"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.createPromptChoiceSeparator = exports.createPromptModule = void 0;
const utils_terminal_1 = require("@ionic/utils-terminal");
const Debug = require("debug");
const debug = Debug('ionic:cli-framework-prompts');
let _inquirer;
async function loadInquirer() {
if (!_inquirer) {
_inquirer = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('inquirer'));
return _inquirer;
* Create a reusable CLI prompt module.
* A prompt module is a function that generates prompts. A prompt opens an
* interactive session with the user to gather input. When a prompt is
* resolved, the user has finished providing input.
* If non-TTY mode is detected, a system of fallbacks goes into effect:
* 1. If the question provided 'fallback', the fallback value is resolved.
* 2. If the prompt module has 'onFallback', it is used to generate a
* fallback for the question.
* 3. If the question provided 'default', the default value is resolved.
* 4. Finally, a falsy value suitable for the question type is resolved.
* @param options.interactive Force non-TTY mode by providing 'false'. TTY mode
* cannot be forced if non-TTY mode is detected.
* @param options.onFallback Generate a non-TTY fallback for a question without
* a 'fallback'.
async function createPromptModule({ interactive, onFallback } = {}) {
const inquirer = await loadInquirer();
const { createPromptModule: createInquirerPromptModule } = inquirer;
const promptModule = createInquirerPromptModule();
async function createPrompter(question) {
const { fallback, ...promptQuestion } = question;
if (!utils_terminal_1.TERMINAL_INFO.tty || interactive === false) {
if (typeof fallback !== 'undefined') {
debug('Answering with provided fallback value for non-tty mode: %o', fallback);
return fallback;
else if (onFallback) {
const generatedFallback = onFallback(question);
if (typeof generatedFallback !== 'undefined') {
debug(`Answering with fallback value from 'onFallback' for non-tty mode: %o`, generatedFallback);
return generatedFallback;
if (typeof promptQuestion.default !== 'undefined') {
return promptQuestion.default;
if (question.type === 'confirm') {
return false;
else if (question.type === 'checkbox') {
return [];
return '';
const name = 'name';
const prompt = promptModule({ ...promptQuestion, name });
const result = (await prompt)[name];
if (typeof result === 'undefined' || result === null) {
return '';
if (typeof result !== 'string' && typeof result !== 'boolean' && !Array.isArray(result)) {
return String(result);
return result;
Object.defineProperties(createPrompter, {
_inquirer: { value: inquirer },
return createPrompter;
exports.createPromptModule = createPromptModule;
function createPromptChoiceSeparator() {
if (!_inquirer) {
throw new Error(`Prompt module not initialized. Call 'createPromptModule' first.`);
return new _inquirer.Separator();
exports.createPromptChoiceSeparator = createPromptChoiceSeparator;