"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.YarnServeCLI = exports.PnpmServeCLI = exports.NpmServeCLI = exports.ServeCLI = exports.ServeRunner = exports.COMMON_SERVE_COMMAND_OPTIONS = exports.SERVE_SCRIPT = exports.BROWSERS = exports.LOCAL_ADDRESSES = exports.BIND_ALL_ADDRESS = exports.DEFAULT_ADDRESS = exports.DEFAULT_DEVAPP_COMM_PORT = exports.DEFAULT_LAB_PORT = exports.DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT = exports.DEFAULT_LIVERELOAD_PORT = exports.DEFAULT_DEV_LOGGER_PORT = void 0;
const cli_framework_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework");
const cli_framework_output_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework-output");
const string_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework/utils/string");
const utils_network_1 = require("@ionic/utils-network");
const utils_process_1 = require("@ionic/utils-process");
const chalk = require("chalk");
const Debug = require("debug");
const events_1 = require("events");
const lodash = require("lodash");
const split2 = require("split2");
const stream = require("stream");
const color_1 = require("./color");
const errors_1 = require("./errors");
const events_2 = require("./events");
const hooks_1 = require("./hooks");
const open_1 = require("./open");
const logger_1 = require("./utils/logger");
const debug = Debug('ionic:lib:serve');
exports.DEFAULT_DEV_LOGGER_PORT = 53703;
exports.DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT = 8100;
exports.DEFAULT_LAB_PORT = 8200;
exports.DEFAULT_ADDRESS = 'localhost';
exports.BIND_ALL_ADDRESS = '';
exports.LOCAL_ADDRESSES = ['localhost', ''];
exports.BROWSERS = ['safari', 'firefox', process.platform === 'win32' ? 'chrome' : (process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'google chrome' : 'google-chrome')];
// npm script name
exports.SERVE_SCRIPT = 'ionic:serve';
name: 'external',
summary: `Host dev server on all network interfaces (i.e. ${color_1.input('--host=')})`,
type: Boolean,
name: 'address',
summary: '',
groups: ["hidden" /* HIDDEN */],
name: 'host',
summary: 'Use specific host for the dev server',
default: exports.DEFAULT_ADDRESS,
groups: ["advanced" /* ADVANCED */],
name: 'port',
summary: 'Use specific port for the dev server',
default: exports.DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT.toString(),
aliases: ['p'],
groups: ["advanced" /* ADVANCED */],
name: 'public-host',
summary: 'The host used for the browser or web view',
groups: ["advanced" /* ADVANCED */],
spec: { value: 'host' },
name: 'livereload',
summary: 'Do not spin up dev server--just serve files',
type: Boolean,
default: true,
name: 'engine',
summary: `Target engine (e.g. ${['browser', 'cordova'].map(e => color_1.input(e)).join(', ')})`,
groups: ["hidden" /* HIDDEN */, "advanced" /* ADVANCED */],
name: 'platform',
summary: `Target platform on chosen engine (e.g. ${['ios', 'android'].map(e => color_1.input(e)).join(', ')})`,
groups: ["hidden" /* HIDDEN */, "advanced" /* ADVANCED */],
class ServeRunner {
constructor() {
this.devAppConnectionMade = false;
getPkgManagerServeCLI() {
const pkgManagerCLIs = {
npm: NpmServeCLI,
pnpm: PnpmServeCLI,
yarn: YarnServeCLI,
const client = this.e.config.get('npmClient');
const CLI = pkgManagerCLIs[client];
if (CLI) {
return new CLI(this.e);
throw new errors_1.ServeCLIProgramNotFoundException('Unknown CLI client: ' + client);
createOptionsFromCommandLine(inputs, options) {
const separatedArgs = options['--'];
if (options['external'] && options['host'] === exports.DEFAULT_ADDRESS) {
options['host'] = '';
if (options['address'] && options['host'] === exports.DEFAULT_ADDRESS) {
this.e.log.warn(`The ${color_1.input('--address')} option is deprecated in favor of ${color_1.input('--host')}.\n` +
`Please use the ${color_1.input('--host')} option (e.g. ${color_1.input(`--host=${options['address']}`)}) to specify the host of the dev server.\n`);
options['host'] = options['address'];
const engine = this.determineEngineFromCommandLine(options);
const host = options['host'] ? String(options['host']) : exports.DEFAULT_ADDRESS;
const labPort = string_1.str2num(options['lab-port'], exports.DEFAULT_LAB_PORT);
const port = string_1.str2num(options['port'], exports.DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT);
const [platform] = options['platform'] ? [String(options['platform'])] : inputs;
return {
'--': separatedArgs ? separatedArgs : [],
browser: options['browser'] ? String(options['browser']) : undefined,
browserOption: options['browseroption'] ? String(options['browseroption']) : undefined,
externalAddressRequired: !!options['externalAddressRequired'],
lab: !!options['lab'],
labHost: options['lab-host'] ? String(options['lab-host']) : 'localhost',
livereload: typeof options['livereload'] === 'boolean' ? Boolean(options['livereload']) : true,
open: !!options['open'],
proxy: typeof options['proxy'] === 'boolean' ? Boolean(options['proxy']) : true,
project: options['project'] ? String(options['project']) : undefined,
publicHost: options['public-host'] ? String(options['public-host']) : undefined,
verbose: !!options['verbose'],
determineEngineFromCommandLine(options) {
if (options['engine']) {
return String(options['engine']);
if (options['cordova']) {
return 'cordova';
return 'browser';
async beforeServe(options) {
const hook = new ServeBeforeHook(this.e);
try {
await hook.run({ name: hook.name, serve: options });
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof cli_framework_1.BaseError) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(e.message);
throw e;
async run(options) {
debug('serve options: %O', options);
await this.beforeServe(options);
const details = await this.serveProject(options);
const labDetails = options.lab ? await this.runLab(options, details) : undefined;
const localAddress = `${details.protocol}://${options.publicHost ? options.publicHost : 'localhost'}:${details.port}`;
const fmtExternalAddress = (host) => `${details.protocol}://${host}:${details.port}`;
const labHost = labDetails ? `http://${labDetails.host}:${labDetails.port}` : undefined;
this.e.log.info(`Development server running!` +
(labHost ? `\nLab: ${color_1.strong(labHost)}` : '') +
`\nLocal: ${color_1.strong(localAddress)}` +
(details.externalNetworkInterfaces.length > 0 ? `\nExternal: ${details.externalNetworkInterfaces.map(v => color_1.strong(fmtExternalAddress(v.address))).join(', ')}` : '') +
`\n\n${chalk.yellow('Use Ctrl+C to quit this process')}`);
if (options.open) {
const openAddress = labHost ? labHost : localAddress;
const url = this.modifyOpenUrl(openAddress, options);
await open_1.openUrl(url, { app: options.browser });
this.e.log.info(`Browser window opened to ${color_1.strong(url)}!`);
events_2.emit('serve:ready', details);
debug('serve details: %O', details);
this.scheduleAfterServe(options, details);
return details;
async afterServe(options, details) {
const hook = new ServeAfterHook(this.e);
try {
await hook.run({ name: hook.name, serve: lodash.assign({}, options, details) });
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof cli_framework_1.BaseError) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(e.message);
throw e;
scheduleAfterServe(options, details) {
utils_process_1.onBeforeExit(async () => this.afterServe(options, details));
getUsedPorts(options, details) {
return [details.port];
async runLab(options, serveDetails) {
const labDetails = {
projectType: this.e.project.type,
host: options.labHost,
port: await utils_network_1.findClosestOpenPort(options.labPort),
const lab = new IonicLabServeCLI(this.e);
await lab.serve({ serveDetails, ...labDetails });
return labDetails;
async selectExternalIP(options) {
let availableInterfaces = [];
let chosenIP = options.host;
if (options.host === exports.BIND_ALL_ADDRESS) {
// ignore link-local addresses
availableInterfaces = utils_network_1.getExternalIPv4Interfaces().filter(i => !i.address.startsWith('169.254'));
if (options.publicHost) {
chosenIP = options.publicHost;
else {
if (availableInterfaces.length === 0) {
if (options.externalAddressRequired) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(`No external network interfaces detected. In order to use the dev server externally you will need one.\n` +
`Are you connected to a local network?\n`);
else if (availableInterfaces.length === 1) {
chosenIP = availableInterfaces[0].address;
else if (availableInterfaces.length > 1) {
if (options.externalAddressRequired) {
if (this.e.flags.interactive) {
this.e.log.warn('Multiple network interfaces detected!\n' +
`You will be prompted to select an external-facing IP for the dev server that your device or emulator can access. Make sure your device is on the same Wi-Fi network as your computer. Learn more about Live Reload in the docs${color_1.ancillary('[1]')}.\n\n` +
`To bypass this prompt, use the ${color_1.input('--public-host')} option (e.g. ${color_1.input(`--public-host=${availableInterfaces[0].address}`)}). You can alternatively bind the dev server to a specific IP (e.g. ${color_1.input(`--host=${availableInterfaces[0].address}`)}).\n\n` +
`${color_1.ancillary('[1]')}: ${color_1.strong('https://ion.link/livereload-docs')}\n`);
const promptedIp = await this.e.prompt({
type: 'list',
name: 'promptedIp',
message: 'Please select which IP to use:',
choices: availableInterfaces.map(i => ({
name: `${i.address} ${color_1.weak(`(${i.device})`)}`,
value: i.address,
chosenIP = promptedIp;
else {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(`Multiple network interfaces detected!\n` +
`You must select an external-facing IP for the dev server that your device or emulator can access with the ${color_1.input('--public-host')} option.`);
else if (options.externalAddressRequired && exports.LOCAL_ADDRESSES.includes(options.host)) {
this.e.log.warn('An external host may be required to serve for this target device/platform.\n' +
'If you get connection issues on your device or emulator, try connecting the device to the same Wi-Fi network and selecting an accessible IP address for your computer on that network.\n\n' +
`You can use ${color_1.input('--external')} to run the dev server on all network interfaces, in which case an external address will be selected.\n`);
return [chosenIP, availableInterfaces];
exports.ServeRunner = ServeRunner;
class ServeBeforeHook extends hooks_1.Hook {
constructor() {
this.name = 'serve:before';
class ServeAfterHook extends hooks_1.Hook {
constructor() {
this.name = 'serve:after';
class ServeCLI extends events_1.EventEmitter {
constructor(e) {
this.e = e;
* If true, the Serve CLI will not prompt to be installed.
this.global = false;
get resolvedProgram() {
if (this._resolvedProgram) {
return this._resolvedProgram;
return this.program;
* Build the environment variables to be passed to the Serve CLI. Called by `this.start()`;
async buildEnvVars(options) {
return process.env;
* Called whenever a line of stdout is received.
* If `false` is returned, the line is not emitted to the log.
* By default, the CLI is considered ready whenever stdout is emitted. This
* method should be overridden to more accurately portray readiness.
* @param line A line of stdout.
stdoutFilter(line) {
return true;
* Called whenever a line of stderr is received.
* If `false` is returned, the line is not emitted to the log.
stderrFilter(line) {
return true;
async resolveScript() {
if (typeof this.script === 'undefined') {
const [pkg] = await this.e.project.getPackageJson(undefined, { logErrors: false });
if (!pkg) {
return pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts[this.script];
async serve(options) {
this._resolvedProgram = await this.resolveProgram();
await this.spawnWrapper(options);
const interval = setInterval(() => {
this.e.log.info(`Waiting for connectivity with ${color_1.input(this.resolvedProgram)}...`);
}, 5000);
debug('awaiting TCP connection to %s:%d', options.host, options.port);
await utils_network_1.isHostConnectable(options.host, options.port);
async spawnWrapper(options) {
try {
return await this.spawn(options);
catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof errors_1.ServeCLIProgramNotFoundException)) {
throw e;
if (this.global) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(`${color_1.input(this.pkg)} is required for this command to work properly.`);
this.e.log.info(`Looks like ${color_1.input(this.pkg)} isn't installed in this project.\n` +
`This package is required for this command to work properly. The package provides a CLI utility, but the ${color_1.input(this.resolvedProgram)} binary was not found in your PATH.`);
const installed = await this.promptToInstall();
if (!installed) {
throw new errors_1.FatalException(`${color_1.input(this.pkg)} is required for this command to work properly.`);
return this.spawn(options);
async spawn(options) {
const args = await this.buildArgs(options);
const env = await this.buildEnvVars(options);
const p = await this.e.shell.spawn(this.resolvedProgram, args, { stdio: 'pipe', cwd: this.e.project.directory, env: utils_process_1.createProcessEnv(env) });
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const errorHandler = (err) => {
debug('received error for %s: %o', this.resolvedProgram, err);
if (this.resolvedProgram === this.program && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
p.removeListener('close', closeHandler); // do not exit Ionic CLI, we can gracefully ask to install this CLI
reject(new errors_1.ServeCLIProgramNotFoundException(`${color_1.strong(this.resolvedProgram)} command not found.`));
else {
const closeHandler = (code) => {
if (code !== null) {
debug('received unexpected close for %s (code: %d)', this.resolvedProgram, code);
this.e.log.error(`${color_1.input(this.resolvedProgram)} has unexpectedly closed (exit code ${code}).\n` +
'The Ionic CLI will exit. Please check any output above for error details.');
p.on('error', errorHandler);
p.on('close', closeHandler);
utils_process_1.onBeforeExit(async () => {
p.removeListener('close', closeHandler);
if (p.pid) {
await utils_process_1.killProcessTree(p.pid);
const ws = this.createLoggerStream();
p.stdout.pipe(split2()).pipe(this.createStreamFilter(line => this.stdoutFilter(line))).pipe(ws);
p.stderr.pipe(split2()).pipe(this.createStreamFilter(line => this.stderrFilter(line))).pipe(ws);
this.once('ready', () => {
createLoggerStream() {
const log = this.e.log.clone();
log.handlers = logger_1.createDefaultLoggerHandlers(cli_framework_output_1.createPrefixedFormatter(color_1.weak(`[${this.resolvedProgram === this.program ? this.prefix : this.resolvedProgram}]`)));
return log.createWriteStream(cli_framework_output_1.LOGGER_LEVELS.INFO);
async resolveProgram() {
if (typeof this.script !== 'undefined') {
debug(`Looking for ${color_1.ancillary(this.script)} npm script.`);
if (await this.resolveScript()) {
debug(`Using ${color_1.ancillary(this.script)} npm script.`);
return this.e.config.get('npmClient');
return this.program;
createStreamFilter(filter) {
return new stream.Transform({
transform(chunk, enc, callback) {
const str = chunk.toString();
if (filter(str)) {
async promptToInstall() {
const { pkgManagerArgs } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('./utils/npm'));
const [manager, ...managerArgs] = await pkgManagerArgs(this.e.config.get('npmClient'), { command: 'install', pkg: this.pkg, saveDev: true, saveExact: true });
const confirm = await this.e.prompt({
name: 'confirm',
message: `Install ${color_1.input(this.pkg)}?`,
type: 'confirm',
if (!confirm) {
this.e.log.warn(`Not installing--here's how to install manually: ${color_1.input(`${manager} ${managerArgs.join(' ')}`)}`);
return false;
await this.e.shell.run(manager, managerArgs, { cwd: this.e.project.directory });
return true;
exports.ServeCLI = ServeCLI;
class PkgManagerServeCLI extends ServeCLI {
constructor() {
this.global = true;
this.script = exports.SERVE_SCRIPT;
async resolveProgram() {
return this.program;
async buildArgs(options) {
const { pkgManagerArgs } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('./utils/npm'));
// The Ionic CLI decides the host/port of the dev server, so --host and
// --port are provided to the downstream npm script as a best-effort
// attempt.
const args = {
_: [],
host: options.host,
port: options.port.toString(),
const scriptArgs = [...cli_framework_1.unparseArgs(args), ...options['--'] || []];
const [, ...pkgArgs] = await pkgManagerArgs(this.program, { command: 'run', script: this.script, scriptArgs });
return pkgArgs;
class NpmServeCLI extends PkgManagerServeCLI {
constructor() {
this.name = 'npm CLI';
this.pkg = 'npm';
this.program = 'npm';
this.prefix = 'npm';
exports.NpmServeCLI = NpmServeCLI;
class PnpmServeCLI extends PkgManagerServeCLI {
constructor() {
this.name = 'pnpm CLI';
this.pkg = 'pnpm';
this.program = 'pnpm';
this.prefix = 'pnpm';
exports.PnpmServeCLI = PnpmServeCLI;
class YarnServeCLI extends PkgManagerServeCLI {
constructor() {
this.name = 'Yarn';
this.pkg = 'yarn';
this.program = 'yarn';
this.prefix = 'yarn';
exports.YarnServeCLI = YarnServeCLI;
class IonicLabServeCLI extends ServeCLI {
constructor() {
this.name = 'Ionic Lab';
this.pkg = '@ionic/lab';
this.program = 'ionic-lab';
this.prefix = 'lab';
this.script = undefined;
stdoutFilter(line) {
if (line.includes('running')) {
return false; // no stdout
async buildArgs(options) {
const { serveDetails, ...labDetails } = options;
const pkg = await this.e.project.requirePackageJson();
const url = `${serveDetails.protocol}://localhost:${serveDetails.port}`;
const appName = this.e.project.config.get('name');
const labArgs = [url, '--host', labDetails.host, '--port', String(labDetails.port), '--project-type', labDetails.projectType];
const nameArgs = appName ? ['--app-name', appName] : [];
const versionArgs = pkg.version ? ['--app-version', pkg.version] : [];
return [...labArgs, ...nameArgs, ...versionArgs];