"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.generateCommandPath = exports.NamespaceMap = exports.CommandMap = exports.Namespace = exports.Command = exports.BaseNamespace = exports.BaseNamespaceMap = exports.BaseCommandMap = exports.CommandMapDefault = exports.BaseCommand = void 0;
const utils_object_1 = require("@ionic/utils-object");
const lodash = require("lodash");
const errors_1 = require("../errors");
const string_1 = require("../utils/string");
const validators_1 = require("./validators");
class BaseCommand {
constructor(namespace) {
this.namespace = namespace;
async validate(argv) {
const metadata = await this.getMetadata();
if (!metadata.inputs) {
const errors = [];
for (const i in metadata.inputs) {
const input = metadata.inputs[i];
if (input.validators && input.validators.length > 0) {
try {
validators_1.validate(argv[i], input.name, [...input.validators]);
catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof errors_1.InputValidationError)) {
throw e;
if (errors.length > 0) {
throw new errors_1.InputValidationError('Invalid inputs.', lodash.flatten(errors));
exports.BaseCommand = BaseCommand;
exports.CommandMapDefault = Symbol('default');
class BaseCommandMap extends utils_object_1.AliasedMap {
exports.BaseCommandMap = BaseCommandMap;
class BaseNamespaceMap extends utils_object_1.AliasedMap {
exports.BaseNamespaceMap = BaseNamespaceMap;
class BaseNamespace {
constructor(parent) {
this.parent = parent;
get root() {
let n = this;
while (n.parent) {
n = n.parent;
return n;
// TODO: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/9659
async getNamespaces() {
return new BaseNamespaceMap();
// TODO: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/9659
async getCommands() {
return new BaseCommandMap();
* Locate commands and namespaces given a set of inputs.
* Recursively walk down the tree of namespaces available within this
* namespace to find the command that we will execute or the right-most
* namespace matched if the command is not found.
* The resolved object looks like this:
* {
* obj: command or namespace,
* args: the leftover arguments,
* path: the path taken to get to the result which comprises tuples of <arg, command or namespace>
* }
* @param argv The set of command-line arguments to use to locate.
async locate(argv, { useAliases = true } = {}) {
const _locate = async (inputs, parent, path) => {
const [key] = inputs;
const children = await parent.getNamespaces();
const nsgetter = useAliases ? children.resolveAlias(key) : children.get(key);
if (!nsgetter || typeof nsgetter === 'string' || typeof nsgetter === 'symbol') {
const commands = await parent.getCommands();
const cmdgetter = useAliases ? commands.resolveAlias(key) : commands.get(key);
if (cmdgetter && typeof cmdgetter !== 'string' && typeof cmdgetter !== 'symbol') {
const cmd = await cmdgetter();
return { args: inputs.slice(1), obj: cmd, path: [...path, [key, cmd]] };
const defaultcmdgetter = commands.get(exports.CommandMapDefault);
if (defaultcmdgetter && typeof defaultcmdgetter !== 'string' && typeof defaultcmdgetter !== 'symbol') {
const cmd = await defaultcmdgetter();
if (path.length > 0) {
// The default command was found via the namespace, so we replace the
// previous path entry (the namespace which contains this default
// command) with the command itself.
path[path.length - 1][1] = cmd;
return { args: inputs, obj: cmd, path };
return { args: inputs, obj: parent, path };
const child = await nsgetter();
return _locate(inputs.slice(1), child, [...path, [key, child]]);
const metadata = await this.getMetadata();
// TODO: typescript complains about `this`. Calling this method on
// BaseNamespace would be unsafe if the class weren't abstract. Typescript
// bug? I may be wrong.
return _locate(argv, this, [[metadata.name, this]]);
* Get all command metadata in a flat structure.
async getCommandMetadataList() {
const _getCommandMetadataList = async (parent, path) => {
const commandsInNamespace = await parent.getCommands();
const commandAliasesInNamespace = commandsInNamespace.getAliases();
const commandList = [];
// Gather all commands for a namespace and turn them into simple key value
// objects. Also keep a record of the namespace path.
await Promise.all([...commandsInNamespace.entries()].map(async ([k, cmdgetter]) => {
if (typeof cmdgetter === 'string' || typeof cmdgetter === 'symbol') {
const command = await cmdgetter();
const commandAliases = (commandAliasesInNamespace.get(k) || []).filter((a) => typeof a === 'string').map(a => [...path.map(([p]) => p), a].join(' '));
const commandMetadata = await command.getMetadata();
const commandPath = [...path];
if (typeof k === 'string') {
commandPath.push([k, command]);
// TODO: can't use spread: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/pull/13288
const result = lodash.assign({}, commandMetadata, { command, namespace: parent, aliases: commandAliases, path: commandPath });
commandList.sort((a, b) => string_1.strcmp(a.name, b.name));
const children = await parent.getNamespaces();
const namespacedCommandList = [];
// If this namespace has children then get their commands
if (children.size > 0) {
await Promise.all([...children.entries()].map(async ([k, nsgetter]) => {
if (typeof nsgetter === 'string' || typeof nsgetter === 'symbol') {
const ns = await nsgetter();
const commandPath = [...path];
if (typeof k === 'string') {
commandPath.push([k, ns]);
const cmds = await _getCommandMetadataList(ns, commandPath);
return [...commandList, ...namespacedCommandList];
const metadata = await this.getMetadata();
// TODO: typescript complains about `this`. Calling this method on
// BaseNamespace would be unsafe if the class weren't abstract. Typescript
// bug? I may be wrong.
return _getCommandMetadataList(this, [[metadata.name, this]]);
async groupCommandsByNamespace(commands) {
const summaries = new Map();
const grouped = new Map();
await Promise.all(commands.map(async (cmd) => {
const nsmeta = await cmd.namespace.getMetadata();
const aliases = [];
if (cmd.namespace.parent) {
const siblings = await cmd.namespace.parent.getNamespaces();
aliases.push(...(siblings.getAliases().get(nsmeta.name) || []).filter((a) => typeof a === 'string'));
summaries.set(nsmeta.name, nsmeta.summary);
let entry = grouped.get(nsmeta.name);
if (!entry) {
entry = {
namespace: cmd.namespace,
commands: [],
description: nsmeta.description ? nsmeta.description : '',
footnotes: nsmeta.footnotes ? nsmeta.footnotes : [],
groups: nsmeta.groups ? nsmeta.groups : [],
grouped.set(nsmeta.name, entry);
return [...grouped.values()];
exports.BaseNamespace = BaseNamespace;
class Command extends BaseCommand {
exports.Command = Command;
class Namespace extends BaseNamespace {
exports.Namespace = Namespace;
class CommandMap extends BaseCommandMap {
exports.CommandMap = CommandMap;
class NamespaceMap extends BaseNamespaceMap {
exports.NamespaceMap = NamespaceMap;
* Given a command object, backtrack through the command's namespace to compile
* a list of command path items which represents how the command was
* found/constructed.
async function generateCommandPath(cmd) {
const ns = cmd.namespace;
const cmdmeta = await cmd.getMetadata();
const _cmdpath = async (namespace) => {
const nsmeta = await namespace.getMetadata();
const nspath = [nsmeta.name, namespace];
if (!namespace.parent) {
return [nspath];
return [...(await _cmdpath(namespace.parent)), nspath];
return [...(await _cmdpath(ns)), [cmdmeta.name, cmd]];
exports.generateCommandPath = generateCommandPath;