var WritableStream = require('stream').Writable
|| require('readable-stream').Writable,
inherits = require('util').inherits,
inspect = require('util').inspect;
var XRegExp = require('xregexp').XRegExp;
var REX_LISTUNIX = XRegExp.cache('^(?<type>[\\-ld])(?<permission>([\\-r][\\-w][\\-xstT]){3})(?<acl>(\\+))?\\s+(?<inodes>\\d+)\\s+(?<owner>\\S+)\\s+(?<group>\\S+)\\s+(?<size>\\d+)\\s+(?<timestamp>((?<month1>\\w{3})\\s+(?<date1>\\d{1,2})\\s+(?<hour>\\d{1,2}):(?<minute>\\d{2}))|((?<month2>\\w{3})\\s+(?<date2>\\d{1,2})\\s+(?<year>\\d{4})))\\s+(?<name>.+)$'),
REX_LISTMSDOS = XRegExp.cache('^(?<month>\\d{2})(?:\\-|\\/)(?<date>\\d{2})(?:\\-|\\/)(?<year>\\d{2,4})\\s+(?<hour>\\d{2}):(?<minute>\\d{2})\\s{0,1}(?<ampm>[AaMmPp]{1,2})\\s+(?:(?<size>\\d+)|(?<isdir>\\<DIR\\>))\\s+(?<name>.+)$'),
RE_ENTRY_TOTAL = /^total/,
RE_RES_END = /(?:^|\r?\n)(\d{3}) [^\r\n]*\r?\n/,
RE_EOL = /\r?\n/g,
RE_DASH = /\-/g;
var MONTHS = {
jan: 1, feb: 2, mar: 3, apr: 4, may: 5, jun: 6,
jul: 7, aug: 8, sep: 9, oct: 10, nov: 11, dec: 12
function Parser(options) {
if (!(this instanceof Parser))
return new Parser(options);;
this._buffer = '';
this._debug = options.debug;
inherits(Parser, WritableStream);
Parser.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
var m, code, reRmLeadCode, rest = '', debug = this._debug;
this._buffer += chunk.toString('binary');
while (m = RE_RES_END.exec(this._buffer)) {
// support multiple terminating responses in the buffer
rest = this._buffer.substring(m.index + m[0].length);
if (rest.length)
this._buffer = this._buffer.substring(0, m.index + m[0].length);
debug&&debug('[parser] < ' + inspect(this._buffer));
// we have a terminating response line
code = parseInt(m[1], 10);
// RFC 959 does not require each line in a multi-line response to begin
// with '<code>-', but many servers will do this.
// remove this leading '<code>-' (or '<code> ' from last line) from each
// line in the response ...
reRmLeadCode = '(^|\\r?\\n)';
reRmLeadCode += m[1];
reRmLeadCode += '(?: |\\-)';
reRmLeadCode = new RegExp(reRmLeadCode, 'g');
var text = this._buffer.replace(reRmLeadCode, '$1').trim();
this._buffer = rest;
debug&&debug('[parser] Response: code=' + code + ', buffer=' + inspect(text));
this.emit('response', code, text);
Parser.parseFeat = function(text) {
var lines = text.split(RE_EOL);
lines.shift(); // initial response line
lines.pop(); // final response line
for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; ++i)
lines[i] = lines[i].trim();
// just return the raw lines for now
return lines;
Parser.parseListEntry = function(line) {
var ret,
month, day, year,
hour, mins;
if (ret = XRegExp.exec(line, REX_LISTUNIX)) {
info = {
type: ret.type,
name: undefined,
target: undefined,
sticky: false,
rights: {
user: ret.permission.substr(0, 3).replace(RE_DASH, ''),
group: ret.permission.substr(3, 3).replace(RE_DASH, ''),
other: ret.permission.substr(6, 3).replace(RE_DASH, '')
acl: (ret.acl === '+'),
owner: ret.owner,
size: parseInt(ret.size, 10),
date: undefined
// check for sticky bit
var lastbit = info.rights.other.slice(-1);
if (lastbit === 't') {
info.rights.other = info.rights.other.slice(0, -1) + 'x';
info.sticky = true;
} else if (lastbit === 'T') {
info.rights.other = info.rights.other.slice(0, -1);
info.sticky = true;
if (ret.month1 !== undefined) {
month = parseInt(MONTHS[ret.month1.toLowerCase()], 10);
day = parseInt(ret.date1, 10);
year = (new Date()).getFullYear();
hour = parseInt(ret.hour, 10);
mins = parseInt(ret.minute, 10);
if (month < 10)
month = '0' + month;
if (day < 10)
day = '0' + day;
if (hour < 10)
hour = '0' + hour;
if (mins < 10)
mins = '0' + mins; = new Date(year + '-'
+ month + '-'
+ day + 'T'
+ hour + ':'
+ mins);
// If the date is in the past but no more than 6 months old, year
// isn't displayed and doesn't have to be the current year.
// If the date is in the future (less than an hour from now), year
// isn't displayed and doesn't have to be the current year.
// That second case is much more rare than the first and less annoying.
// It's impossible to fix without knowing about the server's timezone,
// so we just don't do anything about it.
// If we're here with a time that is more than 28 hours into the
// future (1 hour + maximum timezone offset which is 27 hours),
// there is a problem -- we should be in the second conditional block
if ( - > 100800000) { = new Date((year - 1) + '-'
+ month + '-'
+ day + 'T'
+ hour + ':'
+ mins);
// If we're here with a time that is more than 6 months old, there's
// a problem as well.
// Maybe local & remote servers aren't on the same timezone (with remote
// ahead of local)
// For instance, remote is in 2014 while local is still in 2013. In
// this case, a date like 01/01/13 02:23 could be detected instead of
// 01/01/14 02:23
// Our trigger point will be 3600*24*31*6 (since we already use 31
// as an upper bound, no need to add the 27 hours timezone offset)
if ( - > 16070400000) { = new Date((year + 1) + '-'
+ month + '-'
+ day + 'T'
+ hour + ':'
+ mins);
} else if (ret.month2 !== undefined) {
month = parseInt(MONTHS[ret.month2.toLowerCase()], 10);
day = parseInt(ret.date2, 10);
year = parseInt(ret.year, 10);
if (month < 10)
month = '0' + month;
if (day < 10)
day = '0' + day; = new Date(year + '-' + month + '-' + day);
if (ret.type === 'l') {
var pos =' -> '); =, pos); =;
} else =;
ret = info;
} else if (ret = XRegExp.exec(line, REX_LISTMSDOS)) {
info = {
type: (ret.isdir ? 'd' : '-'),
size: (ret.isdir ? 0 : parseInt(ret.size, 10)),
date: undefined,
month = parseInt(ret.month, 10),
day = parseInt(, 10),
year = parseInt(ret.year, 10),
hour = parseInt(ret.hour, 10),
mins = parseInt(ret.minute, 10);
if (year < 70)
year += 2000;
year += 1900;
if (ret.ampm[0].toLowerCase() === 'p' && hour < 12)
hour += 12;
else if (ret.ampm[0].toLowerCase() === 'a' && hour === 12)
hour = 0; = new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, mins);
ret = info;
} else if (!RE_ENTRY_TOTAL.test(line))
ret = line; // could not parse, so at least give the end user a chance to
// look at the raw listing themselves
return ret;
module.exports = Parser;