic', ...args].join(' ')));
exports.PlatformCommand = PlatformCommand;