'use strict';
* `rawlist` type prompt
var _ = {
extend: require('lodash/extend'),
isNumber: require('lodash/isNumber'),
findIndex: require('lodash/findIndex'),
var chalk = require('chalk');
var { map, takeUntil } = require('rxjs/operators');
var Base = require('./base');
var Separator = require('../objects/separator');
var observe = require('../utils/events');
var Paginator = require('../utils/paginator');
var incrementListIndex = require('../utils/incrementListIndex');
class RawListPrompt extends Base {
constructor(questions, rl, answers) {
super(questions, rl, answers);
if (!this.opt.choices) {
this.opt.validChoices = this.opt.choices.filter(Separator.exclude);
this.selected = 0;
this.rawDefault = 0;
_.extend(this.opt, {
validate: function (val) {
return val != null;
var def = this.opt.default;
if (_.isNumber(def) && def >= 0 && def < this.opt.choices.realLength) {
this.selected = def;
this.rawDefault = def;
} else if (!_.isNumber(def) && def != null) {
let index = _.findIndex(this.opt.choices.realChoices, ({ value }) => value === def);
let safeIndex = Math.max(index, 0);
this.selected = safeIndex;
this.rawDefault = safeIndex;
// Make sure no default is set (so it won't be printed)
this.opt.default = null;
const shouldLoop = this.opt.loop === undefined ? true : this.opt.loop;
this.paginator = new Paginator(undefined, { isInfinite: shouldLoop });
* Start the Inquiry session
* @param {Function} cb Callback when prompt is done
* @return {this}
_run(cb) {
this.done = cb;
// Once user confirm (enter key)
var events = observe(this.rl);
var submit = events.line.pipe(map(this.getCurrentValue.bind(this)));
var validation = this.handleSubmitEvents(submit);
// Init the prompt
return this;
* Render the prompt to screen
* @return {RawListPrompt} self
render(error) {
// Render question
var message = this.getQuestion();
var bottomContent = '';
if (this.status === 'answered') {
message += chalk.cyan(this.answer);
} else {
var choicesStr = renderChoices(this.opt.choices, this.selected);
message +=
'\n' + this.paginator.paginate(choicesStr, this.selected, this.opt.pageSize);
message += '\n Answer: ';
message += this.rl.line;
if (error) {
bottomContent = '\n' + chalk.red('>> ') + error;
this.screen.render(message, bottomContent);
* When user press `enter` key
getCurrentValue(index) {
if (index == null) {
index = this.rawDefault;
} else if (index === '') {
index = this.selected;
} else {
index -= 1;
var choice = this.opt.choices.getChoice(index);
return choice ? choice.value : null;
onEnd(state) {
this.status = 'answered';
this.answer = state.value;
// Re-render prompt
onError() {
this.render('Please enter a valid index');
* When user press a key
onKeypress() {
var index = this.rl.line.length ? Number(this.rl.line) - 1 : 0;
if (this.opt.choices.getChoice(index)) {
this.selected = index;
} else {
this.selected = undefined;
* When user press up key
onUpKey() {
* When user press down key
onDownKey() {
* When user press up or down key
* @param {String} type Arrow type: up or down
onArrowKey(type) {
this.selected = incrementListIndex(this.selected, type, this.opt);
this.rl.line = String(this.selected + 1);
* Function for rendering list choices
* @param {Number} pointer Position of the pointer
* @return {String} Rendered content
function renderChoices(choices, pointer) {
var output = '';
var separatorOffset = 0;
choices.forEach(function (choice, i) {
output += '\n ';
if (choice.type === 'separator') {
output += ' ' + choice;
var index = i - separatorOffset;
var display = index + 1 + ') ' + choice.name;
if (index === pointer) {
display = chalk.cyan(display);
output += display;
return output;
module.exports = RawListPrompt;