import { CommandMetadata, CommandMetadataInput, CommandMetadataOption, Footnote, HydratedCommandMetadata, HydratedNamespaceMetadata, ICommand, INamespace, NamespaceLocateResult, NamespaceMetadata } from '../definitions';
import { Colors } from './colors';
export declare function isOptionVisible<O extends CommandMetadataOption>(opt: O): Promise<boolean>;
export declare function isCommandVisible<C extends ICommand<C, N, M, I, O>, N extends INamespace<C, N, M, I, O>, M extends CommandMetadata<I, O>, I extends CommandMetadataInput, O extends CommandMetadataOption>(cmd: HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>): Promise<boolean>;
export declare abstract class HelpFormatter {
protected readonly colors: Colors;
constructor({ colors }: {
colors?: Colors;
abstract format(): Promise<string>;
export interface NamespaceHelpFormatterDeps<C extends ICommand<C, N, M, I, O>, N extends INamespace<C, N, M, I, O>, M extends CommandMetadata<I, O>, I extends CommandMetadataInput, O extends CommandMetadataOption> {
readonly location: NamespaceLocateResult<C, N, M, I, O>;
readonly namespace: N;
readonly colors?: Colors;
export declare abstract class NamespaceHelpFormatter<C extends ICommand<C, N, M, I, O>, N extends INamespace<C, N, M, I, O>, M extends CommandMetadata<I, O>, I extends CommandMetadataInput, O extends CommandMetadataOption> extends HelpFormatter {
protected readonly location: NamespaceLocateResult<C, N, M, I, O>;
protected readonly namespace: N;
protected readonly dotswidth: number;
protected _metadata?: NamespaceMetadata;
protected _fullName?: string;
constructor({ location, namespace, colors }: NamespaceHelpFormatterDeps<C, N, M, I, O>);
protected normalizeMetadata(metadata: NamespaceMetadata): NamespaceMetadata;
protected normalizeCommandMetadata(metadata: HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>): HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>;
* Given command metadata, decide whether to keep or discard the command that
* the metadata represents.
* @param meta: The metadata of the command.
* @return `true` to keep, `false` to discard
filterCommandCallback(meta: HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>): Promise<boolean>;
getNamespaceMetadata(): Promise<NamespaceMetadata>;
getCommandMetadataList(): Promise<HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>[]>;
getNamespaceFullName(): Promise<string>;
export declare class NamespaceStringHelpFormatter<C extends ICommand<C, N, M, I, O>, N extends INamespace<C, N, M, I, O>, M extends CommandMetadata<I, O>, I extends CommandMetadataInput, O extends CommandMetadataOption> extends NamespaceHelpFormatter<C, N, M, I, O> {
formatHeader(): Promise<string>;
formatSummary(): Promise<string>;
formatDescription(): Promise<string>;
getGlobalOptions(): Promise<string[]>;
formatUsage(): Promise<string>;
formatCommands(): Promise<string>;
formatCommandGroup(titleText: string, commands: readonly HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>[]): Promise<string>;
getListOfCommandDetails(commands: readonly HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>[]): Promise<string[]>;
getListOfNamespaceDetails(commands: readonly HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>[]): Promise<string[]>;
* Insert text before the namespace's summary.
* @param meta: The metadata of the namespace.
formatBeforeSummary(meta: NamespaceMetadata): Promise<string>;
* Insert text after the namespace's summary.
* @param meta: The metadata of the namespace.
formatAfterSummary(meta: NamespaceMetadata): Promise<string>;
* Insert text that appears before a commands's summary.
* @param meta: The metadata of the command.
formatBeforeCommandSummary(meta: HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>): Promise<string>;
* Insert text that appears after a commands's summary.
* @param meta: The metadata of the command.
formatAfterCommandSummary(meta: HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>): Promise<string>;
* Insert text that appears before a namespace's summary.
* @param meta The metadata of the namespace.
* @param commands An array of the metadata of the namespace's commands.
formatBeforeNamespaceSummary(meta: HydratedNamespaceMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>, commands: readonly HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>[]): Promise<string>;
* Insert text that appears after a namespace's summary.
* @param meta The metadata of the namespace.
* @param commands An array of the metadata of the namespace's commands.
formatAfterNamespaceSummary(meta: HydratedNamespaceMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>, commands: readonly HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>[]): Promise<string>;
format(): Promise<string>;
export interface CommandHelpFormatterDeps<C extends ICommand<C, N, M, I, O>, N extends INamespace<C, N, M, I, O>, M extends CommandMetadata<I, O>, I extends CommandMetadataInput, O extends CommandMetadataOption> {
readonly location: NamespaceLocateResult<C, N, M, I, O>;
readonly command: C;
* Provide extra context with hydrated command metadata. If not provided,
* `command.getMetadata()` is called.
readonly metadata?: HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>;
readonly colors?: Colors;
export declare abstract class CommandHelpFormatter<C extends ICommand<C, N, M, I, O>, N extends INamespace<C, N, M, I, O>, M extends CommandMetadata<I, O>, I extends CommandMetadataInput, O extends CommandMetadataOption> extends HelpFormatter {
protected readonly location: NamespaceLocateResult<C, N, M, I, O>;
protected readonly command: C;
protected readonly dotswidth: number;
protected _metadata?: M;
protected _fullName?: string;
constructor({ location, command, metadata, colors }: CommandHelpFormatterDeps<C, N, M, I, O>);
protected normalizeMetadata(metadata: M | HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>): M;
* Given an option definition from command metadata, decide whether to keep
* or discard it.
* @return `true` to keep, `false` to discard
filterOptionCallback(option: O): Promise<boolean>;
getCommandMetadata(): Promise<M | HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>>;
getCommandFullName(): Promise<string>;
export declare class CommandStringHelpFormatter<C extends ICommand<C, N, M, I, O>, N extends INamespace<C, N, M, I, O>, M extends CommandMetadata<I, O>, I extends CommandMetadataInput, O extends CommandMetadataOption> extends CommandHelpFormatter<C, N, M, I, O> {
formatHeader(): Promise<string>;
formatSummary(): Promise<string>;
formatDescription(): Promise<string>;
formatInlineInput(input: I): Promise<string>;
formatUsage(): Promise<string>;
formatInputs(): Promise<string>;
formatInput(i: I): Promise<string>;
formatOptionLine(opt: O): Promise<string>;
* Insert text that appears before the command's summary.
* @param meta The metadata of the command.
formatBeforeSummary(meta: M): Promise<string>;
* Insert text that appears after the command's summary.
* @param meta The metadata of the command.
formatAfterSummary(meta: M): Promise<string>;
* Insert text that appears before the input's summary.
* @param input The metadata of the input.
formatBeforeInputSummary(input: I): Promise<string>;
* Insert text that appears after the input's summary.
* @param input The metadata of the input.
formatAfterInputSummary(input: I): Promise<string>;
* Insert text that appears before an option's summary.
* @param opt The metadata of the option.
formatBeforeOptionSummary(opt: O): Promise<string>;
* Insert text that appears after the option's summary.
* @param opt The metadata of the option.
formatAfterOptionSummary(opt: O): Promise<string>;
formatOptionDefault(opt: O): Promise<string>;
formatOptions(): Promise<string>;
formatOptionsGroup(titleText: string, options: O[]): Promise<string>;
formatExamples(): Promise<string>;
format(): Promise<string>;
export interface NamespaceHelpSchema {
readonly name: string;
readonly summary: string;
readonly description: string;
readonly groups: readonly string[];
readonly commands: CommandHelpSchema[];
readonly aliases: readonly string[];
export declare class NamespaceSchemaHelpFormatter<C extends ICommand<C, N, M, I, O>, N extends INamespace<C, N, M, I, O>, M extends CommandMetadata<I, O>, I extends CommandMetadataInput, O extends CommandMetadataOption> extends NamespaceHelpFormatter<C, N, M, I, O> {
format(): Promise<string>;
serialize(): Promise<NamespaceHelpSchema>;
formatCommandGroup(commands: readonly HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>[]): Promise<CommandHelpSchema[]>;
formatCommand(cmd: HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>): Promise<CommandHelpSchema>;
export interface CommandHelpSchemaInput {
readonly name: string;
readonly summary: string;
readonly required: boolean;
export interface CommandHelpSchemaOption {
readonly name: string;
readonly summary: string;
readonly groups: readonly string[];
readonly aliases: readonly string[];
readonly type: string;
readonly default?: string | boolean;
readonly spec: {
readonly value: string;
export interface CommandHelpSchemaFootnoteText {
readonly type: 'text';
readonly id: string | number;
readonly text: string;
export interface CommandHelpSchemaFootnoteLink {
readonly type: 'link';
readonly id: string | number;
readonly url: string;
readonly shortUrl?: string;
export declare type CommandHelpSchemaFootnote = CommandHelpSchemaFootnoteText | CommandHelpSchemaFootnoteLink;
export interface CommandHelpSchema {
readonly name: string;
readonly namespace: readonly string[];
readonly summary: string;
readonly description: string;
readonly footnotes: readonly CommandHelpSchemaFootnote[];
readonly groups: readonly string[];
readonly exampleCommands: readonly string[];
readonly aliases: readonly string[];
readonly inputs: readonly CommandHelpSchemaInput[];
readonly options: readonly CommandHelpSchemaOption[];
export declare class CommandSchemaHelpFormatter<C extends ICommand<C, N, M, I, O>, N extends INamespace<C, N, M, I, O>, M extends CommandMetadata<I, O>, I extends CommandMetadataInput, O extends CommandMetadataOption> extends CommandHelpFormatter<C, N, M, I, O> {
format(): Promise<string>;
serialize(): Promise<CommandHelpSchema>;
formatInputs(inputs: readonly I[]): Promise<readonly CommandHelpSchemaInput[]>;
formatInput(input: I): Promise<CommandHelpSchemaInput>;
formatOptions(options: readonly O[]): Promise<readonly CommandHelpSchemaOption[]>;
formatOption(option: O): Promise<CommandHelpSchemaOption>;
formatFootnote(footnote: Footnote): CommandHelpSchemaFootnote;
formatCommand(cmd: M | HydratedCommandMetadata<C, N, M, I, O>): Promise<CommandHelpSchema>;
export declare function createCommandMetadataFromSchema(schema: CommandHelpSchema): Required<CommandMetadata>;