"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.YarnBuildCLI = exports.PnpmBuildCLI = exports.NpmBuildCLI = exports.BuildCLI = exports.BuildRunner = exports.COMMON_BUILD_COMMAND_OPTIONS = exports.BUILD_SCRIPT = void 0; const cli_framework_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework"); const utils_process_1 = require("@ionic/utils-process"); const utils_subprocess_1 = require("@ionic/utils-subprocess"); const Debug = require("debug"); const color_1 = require("./color"); const errors_1 = require("./errors"); const hooks_1 = require("./hooks"); const debug = Debug('ionic:lib:build'); exports.BUILD_SCRIPT = 'ionic:build'; exports.COMMON_BUILD_COMMAND_OPTIONS = [ { name: 'engine', summary: `Target engine (e.g. ${['browser', 'cordova'].map(e => color_1.input(e)).join(', ')})`, groups: ["advanced" /* ADVANCED */], }, { name: 'platform', summary: `Target platform on chosen engine (e.g. ${['ios', 'android'].map(e => color_1.input(e)).join(', ')})`, groups: ["advanced" /* ADVANCED */], }, ]; class BuildRunner { getPkgManagerBuildCLI() { const pkgManagerCLIs = { npm: NpmBuildCLI, pnpm: PnpmBuildCLI, yarn: YarnBuildCLI, }; const client = this.e.config.get('npmClient'); const CLI = pkgManagerCLIs[client]; if (CLI) { return new CLI(this.e); } throw new errors_1.BuildCLIProgramNotFoundException('Unknown CLI client: ' + client); } createBaseOptionsFromCommandLine(inputs, options) { const separatedArgs = options['--']; const [platform] = options['platform'] ? [String(options['platform'])] : inputs; const engine = this.determineEngineFromCommandLine(options); const project = options['project'] ? String(options['project']) : undefined; const verbose = !!options['verbose']; return { '--': separatedArgs ? separatedArgs : [], engine, platform, project, verbose }; } determineEngineFromCommandLine(options) { if (options['engine']) { return String(options['engine']); } if (options['cordova']) { return 'cordova'; } return 'browser'; } async beforeBuild(options) { const hook = new BuildBeforeHook(this.e); try { await hook.run({ name: hook.name, build: options }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof cli_framework_1.BaseError) { throw new errors_1.FatalException(e.message); } throw e; } } async run(options) { debug('build options: %O', options); if (options.engine === 'cordova' && !options.platform) { this.e.log.warn(`Cordova engine chosen without a target platform. This could cause issues. Please use the ${color_1.input('--platform')} option.`); } await this.beforeBuild(options); await this.buildProject(options); await this.afterBuild(options); } async afterBuild(options) { const hook = new BuildAfterHook(this.e); try { await hook.run({ name: hook.name, build: options }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof cli_framework_1.BaseError) { throw new errors_1.FatalException(e.message); } throw e; } } } exports.BuildRunner = BuildRunner; class BuildCLI { constructor(e) { this.e = e; /** * If true, the Build CLI will not prompt to be installed. */ this.global = false; } get resolvedProgram() { if (this._resolvedProgram) { return this._resolvedProgram; } return this.program; } /** * Build the environment variables for this Build CLI. Called by `this.run()`. */ async buildEnvVars(options) { return process.env; } async resolveScript() { if (typeof this.script === 'undefined') { return; } const pkg = await this.e.project.requirePackageJson(); return pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts[this.script]; } async build(options) { this._resolvedProgram = await this.resolveProgram(); await this.runWrapper(options); } async runWrapper(options) { try { return await this.run(options); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof errors_1.BuildCLIProgramNotFoundException)) { throw e; } if (this.global) { this.e.log.nl(); throw new errors_1.FatalException(`${color_1.input(this.pkg)} is required for this command to work properly.`); } this.e.log.nl(); this.e.log.info(`Looks like ${color_1.input(this.pkg)} isn't installed in this project.\n` + `This package is required for this command to work properly.`); const installed = await this.promptToInstall(); if (!installed) { this.e.log.nl(); throw new errors_1.FatalException(`${color_1.input(this.pkg)} is required for this command to work properly.`); } return this.run(options); } } async run(options) { const args = await this.buildArgs(options); const env = await this.buildEnvVars(options); try { await this.e.shell.run(this.resolvedProgram, args, { stdio: 'inherit', cwd: this.e.project.directory, fatalOnNotFound: false, env: utils_process_1.createProcessEnv(env) }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof utils_subprocess_1.SubprocessError && e.code === utils_subprocess_1.ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND) { throw new errors_1.BuildCLIProgramNotFoundException(`${color_1.strong(this.resolvedProgram)} command not found.`); } throw e; } } async resolveProgram() { if (typeof this.script !== 'undefined') { debug(`Looking for ${color_1.ancillary(this.script)} npm script.`); if (await this.resolveScript()) { debug(`Using ${color_1.ancillary(this.script)} npm script.`); return this.e.config.get('npmClient'); } } return this.program; } async promptToInstall() { const { pkgManagerArgs } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('./utils/npm')); const [manager, ...managerArgs] = await pkgManagerArgs(this.e.config.get('npmClient'), { command: 'install', pkg: this.pkg, saveDev: true, saveExact: true }); this.e.log.nl(); const confirm = await this.e.prompt({ name: 'confirm', message: `Install ${color_1.input(this.pkg)}?`, type: 'confirm', }); if (!confirm) { this.e.log.warn(`Not installing--here's how to install manually: ${color_1.input(`${manager} ${managerArgs.join(' ')}`)}`); return false; } await this.e.shell.run(manager, managerArgs, { cwd: this.e.project.directory }); return true; } } exports.BuildCLI = BuildCLI; class PkgManagerBuildCLI extends BuildCLI { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.global = true; this.script = exports.BUILD_SCRIPT; } async resolveProgram() { return this.program; } async buildArgs(options) { const { pkgManagerArgs } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('./utils/npm')); const [, ...pkgArgs] = await pkgManagerArgs(this.program, { command: 'run', script: this.script, scriptArgs: [...options['--'] || []] }); return pkgArgs; } } class NpmBuildCLI extends PkgManagerBuildCLI { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.name = 'npm CLI'; this.pkg = 'npm'; this.program = 'npm'; } } exports.NpmBuildCLI = NpmBuildCLI; class PnpmBuildCLI extends PkgManagerBuildCLI { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.name = 'pnpm CLI'; this.pkg = 'pnpm'; this.program = 'pnpm'; } } exports.PnpmBuildCLI = PnpmBuildCLI; class YarnBuildCLI extends PkgManagerBuildCLI { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.name = 'Yarn'; this.pkg = 'yarn'; this.program = 'yarn'; } } exports.YarnBuildCLI = YarnBuildCLI; class BuildBeforeHook extends hooks_1.Hook { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.name = 'build:before'; } } class BuildAfterHook extends hooks_1.Hook { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.name = 'build:after'; } }
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prompts.js | File | 716 B | 0644 |
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ssh.js | File | 3.53 KB | 0644 |
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