"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.IntegrationsEnableCommand = void 0;
const cli_framework_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework");
const path = require("path");
const guards_1 = require("../../guards");
const color_1 = require("../../lib/color");
const command_1 = require("../../lib/command");
const errors_1 = require("../../lib/errors");
const integrations_1 = require("../../lib/integrations");
class IntegrationsEnableCommand extends command_1.Command {
async getMetadata() {
return {
name: 'enable',
type: 'project',
summary: 'Add & enable integrations to your app',
description: `
Integrations, such as Cordova, can be enabled with this command. If the integration has never been added to the project, ${color_1.input('ionic integrations enable')} will download and add the integration.
Integrations can be re-added with the ${color_1.input('--add')} option.
inputs: [
name: 'name',
summary: `The integration to enable (e.g. ${integrations_1.INTEGRATION_NAMES.map(i => color_1.input(i)).join(', ')})`,
validators: [cli_framework_1.validators.required, cli_framework_1.contains(integrations_1.INTEGRATION_NAMES, {})],
options: [
name: 'add',
summary: 'Download and add the integration even if enabled',
type: Boolean,
name: 'root',
summary: 'Specify an alternative destination to download into when adding',
spec: { value: 'path' },
name: 'quiet',
summary: 'Less verbose output, ignore integration errors',
type: Boolean,
async run(inputs, options) {
const [name] = inputs;
const { add, quiet } = options;
if (!this.project) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Cannot run ${color_1.input('ionic integrations enable')} outside a project directory.`);
const root = options['root']
? path.resolve(this.project.rootDirectory, String(options['root']))
: this.project.rootDirectory;
if (!guards_1.isIntegrationName(name)) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Don't know about ${color_1.input(name)} integration!`);
const integration = await this.project.createIntegration(name);
try {
if (!integration.isAdded() || add) {
await integration.add({
enableArgs: options['--'] ? options['--'] : undefined,
quiet: Boolean(quiet),
this.env.log.ok(`Integration ${color_1.input(integration.name)} added!`);
else {
const wasEnabled = integration.config.get('enabled') !== false;
// We still need to run this whenever this command is run to make sure
// everything is good with the integration.
await integration.enable();
if (wasEnabled) {
this.env.log.info(`Integration ${color_1.input(integration.name)} already enabled.`);
else {
this.env.log.ok(`Integration ${color_1.input(integration.name)} enabled!`);
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof cli_framework_1.BaseError) {
if (quiet) {
else {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(e.message);
else {
throw e;
exports.IntegrationsEnableCommand = IntegrationsEnableCommand;