[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.DeployConfCommand = exports.DeployCoreCommand = void 0;
const cli_framework_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework");
const utils_fs_1 = require("@ionic/utils-fs");
const et = require("elementtree");
const path = require("path");
const color_1 = require("../../lib/color");
const command_1 = require("../../lib/command");
const errors_1 = require("../../lib/errors");
class DeployCoreCommand extends command_1.Command {
    async getAppIntegration() {
        if (this.project) {
            if (this.project.getIntegration('capacitor') !== undefined) {
                return 'capacitor';
            if (this.project.getIntegration('cordova') !== undefined) {
                return 'cordova';
        return undefined;
    async requireNativeIntegration() {
        const integration = await this.getAppIntegration();
        if (!integration) {
            throw new errors_1.FatalException(`It looks like your app isn't integrated with Capacitor or Cordova.\n` +
                `In order to use the Appflow Deploy plugin, you will need to integrate your app with Capacitor or Cordova. See the docs for setting up native projects:\n\n` +
                `iOS: ${color_1.strong('https://ionicframework.com/docs/building/ios')}\n` +
                `Android: ${color_1.strong('https://ionicframework.com/docs/building/android')}\n`);
exports.DeployCoreCommand = DeployCoreCommand;
class DeployConfCommand extends DeployCoreCommand {
    constructor() {
        this.optionsToPlistKeys = {
            'app-id': 'IonAppId',
            'channel-name': 'IonChannelName',
            'update-method': 'IonUpdateMethod',
            'max-store': 'IonMaxVersions',
            'min-background-duration': 'IonMinBackgroundDuration',
            'update-api': 'IonApi',
        this.optionsToStringXmlKeys = {
            'app-id': 'ionic_app_id',
            'channel-name': 'ionic_channel_name',
            'update-method': 'ionic_update_method',
            'max-store': 'ionic_max_versions',
            'min-background-duration': 'ionic_min_background_duration',
            'update-api': 'ionic_update_api',
    async getAppId() {
        if (this.project) {
            return this.project.config.get('id');
        return undefined;
    async checkDeployInstalled() {
        if (!this.project) {
            return false;
        const packageJson = await this.project.requirePackageJson();
        return packageJson.dependencies ? 'cordova-plugin-ionic' in packageJson.dependencies : false;
    printPlistInstructions(options) {
        let outputString = `You will need to manually modify the Info.plist for your iOS project.\n Please add the following content to your Info.plist file:\n`;
        for (const [optionKey, pKey] of Object.entries(this.optionsToPlistKeys)) {
            outputString = `${outputString}<key>${pKey}</key>\n<string>${options[optionKey]}</string>\n`;
    printStringXmlInstructions(options) {
        let outputString = `You will need to manually modify the string.xml for your Android project.\n Please add the following content to your string.xml file:\n`;
        for (const [optionKey, pKey] of Object.entries(this.optionsToPlistKeys)) {
            outputString = `${outputString}<string name="${pKey}">${options[optionKey]}</string>\n`;
    async getIosCapPlist() {
        if (!this.project) {
            return '';
        const capIntegration = this.project.getIntegration('capacitor');
        if (!capIntegration) {
            return '';
        // check first if iOS exists
        if (!await utils_fs_1.pathExists(path.join(capIntegration.root, 'ios'))) {
            return '';
        const assumedPlistPath = path.join(capIntegration.root, 'ios', 'App', 'App', 'Info.plist');
        if (!await utils_fs_1.pathWritable(assumedPlistPath)) {
            throw new Error('The iOS Info.plist could not be found.');
        return assumedPlistPath;
    async getAndroidCapString() {
        if (!this.project) {
            return '';
        const capIntegration = this.project.getIntegration('capacitor');
        if (!capIntegration) {
            return '';
        // check first if iOS exists
        if (!await utils_fs_1.pathExists(path.join(capIntegration.root, 'android'))) {
            return '';
        const assumedStringXmlPath = path.join(capIntegration.root, 'android', 'app', 'src', 'main', 'res', 'values', 'strings.xml');
        if (!await utils_fs_1.pathWritable(assumedStringXmlPath)) {
            throw new Error('The Android string.xml could not be found.');
        return assumedStringXmlPath;
    async addConfToIosPlist(options) {
        let plistPath;
        try {
            plistPath = await this.getIosCapPlist();
        catch (e) {
            return false;
        if (!plistPath) {
            this.env.log.info(`No Capacitor iOS project found.`);
            return false;
        // try to load the plist file first
        let plistData;
        try {
            const plistFile = await utils_fs_1.readFile(plistPath);
            plistData = plistFile.toString();
        catch (e) {
            this.env.log.error(`The iOS Info.plist could not be read.`);
            return false;
        // parse it with elementtree
        let etree;
        try {
            etree = et.parse(plistData);
        catch (e) {
            this.env.log.error(`Impossible to parse the XML in the Info.plist`);
            return false;
        // check that it is an actual plist file (root tag plist and first child dict)
        const root = etree.getroot();
        if (root.tag !== 'plist') {
            this.env.log.error(`Info.plist is not a valid plist file because the root is not a <plist> tag`);
            return false;
        const pdict = root.find('./dict');
        if (!pdict) {
            this.env.log.error(`Info.plist is not a valid plist file because the first child is not a <dict> tag`);
            return false;
        // check which options are set (configure might not have all of them set)
        const setOptions = {};
        for (const [optionKey, plistKey] of Object.entries(this.optionsToPlistKeys)) {
            if (options[optionKey]) {
                setOptions[optionKey] = plistKey;
        if (Object.entries(setOptions).length === 0) {
            this.env.log.warn(`No new options detected for Info.plist`);
            return false;
        // because elementtree has limited XPath support we cannot just run a smart selection, so we need to loop over all the elements
        const pdictChildren = pdict.getchildren();
        // there is no way to refer to a first right sibling in elementtree, so we use flags
        let removeNextStringTag = false;
        for (const element of pdictChildren) {
            // we remove all the existing element if there
            if ((element.tag === 'key') && (element.text) && Object.values(setOptions).includes(element.text)) {
                removeNextStringTag = true;
            // and remove the first right sibling (this will happen at the next iteration of the loop
            if ((element.tag === 'string') && removeNextStringTag) {
                removeNextStringTag = false;
        // add again the new settings
        for (const [optionKey, plistKey] of Object.entries(setOptions)) {
            const plistValue = options[optionKey];
            if (!plistValue) {
                throw new errors_1.FatalException(`This should never have happened: a parameter is missing so we cannot write the Info.plist`);
            const pkey = et.SubElement(pdict, 'key');
            pkey.text = plistKey;
            const pstring = et.SubElement(pdict, 'string');
            pstring.text = plistValue;
        // finally write back the modified plist
        const newXML = etree.write({
            encoding: 'utf-8',
            indent: 2,
            xml_declaration: false,
        // elementtree cannot write a doctype, so little hack
        const xmlToWrite = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n` +
            `<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">\n` +
        try {
            await utils_fs_1.writeFile(plistPath, xmlToWrite, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
        catch (e) {
            this.env.log.error(`Changes to Info.plist could not be written.`);
        this.env.log.ok(`cordova-plugin-ionic variables correctly added to the iOS project`);
        return true;
    async addConfToAndroidString(options) {
        let stringXmlPath;
        try {
            stringXmlPath = await this.getAndroidCapString();
        catch (e) {
            return false;
        if (!stringXmlPath) {
            this.env.log.info(`No Capacitor Android project found.`);
            return false;
        // try to load the plist file first
        let stringData;
        try {
            const stringFile = await utils_fs_1.readFile(stringXmlPath);
            stringData = stringFile.toString();
        catch (e) {
            this.env.log.error(`The Android string.xml could not be read.`);
            return false;
        // parse it with elementtree
        let etree;
        try {
            etree = et.parse(stringData);
        catch (e) {
            this.env.log.error(`Impossible to parse the XML in the string.xml`);
            return false;
        // check that it is an actual string.xml file (root tag is resources)
        const root = etree.getroot();
        if (root.tag !== 'resources') {
            this.env.log.error(`string.xml is not a valid android string.xml file because the root is not a <resources> tag`);
            return false;
        // check which options are set (configure might not have all of them set)
        const setOptions = {};
        for (const [optionKey, plistKey] of Object.entries(this.optionsToStringXmlKeys)) {
            if (options[optionKey]) {
                setOptions[optionKey] = plistKey;
        if (Object.entries(setOptions).length === 0) {
            this.env.log.warn(`No new options detected for string.xml`);
            return false;
        for (const [optionKey, stringKey] of Object.entries(setOptions)) {
            let element = root.find(`./string[@name="${stringKey}"]`);
            // if the tag already exists, just update the content
            if (element) {
                element.text = options[optionKey];
            else {
                // otherwise create the tag
                element = et.SubElement(root, 'string');
                element.set('name', stringKey);
                element.text = options[optionKey];
        // write back the modified plist
        const newXML = etree.write({
            encoding: 'utf-8',
            indent: 2,
        try {
            await utils_fs_1.writeFile(stringXmlPath, newXML, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
        catch (e) {
            this.env.log.error(`Changes to string.xml could not be written.`);
        this.env.log.ok(`cordova-plugin-ionic variables correctly added to the Android project`);
        return true;
    async preRunCheckInputs(options) {
        const updateMethodList = ['auto', 'background', 'none'];
        const defaultUpdateMethod = 'background';
        // handle the app-id option in case the user wants to override it
        if (!options['app-id'] && this.env.flags.interactive) {
            const appId = await this.getAppId();
            if (!appId) {
                this.env.log.warn(`No app ID found in the project.\n` +
                    `Consider running ${color_1.input('ionic link')} to connect local apps to Ionic.\n`);
            const appIdOption = await this.env.prompt({
                type: 'input',
                name: 'app-id',
                message: `Appflow App ID:`,
                default: appId,
            options['app-id'] = appIdOption;
        if (!options['channel-name'] && this.env.flags.interactive) {
            options['channel-name'] = await this.env.prompt({
                type: 'input',
                name: 'channel-name',
                message: `Channel Name:`,
                validate: v => cli_framework_1.validators.required(v),
        // validate that the update-method is allowed
        let overrideUpdateMethodChoice = false;
        if (options['update-method'] && !updateMethodList.includes(options['update-method'])) {
            if (this.env.flags.interactive) {
                this.env.log.warn(`${color_1.input(options['update-method'])} is not a valid update method.\n` +
                    `Please choose a different value for ${color_1.input('--update-method')}. Valid update methods are: ${updateMethodList.map(m => color_1.input(m)).join(', ')}\n`);
            overrideUpdateMethodChoice = true;
        if ((!options['update-method'] || overrideUpdateMethodChoice) && this.env.flags.interactive) {
            options['update-method'] = await this.env.prompt({
                type: 'list',
                name: 'update-method',
                choices: updateMethodList,
                message: `Update Method:`,
                default: defaultUpdateMethod,
                validate: v => cli_framework_1.combine(cli_framework_1.validators.required, cli_framework_1.contains(updateMethodList, {}))(v),
        // check advanced options if present
        if (options['max-store'] && cli_framework_1.validators.numeric(options['max-store']) !== true) {
            if (this.env.flags.interactive) {
                this.env.log.warn(`${color_1.input(options['max-store'])} is not a valid value for the maximum number of versions to store.\n` +
                    `Please specify an integer for ${color_1.input('--max-store')}.\n`);
            options['max-store'] = await this.env.prompt({
                type: 'input',
                name: 'max-store',
                message: `Max Store:`,
                validate: v => cli_framework_1.combine(cli_framework_1.validators.required, cli_framework_1.validators.numeric)(v),
        if (options['min-background-duration'] && cli_framework_1.validators.numeric(options['min-background-duration']) !== true) {
            if (this.env.flags.interactive) {
                this.env.log.warn(`${color_1.input(options['min-background-duration'])} is not a valid value for the number of seconds to wait before checking for updates in the background.\n` +
                    `Please specify an integer for ${color_1.input('--min-background-duration')}.\n`);
            options['min-background-duration'] = await this.env.prompt({
                type: 'input',
                name: 'min-background-duration',
                message: `Min Background Duration:`,
                validate: v => cli_framework_1.combine(cli_framework_1.validators.required, cli_framework_1.validators.numeric)(v),
        if (options['update-api'] && cli_framework_1.validators.url(options['update-api']) !== true) {
            if (this.env.flags.interactive) {
                this.env.log.warn(`${color_1.input(options['update-api'])} is not a valid value for the URL of the API to use.\n` +
                    `Please specify a valid URL for ${color_1.input('--update-api')}.\n`);
            options['update-api'] = await this.env.prompt({
                type: 'input',
                name: 'update-api',
                message: `Update Url:`,
                validate: v => cli_framework_1.combine(cli_framework_1.validators.required, cli_framework_1.validators.url)(v),
exports.DeployConfCommand = DeployConfCommand;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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index.js File 1.43 KB 0644
manifest.d.ts File 384 B 0644
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