"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.columnar = exports.generateFillSpaceStringList = exports.expandPath = exports.prettyPath = exports.wordWrap = exports.indent = exports.TTY_WIDTH = exports.stripAnsi = exports.stringWidth = exports.sliceAnsi = void 0;
const os = require("os");
const path = require("path");
const sliceAnsi = require("slice-ansi");
exports.sliceAnsi = sliceAnsi;
const stringWidth = require("string-width");
exports.stringWidth = stringWidth;
const stripAnsi = require("strip-ansi");
exports.stripAnsi = stripAnsi;
const wrapAnsi = require("wrap-ansi");
const untildify = require("untildify");
const MIN_TTY_WIDTH = 80;
const MAX_TTY_WIDTH = 120;
exports.TTY_WIDTH = process.stdout.columns ? Math.max(MIN_TTY_WIDTH, Math.min(process.stdout.columns, MAX_TTY_WIDTH)) : Infinity;
function indent(n = 4) {
return ' '.repeat(n);
exports.indent = indent;
function wordWrap(msg, { width = exports.TTY_WIDTH, indentation = 0, append = '' }) {
return wrapAnsi(msg, width - indentation - append.length, { trim: true }).split('\n').join(`${append}\n${indent(indentation)}`);
exports.wordWrap = wordWrap;
function prettyPath(p) {
p = expandPath(p);
const cwd = process.cwd();
const d = path.dirname(p);
const h = os.homedir();
const distanceFromCwd = Math.abs(d.split(path.sep).length - cwd.split(path.sep).length);
if (cwd === d) {
return '.' + path.sep + path.basename(p);
else if (d.startsWith(cwd)) {
return '.' + path.sep + p.substring(cwd.length + 1);
else if (distanceFromCwd <= 2) {
const rel = path.relative(cwd, p);
return rel ? rel : '.';
else if (p === h) {
return '~';
else if (p.indexOf(h) === 0) {
return '~' + path.sep + p.substring(h.length + 1);
return p;
exports.prettyPath = prettyPath;
function expandPath(p) {
return path.resolve(untildify(p));
exports.expandPath = expandPath;
function generateFillSpaceStringList(list, optimalLength = 1, fillCharacter = ' ') {
if (optimalLength < 2) {
optimalLength = 2;
const longestItem = Math.max(...list.map(item => stringWidth(item)));
const fullLength = longestItem > optimalLength ? longestItem + 1 : optimalLength;
const fullLengthString = fillCharacter.repeat(fullLength);
return list.map(item => sliceAnsi(fullLengthString, 0, fullLength - stringWidth(item)));
exports.generateFillSpaceStringList = generateFillSpaceStringList;
* Basic CLI table generator with support for ANSI colors.
* @param rows 2-dimensional matrix containing cells. An array of columns,
* which are arrays of cells.
* @param options.vsep The vertical separator character, default is
* `chalk.dim('|')`. Supply an empty string to hide
* the separator altogether.
* @param options.hsep The horizontal separator character, default is
* `chalk.dim('-')`. This is used under the headers,
* if supplied. Supply an empty string to hide the
* separator altogether.
* @param options.headers An array of header cells.
function columnar(rows, { hsep = '-', vsep = '|', headers }) {
const includeHeaders = headers ? true : false;
if (!rows[0]) {
return '';
const columnCount = headers ? headers.length : rows[0].length;
const columns = headers ?
headers.map(header => [header]) :
rows[0].map(() => []);
for (const row of rows) {
let highestLineCount = 0;
const splitRows = row.map(cell => {
const lines = cell.split('\n');
highestLineCount = Math.max(highestLineCount, lines.length);
return lines;
for (const rowIndex in row) {
if (columns[rowIndex]) {
columns[rowIndex].push(...splitRows[rowIndex], ...Array(highestLineCount - splitRows[rowIndex].length).fill(''));
const paddedColumns = columns.map((col, columnIndex) => {
if (columnIndex < columnCount - 1) {
const spaceCol = generateFillSpaceStringList(col);
return col.map((cell, cellIndex) => `${cell}${spaceCol[cellIndex]}${vsep === '' ? '' : `${vsep} `}`);
else {
return col;
let longestRowLength = 0;
const singleColumn = paddedColumns.reduce((a, b) => {
return a.map((_, i) => {
const r = a[i] + b[i];
longestRowLength = Math.max(longestRowLength, stringWidth(r));
return r;
if (includeHeaders && hsep !== '') {
singleColumn.splice(1, 0, hsep.repeat(longestRowLength));
return singleColumn.join('\n');
exports.columnar = columnar;