'use strict'
module.exports = spawn
const _spawn = require('child_process').spawn
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
let progressEnabled
let running = 0
function startRunning (log) {
if (progressEnabled == null) progressEnabled = log.progressEnabled
if (progressEnabled) log.disableProgress()
function stopRunning (log) {
if (progressEnabled && running === 0) log.enableProgress()
function willCmdOutput (stdio) {
if (stdio === 'inherit') return true
if (!Array.isArray(stdio)) return false
for (let fh = 1; fh <= 2; ++fh) {
if (stdio[fh] === 'inherit') return true
if (stdio[fh] === 1 || stdio[fh] === 2) return true
return false
function spawn (cmd, args, options, log) {
const cmdWillOutput = willCmdOutput(options && options.stdio)
if (cmdWillOutput) startRunning(log)
const raw = _spawn(cmd, args, options)
const cooked = new EventEmitter()
raw.on('error', function (er) {
if (cmdWillOutput) stopRunning(log)
er.file = cmd
cooked.emit('error', er)
}).on('close', function (code, signal) {
if (cmdWillOutput) stopRunning(log)
// Create ENOENT error because Node.js v8.0 will not emit
// an `error` event if the command could not be found.
if (code === 127) {
const er = new Error('spawn ENOENT')
er.code = 'ENOENT'
er.errno = 'ENOENT'
er.syscall = 'spawn'
er.file = cmd
cooked.emit('error', er)
} else {
cooked.emit('close', code, signal)
cooked.stdin = raw.stdin
cooked.stdout = raw.stdout
cooked.stderr = raw.stderr
cooked.kill = function (sig) { return raw.kill(sig) }
return cooked