[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
module.exports = owner

const BB = require('bluebird')

const log = require('npmlog')
const npa = require('libnpm/parse-arg')
const npmConfig = require('./config/figgy-config.js')
const npmFetch = require('libnpm/fetch')
const output = require('./utils/output.js')
const otplease = require('./utils/otplease.js')
const packument = require('libnpm/packument')
const readLocalPkg = BB.promisify(require('./utils/read-local-package.js'))
const usage = require('./utils/usage')
const whoami = BB.promisify(require('./whoami.js'))

owner.usage = usage(
  'npm owner add <user> [<@scope>/]<pkg>' +
  '\nnpm owner rm <user> [<@scope>/]<pkg>' +
  '\nnpm owner ls [<@scope>/]<pkg>'

owner.completion = function (opts, cb) {
  const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
  if (argv.length > 4) return cb()
  if (argv.length <= 2) {
    var subs = ['add', 'rm']
    if (opts.partialWord === 'l') subs.push('ls')
    else subs.push('ls', 'list')
    return cb(null, subs)
  BB.try(() => {
    const opts = npmConfig()
    return whoami([], true).then(username => {
      const un = encodeURIComponent(username)
      let byUser, theUser
      switch (argv[2]) {
        case 'ls':
          // FIXME: there used to be registry completion here, but it stopped
          // making sense somewhere around 50,000 packages on the registry
        case 'rm':
          if (argv.length > 3) {
            theUser = encodeURIComponent(argv[3])
            byUser = `/-/by-user/${theUser}|${un}`
            return npmFetch.json(byUser, opts).then(d => {
              return d[theUser].filter(
                // kludge for server adminery.
                p => un === 'isaacs' || d[un].indexOf(p) === -1
          // else fallthrough
          /* eslint no-fallthrough:0 */
        case 'add':
          if (argv.length > 3) {
            theUser = encodeURIComponent(argv[3])
            byUser = `/-/by-user/${theUser}|${un}`
            return npmFetch.json(byUser, opts).then(d => {
              var mine = d[un] || []
              var theirs = d[theUser] || []
              return mine.filter(p => theirs.indexOf(p) === -1)
          } else {
            // just list all users who aren't me.
            return npmFetch.json('/-/users', opts).then(list => {
              return Object.keys(list).filter(n => n !== un)

          return cb()

function UsageError () {
  throw Object.assign(new Error(owner.usage), {code: 'EUSAGE'})

function owner ([action, ...args], cb) {
  const opts = npmConfig()
  BB.try(() => {
    switch (action) {
      case 'ls': case 'list': return ls(args[0], opts)
      case 'add': return add(args[0], args[1], opts)
      case 'rm': case 'remove': return rm(args[0], args[1], opts)
      default: UsageError()
    data => cb(null, data),
    err => err.code === 'EUSAGE' ? cb(err.message) : cb(err)

function ls (pkg, opts) {
  if (!pkg) {
    return readLocalPkg().then(pkg => {
      if (!pkg) { UsageError() }
      return ls(pkg, opts)

  const spec = npa(pkg)
  return packument(spec, opts.concat({fullMetadata: true})).then(
    data => {
      var owners = data.maintainers
      if (!owners || !owners.length) {
        output('admin party!')
      } else {
        output(owners.map(o => `${o.name} <${o.email}>`).join('\n'))
      return owners
    err => {
      log.error('owner ls', "Couldn't get owner data", pkg)
      throw err

function add (user, pkg, opts) {
  if (!user) { UsageError() }
  if (!pkg) {
    return readLocalPkg().then(pkg => {
      if (!pkg) { UsageError() }
      return add(user, pkg, opts)
  log.verbose('owner add', '%s to %s', user, pkg)

  const spec = npa(pkg)
  return withMutation(spec, user, opts, (u, owners) => {
    if (!owners) owners = []
    for (var i = 0, l = owners.length; i < l; i++) {
      var o = owners[i]
      if (o.name === u.name) {
          'owner add',
          'Already a package owner: ' + o.name + ' <' + o.email + '>'
        return false
    return owners

function rm (user, pkg, opts) {
  if (!user) { UsageError() }
  if (!pkg) {
    return readLocalPkg().then(pkg => {
      if (!pkg) { UsageError() }
      return add(user, pkg, opts)
  log.verbose('owner rm', '%s from %s', user, pkg)

  const spec = npa(pkg)
  return withMutation(spec, user, opts, function (u, owners) {
    let found = false
    const m = owners.filter(function (o) {
      var match = (o.name === user)
      found = found || match
      return !match

    if (!found) {
      log.info('owner rm', 'Not a package owner: ' + user)
      return false

    if (!m.length) {
      throw new Error(
        'Cannot remove all owners of a package.  Add someone else first.'

    return m

function withMutation (spec, user, opts, mutation) {
  return BB.try(() => {
    if (user) {
      const uri = `/-/user/org.couchdb.user:${encodeURIComponent(user)}`
      return npmFetch.json(uri, opts).then(mutate_, err => {
        log.error('owner mutate', 'Error getting user data for %s', user)
        throw err
    } else {
      return mutate_(null)

  function mutate_ (u) {
    if (user && (!u || u.error)) {
      throw new Error(
        "Couldn't get user data for " + user + ': ' + JSON.stringify(u)

    if (u) u = { name: u.name, email: u.email }
    return packument(spec, opts.concat({
      fullMetadata: true
    })).then(data => {
      // save the number of maintainers before mutation so that we can figure
      // out if maintainers were added or removed
      const beforeMutation = data.maintainers.length

      const m = mutation(u, data.maintainers)
      if (!m) return // handled
      if (m instanceof Error) throw m // error

      data = {
        _id: data._id,
        _rev: data._rev,
        maintainers: m
      const dataPath = `/${spec.escapedName}/-rev/${encodeURIComponent(data._rev)}`
      return otplease(opts, opts => {
        const reqOpts = opts.concat({
          method: 'PUT',
          body: data,
        return npmFetch.json(dataPath, reqOpts)
      }).then(data => {
        if (data.error) {
          throw new Error('Failed to update package metadata: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
        } else if (m.length > beforeMutation) {
          output('+ %s (%s)', user, spec.name)
        } else if (m.length < beforeMutation) {
          output('- %s (%s)', user, spec.name)
        return data


Name Type Size Permission Actions
auth Folder 0755
config Folder 0755
doctor Folder 0755
install Folder 0755
search Folder 0755
utils Folder 0755
access.js File 5.54 KB 0644
adduser.js File 1.31 KB 0644
audit.js File 10.56 KB 0644
bin.js File 515 B 0644
bugs.js File 864 B 0644
build.js File 4.44 KB 0644
cache.js File 4.66 KB 0644
ci.js File 1.31 KB 0644
completion.js File 7.11 KB 0644
config.js File 7.43 KB 0644
dedupe.js File 4.88 KB 0644
deprecate.js File 2.11 KB 0644
dist-tag.js File 4.11 KB 0644
docs.js File 1.04 KB 0644
doctor.js File 3.98 KB 0644
edit.js File 1.37 KB 0644
explore.js File 1.67 KB 0644
fetch-package-metadata.js File 3.97 KB 0644
fetch-package-metadata.md File 1.77 KB 0644
fund.js File 4.91 KB 0644
get.js File 235 B 0644
help-search.js File 5.64 KB 0644
help.js File 6.35 KB 0644
hook.js File 4.62 KB 0644
init.js File 2.74 KB 0644
install-ci-test.js File 486 B 0644
install-test.js File 507 B 0644
install.js File 36.47 KB 0644
link.js File 5.6 KB 0644
logout.js File 1.26 KB 0644
ls.js File 16.09 KB 0644
npm.js File 14.37 KB 0644
org.js File 4.18 KB 0644
outdated.js File 12.28 KB 0644
owner.js File 6.6 KB 0644
pack.js File 11.79 KB 0644
ping.js File 1.11 KB 0644
prefix.js File 330 B 0644
profile.js File 11.13 KB 0644
prune.js File 2.23 KB 0644
publish.js File 5.14 KB 0644
rebuild.js File 2.09 KB 0644
repo.js File 1.44 KB 0644
restart.js File 64 B 0644
root.js File 320 B 0644
run-script.js File 5.41 KB 0644
search.js File 3.36 KB 0644
set.js File 276 B 0644
shrinkwrap.js File 9.82 KB 0644
star.js File 2.11 KB 0644
stars.js File 1.03 KB 0644
start.js File 62 B 0644
stop.js File 61 B 0644
substack.js File 509 B 0644
team.js File 4.61 KB 0644
test.js File 374 B 0644
token.js File 6.66 KB 0644
unbuild.js File 4.27 KB 0644
uninstall.js File 2.21 KB 0644
unpublish.js File 3.51 KB 0644
update.js File 2.16 KB 0644
version.js File 9.79 KB 0644
view.js File 15.11 KB 0644
visnup.js File 4.01 KB 0644
whoami.js File 1.77 KB 0644
xmas.js File 1.62 KB 0644