* Module dependencies.
var fs = require('fs');
var getUri = require('../');
var assert = require('assert');
var streamToArray = require('stream-to-array');
describe('get-uri', function () {
describe('"file:" protocol', function () {
var cache;
var sep = require('path').sep || '/';
// TODO: move this out into a more full-featured module some day…
// i.e. the inverse of https://github.com/TooTallNate/file-path-to-uri
function path2uri (p) {
if ('\\' == sep) {
// windows
return 'file:///' + p;
} else {
// unix
return 'file://' + p;
it('should work for local files', function (done) {
var uri = path2uri(__filename);
fs.readFile(__filename, 'utf8', function (err, real) {
if (err) return done(err);
getUri(uri, function (err, rs) {
if (err) return done(err);
cache = rs;
streamToArray(rs, function (err, array) {
if (err) return done(err);
var str = Buffer.concat(array).toString('utf8');
assert.equal(str, real);
it('should return ENOTFOUND for bad filenames', function (done) {
var uri = path2uri(__filename + 'does-not-exist');
getUri(uri, function (err, rs) {
assert.equal('ENOTFOUND', err.code);
it('should return ENOTMODIFIED for the same URI with `cache`', function (done) {
var uri = path2uri(__filename);
getUri(uri, { cache: cache }, function (err, rs) {
assert.equal('ENOTMODIFIED', err.code);