"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.InitCommand = void 0; const cli_framework_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework"); const string_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework/utils/string"); const utils_terminal_1 = require("@ionic/utils-terminal"); const path = require("path"); const constants_1 = require("../constants"); const color_1 = require("../lib/color"); const command_1 = require("../lib/command"); const errors_1 = require("../lib/errors"); const project_1 = require("../lib/project"); class InitCommand extends command_1.Command { async getMetadata() { return { name: 'init', type: 'global', summary: 'Initialize existing projects with Ionic', description: ` This command will initialize an Ionic app within the current directory. Usually, this means an ${color_1.input(constants_1.PROJECT_FILE)} file is created. If used within a multi-app project, the app is initialized in the root ${color_1.input(constants_1.PROJECT_FILE)}. ${color_1.input('ionic init')} will prompt for a project name and then proceed to determine the type of your project. You can specify the ${color_1.input('name')} argument and ${color_1.input('--type')} option to provide these values via command-line. If the ${color_1.input('--multi-app')} flag is specified, this command will initialize your project as a multi-app project, allowing for apps within monorepos and unconventional repository structures. See the multi-app docs[^multi-app-docs] for details. Once a multi-app project is initialized, you can run ${color_1.input('ionic init')} again within apps in your project to initialize them. `, exampleCommands: [ '', '"My App"', '"My App" --type=angular', '--multi-app', ], inputs: [ { name: 'name', summary: `The name of your project (e.g. ${color_1.input('myApp')}, ${color_1.input('"My App"')})`, }, ], options: [ { name: 'type', summary: `Type of project (e.g. ${constants_1.MODERN_PROJECT_TYPES.map(type => color_1.input(type)).join(', ')})`, }, { name: 'force', summary: 'Initialize even if a project already exists', type: Boolean, aliases: ['f'], default: false, }, { name: 'multi-app', summary: 'Initialize a multi-app project', type: Boolean, default: false, }, { name: 'project-id', summary: 'Specify a slug for your app', groups: ["advanced" /* ADVANCED */], spec: { value: 'slug' }, hint: color_1.weak('[multi-app]'), }, { name: 'default', summary: 'Mark the initialized app as the default project', type: Boolean, groups: ["advanced" /* ADVANCED */], hint: color_1.weak('[multi-app]'), }, ], groups: ["beta" /* BETA */], footnotes: [ { id: 'multi-app-docs', url: 'https://ionicframework.com/docs/cli/configuration#multi-app-projects', shortUrl: 'https://ion.link/multi-app-docs', }, ], }; } async preRun(inputs, options) { const force = options['force'] ? true : false; if (this.project && !force) { // TODO: check for existing project config in multi-app if (this.project.details.context === 'app' || (this.project.details.context === 'multiapp' && options['multi-app'])) { throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Existing Ionic project file found: ${color_1.strong(utils_terminal_1.prettyPath(this.project.filePath))}\n` + `You can re-initialize your project using the ${color_1.input('--force')} option.`); } } if (!options['multi-app']) { if (!inputs[0]) { const name = await this.env.prompt({ type: 'input', name: 'name', message: 'Project name:', validate: v => cli_framework_1.validators.required(v), }); inputs[0] = name; } if (!options['type']) { const details = new project_1.ProjectDetails({ rootDirectory: this.env.ctx.execPath, e: this.env }); options['type'] = await details.getTypeFromDetection(); } if (!options['type']) { if (this.env.flags.interactive) { this.env.log.warn(`Could not determine project type.\n` + `Please choose a project type from the list.`); this.env.log.nl(); } const type = await this.env.prompt({ type: 'list', name: 'type', message: 'Project type:', choices: constants_1.MODERN_PROJECT_TYPES.map(t => ({ name: `${project_1.prettyProjectName(t)} (${color_1.input(t)})`, value: t, })), }); options['type'] = type; } } } async run(inputs, options) { if (options['multi-app']) { await this.initializeMultiProject(inputs, options); } else { await this.initializeApp(inputs, options); } this.env.log.ok('Your Ionic project has been initialized!'); } async initializeMultiProject(inputs, options) { const configPath = this.getProjectFilePath(); const config = new project_1.MultiProjectConfig(configPath); config.c = { projects: {} }; } async initializeApp(inputs, options) { const name = inputs[0] ? inputs[0].trim() : ''; const type = options['type'] ? String(options['type']) : undefined; const projectId = options['project-id'] ? String(options['project-id']) : string_1.slugify(name); // TODO validate --project-id if (!name) { throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Project name not specified.\n` + `Please specify ${color_1.input('name')}, the first argument of ${color_1.input('ionic init')}. See ${color_1.input('ionic init --help')} for details.`); } if (!type) { throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Could not determine project type.\n` + `Please specify ${color_1.input('--type')}. See ${color_1.input('ionic init --help')} for details.`); } let project; if (this.project && this.project.details.context === 'multiapp') { const configPath = path.resolve(this.project.rootDirectory, constants_1.PROJECT_FILE); const projectRoot = path.relative(this.project.rootDirectory, this.env.ctx.execPath); const config = new project_1.MultiProjectConfig(configPath); if (!projectRoot) { if (this.env.flags.interactive) { this.env.log.warn(`About to initialize app in the root directory of your multi-app project.\n` + `Please confirm that you want your app initialized in the root of your multi-app project. If this wasn't intended, please ${color_1.input('cd')} into the appropriate directory and run ${color_1.input('ionic init')} again.\n`); } const confirm = await this.env.prompt({ type: 'confirm', message: 'Continue?', default: false, }); if (!confirm) { throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Not initializing app in root directory.`); } } const defaultProject = config.get('defaultProject'); if (!defaultProject && typeof options['default'] !== 'boolean') { const confirm = await this.env.prompt({ type: 'confirm', message: `Would you like to make this app the default project?`, default: true, }); if (confirm) { options['default'] = true; } } if (options['default']) { config.set('defaultProject', projectId); } project = await project_1.createProjectFromDetails({ context: 'multiapp', configPath, id: projectId, type, errors: [] }, this.env); project.config.set('root', projectRoot); } else { const configPath = this.getProjectFilePath(); project = await project_1.createProjectFromDetails({ context: 'app', configPath, type, errors: [] }, this.env); } project.config.set('name', name); project.config.set('type', type); } getProjectFilePath() { return path.resolve(this.env.ctx.execPath, constants_1.PROJECT_FILE); } } exports.InitCommand = InitCommand;
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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config | Folder | 0755 |
cordova | Folder | 0755 |
deploy | Folder | 0755 |
doctor | Folder | 0755 |
enterprise | Folder | 0755 |
git | Folder | 0755 |
integrations | Folder | 0755 |
monitoring | Folder | 0755 |
package | Folder | 0755 |
ssh | Folder | 0755 |
ssl | Folder | 0755 |
build.d.ts | File | 484 B | 0644 |
build.js | File | 2.58 KB | 0644 |
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docs.js | File | 1.77 KB | 0644 |
generate.d.ts | File | 436 B | 0644 |
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help.d.ts | File | 309 B | 0644 |
help.js | File | 2.42 KB | 0644 |
index.d.ts | File | 763 B | 0644 |
index.js | File | 6.07 KB | 0644 |
info.d.ts | File | 309 B | 0644 |
info.js | File | 2.84 KB | 0644 |
init.d.ts | File | 615 B | 0644 |
init.js | File | 9.29 KB | 0644 |
ionitron.d.ts | File | 313 B | 0644 |
ionitron.js | File | 1.07 KB | 0644 |
link.d.ts | File | 1.23 KB | 0644 |
link.js | File | 22.04 KB | 0644 |
login.d.ts | File | 507 B | 0644 |
login.js | File | 7.78 KB | 0644 |
logout.d.ts | File | 311 B | 0644 |
logout.js | File | 922 B | 0644 |
repair.d.ts | File | 544 B | 0644 |
repair.js | File | 5.12 KB | 0644 |
serve.d.ts | File | 621 B | 0644 |
serve.js | File | 6.1 KB | 0644 |
share.d.ts | File | 217 B | 0644 |
share.js | File | 780 B | 0644 |
signup.d.ts | File | 311 B | 0644 |
signup.js | File | 977 B | 0644 |
start.d.ts | File | 1.36 KB | 0644 |
start.js | File | 30.26 KB | 0644 |
state.d.ts | File | 217 B | 0644 |
state.js | File | 1.93 KB | 0644 |
telemetry.d.ts | File | 314 B | 0644 |
telemetry.js | File | 1.17 KB | 0644 |
version.d.ts | File | 312 B | 0644 |
version.js | File | 648 B | 0644 |