"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ensureHostAndKeyPath = exports.findHostSection = exports.getConfigPath = exports.isHostDirective = exports.isDirective = exports.loadFromPath = exports.SSHConfig = void 0; const utils_fs_1 = require("@ionic/utils-fs"); const os = require("os"); const path = require("path"); const SSHConfig = require("ssh-config"); exports.SSHConfig = SSHConfig; async function loadFromPath(p) { const s = await utils_fs_1.fileToString(p); return SSHConfig.parse(s); } exports.loadFromPath = loadFromPath; function isDirective(entry) { return entry && entry.type === SSHConfig.DIRECTIVE; } exports.isDirective = isDirective; function isHostDirective(entry) { return isDirective(entry) && entry.param === 'Host'; } exports.isHostDirective = isHostDirective; function getConfigPath() { return path.resolve(os.homedir(), '.ssh', 'config'); } exports.getConfigPath = getConfigPath; function findHostSection(conf, host) { return conf.find({ Host: host }); } exports.findHostSection = findHostSection; function ensureHostAndKeyPath(conf, conn, keyPath) { const section = ensureHostSection(conf, conn.host); const index = conf.indexOf(section); ensureSectionLine(section, 'IdentityFile', keyPath); if (typeof conn.port === 'number' && conn.port !== 22) { ensureSectionLine(section, 'Port', String(conn.port)); } // massage the section for proper whitespace if (index === 0) { section.before = ''; } else { const previousSection = conf[index - 1]; if (isHostDirective(previousSection)) { const previousSectionLastEntry = previousSection.config[previousSection.config.length - 1]; if (previousSectionLastEntry) { previousSectionLastEntry.after = '\n'; } } else { previousSection.after = '\n'; } section.before = '\n'; } section.after = '\n'; if (!section.config) { section.config = []; } for (const entry of section.config) { entry.before = ' '; entry.after = '\n'; } if (index !== conf.length - 1) { const lastEntry = section.config[section.config.length - 1]; lastEntry.after = '\n\n'; } } exports.ensureHostAndKeyPath = ensureHostAndKeyPath; function ensureHostSection(conf, host) { let section = findHostSection(conf, host); if (!section) { conf.push(SSHConfig.parse(`\nHost ${host}\n`)[0]); section = findHostSection(conf, host); } if (!section) { throw new Error(`Could not find/insert section for host: ${host}`); } return section; } function ensureSectionLine(section, key, value) { const found = section.config.some(line => { if (isDirective(line)) { if (line.param === key) { line.value = value; return true; } } return false; }); if (!found) { section.config = section.config.concat(SSHConfig.parse(`${key} ${value}\n`)); } }
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