[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# fs-vacuum

Remove the empty branches of a directory tree, optionally up to (but not
including) a specified base directory. Optionally nukes the leaf directory.

## Usage

var logger = require("npmlog");
var vacuum = require("fs-vacuum");

var options = {
  base  : "/path/to/my/tree/root",
  purge : true,
  log   : logger.silly.bind(logger, "myCleanup")

/* Assuming there are no other files or directories in "out", "to", or "my",
 * the final path will just be "/path/to/my/tree/root".
vacuum("/path/to/my/tree/root/out/to/my/files", options, function (error) {
  if (error) console.error("Unable to cleanly vacuum:", error.message);
# vacuum(directory, options, callback)

* `directory` {String} Leaf node to remove. **Must be a directory, symlink, or file.**
* `options` {Object}
  * `base` {String} No directories at or above this level of the filesystem will be removed.
  * `purge` {Boolean} If set, nuke the whole leaf directory, including its contents.
  * `log` {Function} A logging function that takes `npmlog`-compatible argument lists.
* `callback` {Function} Function to call once vacuuming is complete.
  * `error` {Error} What went wrong along the way, if anything.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.eslintrc File 421 B 0644
.npmignore File 13 B 0644
.travis.yml File 215 B 0644
LICENSE File 736 B 0644
README.md File 1.19 KB 0644
package.json File 1.52 KB 0644
vacuum.js File 3.22 KB 0644