[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.LinkCommand = void 0;
const cli_framework_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework");
const cli_framework_prompts_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework-prompts");
const utils_terminal_1 = require("@ionic/utils-terminal");
const Debug = require("debug");
const constants_1 = require("../constants");
const guards_1 = require("../guards");
const color_1 = require("../lib/color");
const command_1 = require("../lib/command");
const errors_1 = require("../lib/errors");
const executor_1 = require("../lib/executor");
const open_1 = require("../lib/open");
const debug = Debug('ionic:commands:link');
const CHOICE_CREATE_NEW_APP = 'createNewApp';
const CHOICE_NEVERMIND = 'nevermind';
const CHOICE_RELINK = 'relink';
const CHOICE_LINK_EXISTING_APP = 'linkExistingApp';
const CHOICE_IONIC = 'ionic';
const CHOICE_GITHUB = 'github';
const CHOICE_MASTER_ONLY = 'master';
const CHOICE_SPECIFIC_BRANCHES = 'specific';
class LinkCommand extends command_1.Command {
    async getMetadata() {
        const projectFile = this.project ? utils_terminal_1.prettyPath(this.project.filePath) : constants_1.PROJECT_FILE;
        return {
            name: 'link',
            type: 'project',
            groups: ["paid" /* PAID */],
            summary: 'Connect local apps to Ionic',
            description: `
Link apps on Ionic Appflow to local Ionic projects with this command.

If the ${color_1.input('id')} argument is excluded, this command will prompt you to select an app from Ionic Appflow.

Ionic Appflow uses a git-based workflow to manage app updates. During the linking process, select ${color_1.strong('GitHub')} (recommended) or ${color_1.strong('Ionic Appflow')} as a git host. See our documentation[^appflow-git-basics] for more information.

Ultimately, this command sets the ${color_1.strong('id')} property in ${color_1.strong(utils_terminal_1.prettyPath(projectFile))}, which marks this app as linked.

If you are having issues linking, please get in touch with our Support[^support-request].
            footnotes: [
                    id: 'appflow-git-basics',
                    url: 'https://ionicframework.com/docs/appflow/basics/git',
                    shortUrl: 'https://ion.link/appflow-git-basics',
                    id: 'support-request',
                    url: 'https://ion.link/support-request',
            exampleCommands: ['', 'a1b2c3d4'],
            inputs: [
                    name: 'id',
                    summary: `The Ionic Appflow ID of the app to link (e.g. ${color_1.input('a1b2c3d4')})`,
            options: [
                    name: 'name',
                    summary: 'The app name to use during the linking of a new app',
                    groups: ["hidden" /* HIDDEN */],
                    name: 'create',
                    summary: 'Create a new app on Ionic Appflow and link it with this local Ionic project',
                    type: Boolean,
                    groups: ["hidden" /* HIDDEN */],
                    name: 'pro-id',
                    summary: 'Specify an app ID from the Ionic Appflow to link',
                    groups: ["deprecated" /* DEPRECATED */, "hidden" /* HIDDEN */],
                    spec: { value: 'id' },
    async preRun(inputs, options) {
        const { create } = options;
        if (inputs[0] && create) {
            throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Sorry--cannot use both ${color_1.input('id')} and ${color_1.input('--create')}. You must either link an existing app or create a new one.`);
        const id = options['pro-id'] ? String(options['pro-id']) : undefined;
        if (id) {
            inputs[0] = id;
    async run(inputs, options, runinfo) {
        const { promptToLogin } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../lib/session'));
        if (!this.project) {
            throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Cannot run ${color_1.input('ionic link')} outside a project directory.`);
        let id = inputs[0];
        let { create } = options;
        const idFromConfig = this.project.config.get('id');
        if (idFromConfig) {
            if (id && idFromConfig === id) {
                this.env.log.msg(`Already linked with app ${color_1.input(id)}.`);
            const msg = id ?
                `Are you sure you want to link it to ${color_1.input(id)} instead?` :
                `Would you like to run link again?`;
            const confirm = await this.env.prompt({
                type: 'confirm',
                name: 'confirm',
                message: `App ID ${color_1.input(idFromConfig)} is already set up with this app. ${msg}`,
            if (!confirm) {
                this.env.log.msg('Not linking.');
        if (!this.env.session.isLoggedIn()) {
            await promptToLogin(this.env);
        if (!id && !create) {
            const choices = [
                    name: `Link ${idFromConfig ? 'a different' : 'an existing'} app on Ionic Appflow`,
                    value: CHOICE_LINK_EXISTING_APP,
                    name: 'Create a new app on Ionic Appflow',
                    value: CHOICE_CREATE_NEW_APP,
            if (idFromConfig) {
                    name: `Relink ${color_1.input(idFromConfig)}`,
                    value: CHOICE_RELINK,
            const result = await this.env.prompt({
                type: 'list',
                name: 'whatToDo',
                message: 'What would you like to do?',
            if (result === CHOICE_CREATE_NEW_APP) {
                create = true;
                id = undefined;
            else if (result === CHOICE_LINK_EXISTING_APP) {
                const tasks = this.createTaskChain();
                tasks.next(`Looking up your apps`);
                const apps = [];
                const appClient = await this.getAppClient();
                const paginator = appClient.paginate();
                for (const r of paginator) {
                    const res = await r;
                if (apps.length === 0) {
                    const confirm = await this.env.prompt({
                        type: 'confirm',
                        name: 'confirm',
                        message: `No apps found. Would you like to create a new app on Ionic Appflow?`,
                    if (!confirm) {
                        throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Cannot link without an app selected.`);
                    create = true;
                    id = undefined;
                else {
                    const choice = await this.chooseApp(apps);
                    if (choice === CHOICE_NEVERMIND) {
                        this.env.log.info('Not linking app.');
                        id = undefined;
                    else {
                        id = choice;
            else if (result === CHOICE_RELINK) {
                id = idFromConfig;
        if (create) {
            let name = options['name'] ? String(options['name']) : undefined;
            if (!name) {
                name = await this.env.prompt({
                    type: 'input',
                    name: 'name',
                    message: 'Please enter a name for your new app:',
                    validate: v => cli_framework_1.validators.required(v),
            id = await this.createApp({ name }, runinfo);
        else if (id) {
            const app = await this.lookUpApp(id);
            await this.linkApp(app, runinfo);
    async getAppClient() {
        const { AppClient } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../lib/app'));
        const token = await this.env.session.getUserToken();
        return new AppClient(token, this.env);
    async getUserClient() {
        const { UserClient } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../lib/user'));
        const token = await this.env.session.getUserToken();
        return new UserClient(token, this.env);
    async lookUpApp(id) {
        const tasks = this.createTaskChain();
        tasks.next(`Looking up app ${color_1.input(id)}`);
        const appClient = await this.getAppClient();
        const app = await appClient.load(id); // Make sure the user has access to the app
        return app;
    async createApp({ name }, runinfo) {
        const appClient = await this.getAppClient();
        const org_id = this.env.config.get('org.id');
        const app = await appClient.create({ name, org_id });
        await this.linkApp(app, runinfo);
        return app.id;
    async linkApp(app, runinfo) {
        // TODO: load connections
        // TODO: check for git availability before this
        this.env.log.info(`Ionic Appflow uses a git-based workflow to manage app updates.\n` +
            `You will be prompted to set up the git host and repository for this new app. See the docs${color_1.ancillary('[1]')} for more information.\n\n` +
            `${color_1.ancillary('[1]')}: ${color_1.strong('https://ion.link/appflow-git-basics')}`);
        const service = await this.env.prompt({
            type: 'list',
            name: 'gitService',
            message: 'Which git host would you like to use?',
            choices: [
                    name: 'GitHub',
                    value: CHOICE_GITHUB,
                    name: 'Ionic Appflow',
                    value: CHOICE_IONIC,
        let githubUrl;
        if (service === CHOICE_IONIC) {
            if (!this.env.config.get('git.setup')) {
                await executor_1.runCommand(runinfo, ['ssh', 'setup']);
            await executor_1.runCommand(runinfo, ['config', 'set', 'id', `"${app.id}"`, '--json']);
            await executor_1.runCommand(runinfo, ['git', 'remote']);
        else {
            if (service === CHOICE_GITHUB) {
                githubUrl = await this.linkGithub(app);
            await executor_1.runCommand(runinfo, ['config', 'set', 'id', `"${app.id}"`, '--json']);
        this.env.log.ok(`Project linked with app ${color_1.input(app.id)}!`);
        if (service === CHOICE_GITHUB) {
            this.env.log.info(`Here are some additional links that can help you with you first push to GitHub:\n` +
                `${color_1.strong('Adding GitHub as a remote')}:\n\t${color_1.strong('https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-remote/')}\n\n` +
                `${color_1.strong('Pushing to a remote')}:\n\t${color_1.strong('https://help.github.com/articles/pushing-to-a-remote/')}\n\n` +
                `${color_1.strong('Working with branches')}:\n\t${color_1.strong('https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/')}\n\n` +
                `${color_1.strong('More comfortable with a GUI? Try GitHub Desktop!')}\n\t${color_1.strong('https://desktop.github.com/')}`);
            if (githubUrl) {
                this.env.log.info(`You can now push to one of your branches on GitHub to trigger a build in Ionic Appflow!\n` +
                    `If you haven't added GitHub as your origin you can do so by running:\n\n` +
                    `${color_1.input('git remote add origin ' + githubUrl)}\n\n` +
                    `You can find additional links above to help if you're having issues.`);
    async linkGithub(app) {
        const { id } = this.env.session.getUser();
        const userClient = await this.getUserClient();
        const user = await userClient.load(id, { fields: ['oauth_identities'] });
        if (!user.oauth_identities || !user.oauth_identities.github) {
            await this.oAuthProcess(id);
        if (await this.needsAssociation(app, user.id)) {
            await this.confirmGithubRepoExists();
            const repoId = await this.selectGithubRepo();
            const branches = await this.selectGithubBranches(repoId);
            return this.connectGithub(app, repoId, branches);
    async confirmGithubRepoExists() {
        let confirm = false;
        this.env.log.info(color_1.strong(`In order to link to a GitHub repository the repository must already exist on GitHub.`));
        this.env.log.info(`${color_1.strong('If the repository does not exist please create one now before continuing.')}\n` +
            `If you're not familiar with Git you can learn how to set it up with GitHub here:\n\n` +
            color_1.strong(`https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git/ \n\n`) +
            `You can find documentation on how to create a repository on GitHub and push to it here:\n\n` +
        confirm = await this.env.prompt({
            type: 'confirm',
            name: 'confirm',
            message: 'Does the repository exist on GitHub?',
        if (!confirm) {
            throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Repo must exist on GitHub in order to link. Please create the repo and run ${color_1.input('ionic link')} again.`);
    async oAuthProcess(userId) {
        const userClient = await this.getUserClient();
        let confirm = false;
        this.env.log.info(`GitHub OAuth setup required.\n` +
            `To continue, we need you to authorize Ionic Appflow with your GitHub account. ` +
            `A browser will open and prompt you to complete the authorization request. ` +
            `When finished, please return to the CLI to continue linking your app.`);
        confirm = await this.env.prompt({
            type: 'confirm',
            name: 'ready',
            message: 'Open browser:',
        if (!confirm) {
            throw new errors_1.FatalException(`GitHub OAuth setup is required to link to GitHub repository. Please run ${color_1.input('ionic link')} again when ready.`);
        const url = await userClient.oAuthGithubLogin(userId);
        await open_1.openUrl(url);
        confirm = await this.env.prompt({
            type: 'confirm',
            name: 'ready',
            message: 'Authorized and ready to continue:',
        if (!confirm) {
            throw new errors_1.FatalException(`GitHub OAuth setup is required to link to GitHub repository. Please run ${color_1.input('ionic link')} again when ready.`);
    async needsAssociation(app, userId) {
        const appClient = await this.getAppClient();
        if (app.association && app.association.repository.html_url) {
            this.env.log.msg(`App ${color_1.input(app.id)} already connected to ${color_1.strong(app.association.repository.html_url)}`);
            const confirm = await this.env.prompt({
                type: 'confirm',
                name: 'confirm',
                message: 'Would you like to connect a different repo?',
            if (!confirm) {
                return false;
            try {
                // TODO: maybe we can use a PUT instead of DELETE now + POST later?
                await appClient.deleteAssociation(app.id);
            catch (e) {
                if (guards_1.isSuperAgentError(e)) {
                    if (e.response.status === 401) {
                        await this.oAuthProcess(userId);
                        await appClient.deleteAssociation(app.id);
                        return true;
                    else if (e.response.status === 404) {
                        debug(`DELETE ${app.id} GitHub association not found`);
                        return true;
                throw e;
        return true;
    async connectGithub(app, repoId, branches) {
        const appClient = await this.getAppClient();
        try {
            const association = await appClient.createAssociation(app.id, { repoId, type: 'github', branches });
            this.env.log.ok(`App ${color_1.input(app.id)} connected to ${color_1.strong(association.repository.html_url)}`);
            return association.repository.html_url;
        catch (e) {
            if (guards_1.isSuperAgentError(e) && e.response.status === 403) {
                throw new errors_1.FatalException(e.response.body.error.message);
    formatRepoName(fullName) {
        const [org, name] = fullName.split('/');
        return `${color_1.weak(`${org} /`)} ${name}`;
    async chooseApp(apps) {
        const { formatName } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../lib/app'));
        const neverMindChoice = {
            name: color_1.strong('Nevermind'),
            id: CHOICE_NEVERMIND,
            value: CHOICE_NEVERMIND,
            org: null,
        const linkedApp = await this.env.prompt({
            type: 'list',
            name: 'linkedApp',
            message: 'Which app would you like to link',
            choices: [
                ...apps.map(app => ({
                    name: `${formatName(app)} ${color_1.weak(`(${app.id})`)}`,
                    value: app.id,
        return linkedApp;
    async selectGithubRepo() {
        const user = this.env.session.getUser();
        const userClient = await this.getUserClient();
        const tasks = this.createTaskChain();
        const task = tasks.next('Looking up your GitHub repositories');
        const paginator = userClient.paginateGithubRepositories(user.id);
        const repos = [];
        try {
            for (const r of paginator) {
                const res = await r;
                task.msg = `Looking up your GitHub repositories: ${color_1.strong(String(repos.length))} found`;
        catch (e) {
            if (guards_1.isSuperAgentError(e) && e.response.status === 401) {
                await this.oAuthProcess(user.id);
                return this.selectGithubRepo();
            throw e;
        const repoId = await this.env.prompt({
            type: 'list',
            name: 'githubRepo',
            message: 'Which GitHub repository would you like to link?',
            choices: repos.map(repo => ({
                name: this.formatRepoName(repo.full_name),
                value: String(repo.id),
        return Number(repoId);
    async selectGithubBranches(repoId) {
        this.env.log.info(color_1.strong(`By default Ionic Appflow links only to the ${color_1.input('master')} branch.`));
        this.env.log.info(`${color_1.strong('If you\'d like to link to another branch or multiple branches you\'ll need to select each branch to connect to.')}\n` +
            `If you're not familiar with on working with branches in GitHub you can read about them here:\n\n` +
            color_1.strong(`https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/ \n\n`));
        const choice = await this.env.prompt({
            type: 'list',
            name: 'githubMultipleBranches',
            message: 'Which would you like to do?',
            choices: [
                    name: `Link to master branch only`,
                    value: CHOICE_MASTER_ONLY,
                    name: `Link to specific branches`,
                    value: CHOICE_SPECIFIC_BRANCHES,
        switch (choice) {
            case CHOICE_MASTER_ONLY:
                return ['master'];
                // fall through and begin prompting to choose branches
                throw new errors_1.FatalException('Aborting. No branch choice specified.');
        const user = this.env.session.getUser();
        const userClient = await this.getUserClient();
        const paginator = userClient.paginateGithubBranches(user.id, repoId);
        const tasks = this.createTaskChain();
        const task = tasks.next('Looking for available branches');
        const availableBranches = [];
        try {
            for (const r of paginator) {
                const res = await r;
                task.msg = `Looking up the available branches on your GitHub repository: ${color_1.strong(String(availableBranches.length))} found`;
        catch (e) {
            throw e;
        const choices = availableBranches.map(branch => ({
            name: branch.name,
            value: branch.name,
            checked: branch.name === 'master',
        if (choices.length === 0) {
            this.env.log.warn(`No branches found for the repository. Linking to ${color_1.input('master')} branch.`);
            return ['master'];
        const selectedBranches = await this.env.prompt({
            type: 'checkbox',
            name: 'githubBranches',
            message: 'Which branch would you like to link?',
            default: ['master'],
        return selectedBranches;
exports.LinkCommand = LinkCommand;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
capacitor Folder 0755
config Folder 0755
cordova Folder 0755
deploy Folder 0755
doctor Folder 0755
enterprise Folder 0755
git Folder 0755
integrations Folder 0755
monitoring Folder 0755
package Folder 0755
ssh Folder 0755
ssl Folder 0755
build.d.ts File 484 B 0644
build.js File 2.58 KB 0644
completion.d.ts File 315 B 0644
completion.js File 2 KB 0644
docs.d.ts File 309 B 0644
docs.js File 1.77 KB 0644
generate.d.ts File 436 B 0644
generate.js File 2.29 KB 0644
help.d.ts File 309 B 0644
help.js File 2.42 KB 0644
index.d.ts File 763 B 0644
index.js File 6.07 KB 0644
info.d.ts File 309 B 0644
info.js File 2.84 KB 0644
init.d.ts File 615 B 0644
init.js File 9.29 KB 0644
ionitron.d.ts File 313 B 0644
ionitron.js File 1.07 KB 0644
link.d.ts File 1.23 KB 0644
link.js File 22.04 KB 0644
login.d.ts File 507 B 0644
login.js File 7.78 KB 0644
logout.d.ts File 311 B 0644
logout.js File 922 B 0644
repair.d.ts File 544 B 0644
repair.js File 5.12 KB 0644
serve.d.ts File 621 B 0644
serve.js File 6.1 KB 0644
share.d.ts File 217 B 0644
share.js File 780 B 0644
signup.d.ts File 311 B 0644
signup.js File 977 B 0644
start.d.ts File 1.36 KB 0644
start.js File 30.26 KB 0644
state.d.ts File 217 B 0644
state.js File 1.93 KB 0644
telemetry.d.ts File 314 B 0644
telemetry.js File 1.17 KB 0644
version.d.ts File 312 B 0644
version.js File 648 B 0644