/// <reference types="node" />
export declare const ERROR_TIMEOUT_REACHED: Error;
export declare function killProcessTree(pid: number, signal?: string | number): Promise<void>;
* Creates an alternative implementation of `process.env` object.
* On a Windows shell, `process.env` is a magic object that offers
* case-insensitive environment variable access. On other platforms, case
* sensitivity matters. This method creates an empty "`process.env`" object
* type that works for all platforms.
export declare function createProcessEnv(...sources: {
[key: string]: string | undefined;
}[]): NodeJS.ProcessEnv;
* Split a PATH string into path parts.
export declare function getPathParts(envpath?: string): string[];
* Resolves when the given amount of milliseconds has passed.
export declare function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void>;
* Resolves when a given predicate is true or a timeout is reached.
* Configure `interval` to set how often the `predicate` is called.
* By default, `timeout` is Infinity. If given a value (in ms), and that
* timeout value is reached, this function will reject with
export declare function sleepUntil(predicate: () => boolean, { interval, timeout }: {
interval?: number;
timeout?: number;
}): Promise<void>;
* Never resolves and keeps Node running.
export declare function sleepForever(): Promise<never>;
* Register a synchronous function to be called once the process exits.
export declare function onExit(fn: () => void): void;
export declare type ExitFn = () => Promise<void>;
* Register an asynchronous function to be called when the process wants to
* exit.
* A handler will be registered for the 'SIGINT', 'SIGTERM', 'SIGHUP',
* 'SIGBREAK' signals. If any of the signal events is emitted, `fn` will be
* called exactly once, awaited upon, and then the process will exit once all
* registered functions are resolved.
export declare function onBeforeExit(fn: ExitFn): void;
* Remove a function that was registered with `onBeforeExit`.
export declare function offBeforeExit(fn: ExitFn): void;
* Asynchronous `process.exit()`, for running functions registered with
* `onBeforeExit`.
export declare function processExit(exitCode?: number): Promise<void>;