[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
'use strict'

var http = require('http')
var https = require('https')
var url = require('url')
var util = require('util')
var stream = require('stream')
var zlib = require('zlib')
var aws2 = require('aws-sign2')
var aws4 = require('aws4')
var httpSignature = require('http-signature')
var mime = require('mime-types')
var caseless = require('caseless')
var ForeverAgent = require('forever-agent')
var FormData = require('form-data')
var extend = require('extend')
var isstream = require('isstream')
var isTypedArray = require('is-typedarray').strict
var helpers = require('./lib/helpers')
var cookies = require('./lib/cookies')
var getProxyFromURI = require('./lib/getProxyFromURI')
var Querystring = require('./lib/querystring').Querystring
var Har = require('./lib/har').Har
var Auth = require('./lib/auth').Auth
var OAuth = require('./lib/oauth').OAuth
var hawk = require('./lib/hawk')
var Multipart = require('./lib/multipart').Multipart
var Redirect = require('./lib/redirect').Redirect
var Tunnel = require('./lib/tunnel').Tunnel
var now = require('performance-now')
var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer

var safeStringify = helpers.safeStringify
var isReadStream = helpers.isReadStream
var toBase64 = helpers.toBase64
var defer = helpers.defer
var copy = helpers.copy
var version = helpers.version
var globalCookieJar = cookies.jar()

var globalPool = {}

function filterForNonReserved (reserved, options) {
  // Filter out properties that are not reserved.
  // Reserved values are passed in at call site.

  var object = {}
  for (var i in options) {
    var notReserved = (reserved.indexOf(i) === -1)
    if (notReserved) {
      object[i] = options[i]
  return object

function filterOutReservedFunctions (reserved, options) {
  // Filter out properties that are functions and are reserved.
  // Reserved values are passed in at call site.

  var object = {}
  for (var i in options) {
    var isReserved = !(reserved.indexOf(i) === -1)
    var isFunction = (typeof options[i] === 'function')
    if (!(isReserved && isFunction)) {
      object[i] = options[i]
  return object

// Return a simpler request object to allow serialization
function requestToJSON () {
  var self = this
  return {
    uri: self.uri,
    method: self.method,
    headers: self.headers

// Return a simpler response object to allow serialization
function responseToJSON () {
  var self = this
  return {
    statusCode: self.statusCode,
    body: self.body,
    headers: self.headers,
    request: requestToJSON.call(self.request)

function Request (options) {
  // if given the method property in options, set property explicitMethod to true

  // extend the Request instance with any non-reserved properties
  // remove any reserved functions from the options object
  // set Request instance to be readable and writable
  // call init

  var self = this

  // start with HAR, then override with additional options
  if (options.har) {
    self._har = new Har(self)
    options = self._har.options(options)

  var reserved = Object.keys(Request.prototype)
  var nonReserved = filterForNonReserved(reserved, options)

  extend(self, nonReserved)
  options = filterOutReservedFunctions(reserved, options)

  self.readable = true
  self.writable = true
  if (options.method) {
    self.explicitMethod = true
  self._qs = new Querystring(self)
  self._auth = new Auth(self)
  self._oauth = new OAuth(self)
  self._multipart = new Multipart(self)
  self._redirect = new Redirect(self)
  self._tunnel = new Tunnel(self)

util.inherits(Request, stream.Stream)

// Debugging
Request.debug = process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\brequest\b/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)
function debug () {
  if (Request.debug) {
    console.error('REQUEST %s', util.format.apply(util, arguments))
Request.prototype.debug = debug

Request.prototype.init = function (options) {
  // init() contains all the code to setup the request object.
  // the actual outgoing request is not started until start() is called
  // this function is called from both the constructor and on redirect.
  var self = this
  if (!options) {
    options = {}
  self.headers = self.headers ? copy(self.headers) : {}

  // Delete headers with value undefined since they break
  // ClientRequest.OutgoingMessage.setHeader in node 0.12
  for (var headerName in self.headers) {
    if (typeof self.headers[headerName] === 'undefined') {
      delete self.headers[headerName]

  caseless.httpify(self, self.headers)

  if (!self.method) {
    self.method = options.method || 'GET'
  if (!self.localAddress) {
    self.localAddress = options.localAddress


  if (!self.pool && self.pool !== false) {
    self.pool = globalPool
  self.dests = self.dests || []
  self.__isRequestRequest = true

  // Protect against double callback
  if (!self._callback && self.callback) {
    self._callback = self.callback
    self.callback = function () {
      if (self._callbackCalled) {
        return // Print a warning maybe?
      self._callbackCalled = true
      self._callback.apply(self, arguments)
    self.on('error', self.callback.bind())
    self.on('complete', self.callback.bind(self, null))

  // People use this property instead all the time, so support it
  if (!self.uri && self.url) {
    self.uri = self.url
    delete self.url

  // If there's a baseUrl, then use it as the base URL (i.e. uri must be
  // specified as a relative path and is appended to baseUrl).
  if (self.baseUrl) {
    if (typeof self.baseUrl !== 'string') {
      return self.emit('error', new Error('options.baseUrl must be a string'))

    if (typeof self.uri !== 'string') {
      return self.emit('error', new Error('options.uri must be a string when using options.baseUrl'))

    if (self.uri.indexOf('//') === 0 || self.uri.indexOf('://') !== -1) {
      return self.emit('error', new Error('options.uri must be a path when using options.baseUrl'))

    // Handle all cases to make sure that there's only one slash between
    // baseUrl and uri.
    var baseUrlEndsWithSlash = self.baseUrl.lastIndexOf('/') === self.baseUrl.length - 1
    var uriStartsWithSlash = self.uri.indexOf('/') === 0

    if (baseUrlEndsWithSlash && uriStartsWithSlash) {
      self.uri = self.baseUrl + self.uri.slice(1)
    } else if (baseUrlEndsWithSlash || uriStartsWithSlash) {
      self.uri = self.baseUrl + self.uri
    } else if (self.uri === '') {
      self.uri = self.baseUrl
    } else {
      self.uri = self.baseUrl + '/' + self.uri
    delete self.baseUrl

  // A URI is needed by this point, emit error if we haven't been able to get one
  if (!self.uri) {
    return self.emit('error', new Error('options.uri is a required argument'))

  // If a string URI/URL was given, parse it into a URL object
  if (typeof self.uri === 'string') {
    self.uri = url.parse(self.uri)

  // Some URL objects are not from a URL parsed string and need href added
  if (!self.uri.href) {
    self.uri.href = url.format(self.uri)

  // DEPRECATED: Warning for users of the old Unix Sockets URL Scheme
  if (self.uri.protocol === 'unix:') {
    return self.emit('error', new Error('`unix://` URL scheme is no longer supported. Please use the format `http://unix:SOCKET:PATH`'))

  // Support Unix Sockets
  if (self.uri.host === 'unix') {

  if (self.strictSSL === false) {
    self.rejectUnauthorized = false

  if (!self.uri.pathname) { self.uri.pathname = '/' }

  if (!(self.uri.host || (self.uri.hostname && self.uri.port)) && !self.uri.isUnix) {
    // Invalid URI: it may generate lot of bad errors, like 'TypeError: Cannot call method `indexOf` of undefined' in CookieJar
    // Detect and reject it as soon as possible
    var faultyUri = url.format(self.uri)
    var message = 'Invalid URI "' + faultyUri + '"'
    if (Object.keys(options).length === 0) {
      // No option ? This can be the sign of a redirect
      // As this is a case where the user cannot do anything (they didn't call request directly with this URL)
      // they should be warned that it can be caused by a redirection (can save some hair)
      message += '. This can be caused by a crappy redirection.'
    // This error was fatal
    return self.emit('error', new Error(message))

  if (!self.hasOwnProperty('proxy')) {
    self.proxy = getProxyFromURI(self.uri)

  self.tunnel = self._tunnel.isEnabled()
  if (self.proxy) {


  self.setHost = false
  if (!self.hasHeader('host')) {
    var hostHeaderName = self.originalHostHeaderName || 'host'
    self.setHeader(hostHeaderName, self.uri.host)
    // Drop :port suffix from Host header if known protocol.
    if (self.uri.port) {
      if ((self.uri.port === '80' && self.uri.protocol === 'http:') ||
          (self.uri.port === '443' && self.uri.protocol === 'https:')) {
        self.setHeader(hostHeaderName, self.uri.hostname)
    self.setHost = true

  self.jar(self._jar || options.jar)

  if (!self.uri.port) {
    if (self.uri.protocol === 'http:') { self.uri.port = 80 } else if (self.uri.protocol === 'https:') { self.uri.port = 443 }

  if (self.proxy && !self.tunnel) {
    self.port = self.proxy.port
    self.host = self.proxy.hostname
  } else {
    self.port = self.uri.port
    self.host = self.uri.hostname

  if (options.form) {

  if (options.formData) {
    var formData = options.formData
    var requestForm = self.form()
    var appendFormValue = function (key, value) {
      if (value && value.hasOwnProperty('value') && value.hasOwnProperty('options')) {
        requestForm.append(key, value.value, value.options)
      } else {
        requestForm.append(key, value)
    for (var formKey in formData) {
      if (formData.hasOwnProperty(formKey)) {
        var formValue = formData[formKey]
        if (formValue instanceof Array) {
          for (var j = 0; j < formValue.length; j++) {
            appendFormValue(formKey, formValue[j])
        } else {
          appendFormValue(formKey, formValue)

  if (options.qs) {

  if (self.uri.path) {
    self.path = self.uri.path
  } else {
    self.path = self.uri.pathname + (self.uri.search || '')

  if (self.path.length === 0) {
    self.path = '/'

  // Auth must happen last in case signing is dependent on other headers
  if (options.aws) {

  if (options.hawk) {

  if (options.httpSignature) {

  if (options.auth) {
    if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options.auth, 'username')) {
      options.auth.user = options.auth.username
    if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options.auth, 'password')) {
      options.auth.pass = options.auth.password


  if (self.gzip && !self.hasHeader('accept-encoding')) {
    self.setHeader('accept-encoding', 'gzip, deflate')

  if (self.uri.auth && !self.hasHeader('authorization')) {
    var uriAuthPieces = self.uri.auth.split(':').map(function (item) { return self._qs.unescape(item) })
    self.auth(uriAuthPieces[0], uriAuthPieces.slice(1).join(':'), true)

  if (!self.tunnel && self.proxy && self.proxy.auth && !self.hasHeader('proxy-authorization')) {
    var proxyAuthPieces = self.proxy.auth.split(':').map(function (item) { return self._qs.unescape(item) })
    var authHeader = 'Basic ' + toBase64(proxyAuthPieces.join(':'))
    self.setHeader('proxy-authorization', authHeader)

  if (self.proxy && !self.tunnel) {
    self.path = (self.uri.protocol + '//' + self.uri.host + self.path)

  if (options.json) {
  if (options.multipart) {

  if (options.time) {
    self.timing = true

    // NOTE: elapsedTime is deprecated in favor of .timings
    self.elapsedTime = self.elapsedTime || 0

  function setContentLength () {
    if (isTypedArray(self.body)) {
      self.body = Buffer.from(self.body)

    if (!self.hasHeader('content-length')) {
      var length
      if (typeof self.body === 'string') {
        length = Buffer.byteLength(self.body)
      } else if (Array.isArray(self.body)) {
        length = self.body.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b.length }, 0)
      } else {
        length = self.body.length

      if (length) {
        self.setHeader('content-length', length)
      } else {
        self.emit('error', new Error('Argument error, options.body.'))
  if (self.body && !isstream(self.body)) {

  if (options.oauth) {
  } else if (self._oauth.params && self.hasHeader('authorization')) {

  var protocol = self.proxy && !self.tunnel ? self.proxy.protocol : self.uri.protocol
  var defaultModules = {'http:': http, 'https:': https}
  var httpModules = self.httpModules || {}

  self.httpModule = httpModules[protocol] || defaultModules[protocol]

  if (!self.httpModule) {
    return self.emit('error', new Error('Invalid protocol: ' + protocol))

  if (options.ca) {
    self.ca = options.ca

  if (!self.agent) {
    if (options.agentOptions) {
      self.agentOptions = options.agentOptions

    if (options.agentClass) {
      self.agentClass = options.agentClass
    } else if (options.forever) {
      var v = version()
      // use ForeverAgent in node 0.10- only
      if (v.major === 0 && v.minor <= 10) {
        self.agentClass = protocol === 'http:' ? ForeverAgent : ForeverAgent.SSL
      } else {
        self.agentClass = self.httpModule.Agent
        self.agentOptions = self.agentOptions || {}
        self.agentOptions.keepAlive = true
    } else {
      self.agentClass = self.httpModule.Agent

  if (self.pool === false) {
    self.agent = false
  } else {
    self.agent = self.agent || self.getNewAgent()

  self.on('pipe', function (src) {
    if (self.ntick && self._started) {
      self.emit('error', new Error('You cannot pipe to this stream after the outbound request has started.'))
    self.src = src
    if (isReadStream(src)) {
      if (!self.hasHeader('content-type')) {
        self.setHeader('content-type', mime.lookup(src.path))
    } else {
      if (src.headers) {
        for (var i in src.headers) {
          if (!self.hasHeader(i)) {
            self.setHeader(i, src.headers[i])
      if (self._json && !self.hasHeader('content-type')) {
        self.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json')
      if (src.method && !self.explicitMethod) {
        self.method = src.method

  // self.on('pipe', function () {
  //   console.error('You have already piped to this stream. Pipeing twice is likely to break the request.')
  // })

  defer(function () {
    if (self._aborted) {

    var end = function () {
      if (self._form) {
        if (!self._auth.hasAuth) {
        } else if (self._auth.hasAuth && self._auth.sentAuth) {
      if (self._multipart && self._multipart.chunked) {
      if (self.body) {
        if (isstream(self.body)) {
        } else {
          if (Array.isArray(self.body)) {
            self.body.forEach(function (part) {
          } else {
      } else if (self.requestBodyStream) {
        console.warn('options.requestBodyStream is deprecated, please pass the request object to stream.pipe.')
      } else if (!self.src) {
        if (self._auth.hasAuth && !self._auth.sentAuth) {
        if (self.method !== 'GET' && typeof self.method !== 'undefined') {
          self.setHeader('content-length', 0)

    if (self._form && !self.hasHeader('content-length')) {
      // Before ending the request, we had to compute the length of the whole form, asyncly
      self.setHeader(self._form.getHeaders(), true)
      self._form.getLength(function (err, length) {
        if (!err && !isNaN(length)) {
          self.setHeader('content-length', length)
    } else {

    self.ntick = true

Request.prototype.getNewAgent = function () {
  var self = this
  var Agent = self.agentClass
  var options = {}
  if (self.agentOptions) {
    for (var i in self.agentOptions) {
      options[i] = self.agentOptions[i]
  if (self.ca) {
    options.ca = self.ca
  if (self.ciphers) {
    options.ciphers = self.ciphers
  if (self.secureProtocol) {
    options.secureProtocol = self.secureProtocol
  if (self.secureOptions) {
    options.secureOptions = self.secureOptions
  if (typeof self.rejectUnauthorized !== 'undefined') {
    options.rejectUnauthorized = self.rejectUnauthorized

  if (self.cert && self.key) {
    options.key = self.key
    options.cert = self.cert

  if (self.pfx) {
    options.pfx = self.pfx

  if (self.passphrase) {
    options.passphrase = self.passphrase

  var poolKey = ''

  // different types of agents are in different pools
  if (Agent !== self.httpModule.Agent) {
    poolKey += Agent.name

  // ca option is only relevant if proxy or destination are https
  var proxy = self.proxy
  if (typeof proxy === 'string') {
    proxy = url.parse(proxy)
  var isHttps = (proxy && proxy.protocol === 'https:') || this.uri.protocol === 'https:'

  if (isHttps) {
    if (options.ca) {
      if (poolKey) {
        poolKey += ':'
      poolKey += options.ca

    if (typeof options.rejectUnauthorized !== 'undefined') {
      if (poolKey) {
        poolKey += ':'
      poolKey += options.rejectUnauthorized

    if (options.cert) {
      if (poolKey) {
        poolKey += ':'
      poolKey += options.cert.toString('ascii') + options.key.toString('ascii')

    if (options.pfx) {
      if (poolKey) {
        poolKey += ':'
      poolKey += options.pfx.toString('ascii')

    if (options.ciphers) {
      if (poolKey) {
        poolKey += ':'
      poolKey += options.ciphers

    if (options.secureProtocol) {
      if (poolKey) {
        poolKey += ':'
      poolKey += options.secureProtocol

    if (options.secureOptions) {
      if (poolKey) {
        poolKey += ':'
      poolKey += options.secureOptions

  if (self.pool === globalPool && !poolKey && Object.keys(options).length === 0 && self.httpModule.globalAgent) {
    // not doing anything special.  Use the globalAgent
    return self.httpModule.globalAgent

  // we're using a stored agent.  Make sure it's protocol-specific
  poolKey = self.uri.protocol + poolKey

  // generate a new agent for this setting if none yet exists
  if (!self.pool[poolKey]) {
    self.pool[poolKey] = new Agent(options)
    // properly set maxSockets on new agents
    if (self.pool.maxSockets) {
      self.pool[poolKey].maxSockets = self.pool.maxSockets

  return self.pool[poolKey]

Request.prototype.start = function () {
  // start() is called once we are ready to send the outgoing HTTP request.
  // this is usually called on the first write(), end() or on nextTick()
  var self = this

  if (self.timing) {
    // All timings will be relative to this request's startTime.  In order to do this,
    // we need to capture the wall-clock start time (via Date), immediately followed
    // by the high-resolution timer (via now()).  While these two won't be set
    // at the _exact_ same time, they should be close enough to be able to calculate
    // high-resolution, monotonically non-decreasing timestamps relative to startTime.
    var startTime = new Date().getTime()
    var startTimeNow = now()

  if (self._aborted) {

  self._started = true
  self.method = self.method || 'GET'
  self.href = self.uri.href

  if (self.src && self.src.stat && self.src.stat.size && !self.hasHeader('content-length')) {
    self.setHeader('content-length', self.src.stat.size)
  if (self._aws) {
    self.aws(self._aws, true)

  // We have a method named auth, which is completely different from the http.request
  // auth option.  If we don't remove it, we're gonna have a bad time.
  var reqOptions = copy(self)
  delete reqOptions.auth

  debug('make request', self.uri.href)

  // node v6.8.0 now supports a `timeout` value in `http.request()`, but we
  // should delete it for now since we handle timeouts manually for better
  // consistency with node versions before v6.8.0
  delete reqOptions.timeout

  try {
    self.req = self.httpModule.request(reqOptions)
  } catch (err) {
    self.emit('error', err)

  if (self.timing) {
    self.startTime = startTime
    self.startTimeNow = startTimeNow

    // Timing values will all be relative to startTime (by comparing to startTimeNow
    // so we have an accurate clock)
    self.timings = {}

  var timeout
  if (self.timeout && !self.timeoutTimer) {
    if (self.timeout < 0) {
      timeout = 0
    } else if (typeof self.timeout === 'number' && isFinite(self.timeout)) {
      timeout = self.timeout

  self.req.on('response', self.onRequestResponse.bind(self))
  self.req.on('error', self.onRequestError.bind(self))
  self.req.on('drain', function () {

  self.req.on('socket', function (socket) {
    // `._connecting` was the old property which was made public in node v6.1.0
    var isConnecting = socket._connecting || socket.connecting
    if (self.timing) {
      self.timings.socket = now() - self.startTimeNow

      if (isConnecting) {
        var onLookupTiming = function () {
          self.timings.lookup = now() - self.startTimeNow

        var onConnectTiming = function () {
          self.timings.connect = now() - self.startTimeNow

        socket.once('lookup', onLookupTiming)
        socket.once('connect', onConnectTiming)

        // clean up timing event listeners if needed on error
        self.req.once('error', function () {
          socket.removeListener('lookup', onLookupTiming)
          socket.removeListener('connect', onConnectTiming)

    var setReqTimeout = function () {
      // This timeout sets the amount of time to wait *between* bytes sent
      // from the server once connected.
      // In particular, it's useful for erroring if the server fails to send
      // data halfway through streaming a response.
      self.req.setTimeout(timeout, function () {
        if (self.req) {
          var e = new Error('ESOCKETTIMEDOUT')
          e.code = 'ESOCKETTIMEDOUT'
          e.connect = false
          self.emit('error', e)
    if (timeout !== undefined) {
      // Only start the connection timer if we're actually connecting a new
      // socket, otherwise if we're already connected (because this is a
      // keep-alive connection) do not bother. This is important since we won't
      // get a 'connect' event for an already connected socket.
      if (isConnecting) {
        var onReqSockConnect = function () {
          socket.removeListener('connect', onReqSockConnect)
          self.timeoutTimer = null

        socket.on('connect', onReqSockConnect)

        self.req.on('error', function (err) { // eslint-disable-line handle-callback-err
          socket.removeListener('connect', onReqSockConnect)

        // Set a timeout in memory - this block will throw if the server takes more
        // than `timeout` to write the HTTP status and headers (corresponding to
        // the on('response') event on the client). NB: this measures wall-clock
        // time, not the time between bytes sent by the server.
        self.timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () {
          socket.removeListener('connect', onReqSockConnect)
          var e = new Error('ETIMEDOUT')
          e.code = 'ETIMEDOUT'
          e.connect = true
          self.emit('error', e)
        }, timeout)
      } else {
        // We're already connected
    self.emit('socket', socket)

  self.emit('request', self.req)

Request.prototype.onRequestError = function (error) {
  var self = this
  if (self._aborted) {
  if (self.req && self.req._reusedSocket && error.code === 'ECONNRESET' &&
    self.agent.addRequestNoreuse) {
    self.agent = { addRequest: self.agent.addRequestNoreuse.bind(self.agent) }
  if (self.timeout && self.timeoutTimer) {
    self.timeoutTimer = null
  self.emit('error', error)

Request.prototype.onRequestResponse = function (response) {
  var self = this

  if (self.timing) {
    self.timings.response = now() - self.startTimeNow

  debug('onRequestResponse', self.uri.href, response.statusCode, response.headers)
  response.on('end', function () {
    if (self.timing) {
      self.timings.end = now() - self.startTimeNow
      response.timingStart = self.startTime

      // fill in the blanks for any periods that didn't trigger, such as
      // no lookup or connect due to keep alive
      if (!self.timings.socket) {
        self.timings.socket = 0
      if (!self.timings.lookup) {
        self.timings.lookup = self.timings.socket
      if (!self.timings.connect) {
        self.timings.connect = self.timings.lookup
      if (!self.timings.response) {
        self.timings.response = self.timings.connect

      debug('elapsed time', self.timings.end)

      // elapsedTime includes all redirects
      self.elapsedTime += Math.round(self.timings.end)

      // NOTE: elapsedTime is deprecated in favor of .timings
      response.elapsedTime = self.elapsedTime

      // timings is just for the final fetch
      response.timings = self.timings

      // pre-calculate phase timings as well
      response.timingPhases = {
        wait: self.timings.socket,
        dns: self.timings.lookup - self.timings.socket,
        tcp: self.timings.connect - self.timings.lookup,
        firstByte: self.timings.response - self.timings.connect,
        download: self.timings.end - self.timings.response,
        total: self.timings.end
    debug('response end', self.uri.href, response.statusCode, response.headers)

  if (self._aborted) {
    debug('aborted', self.uri.href)

  self.response = response
  response.request = self
  response.toJSON = responseToJSON

  // XXX This is different on 0.10, because SSL is strict by default
  if (self.httpModule === https &&
    self.strictSSL && (!response.hasOwnProperty('socket') ||
    !response.socket.authorized)) {
    debug('strict ssl error', self.uri.href)
    var sslErr = response.hasOwnProperty('socket') ? response.socket.authorizationError : self.uri.href + ' does not support SSL'
    self.emit('error', new Error('SSL Error: ' + sslErr))

  // Save the original host before any redirect (if it changes, we need to
  // remove any authorization headers).  Also remember the case of the header
  // name because lots of broken servers expect Host instead of host and we
  // want the caller to be able to specify this.
  self.originalHost = self.getHeader('host')
  if (!self.originalHostHeaderName) {
    self.originalHostHeaderName = self.hasHeader('host')
  if (self.setHost) {
  if (self.timeout && self.timeoutTimer) {
    self.timeoutTimer = null

  var targetCookieJar = (self._jar && self._jar.setCookie) ? self._jar : globalCookieJar
  var addCookie = function (cookie) {
    // set the cookie if it's domain in the href's domain.
    try {
      targetCookieJar.setCookie(cookie, self.uri.href, {ignoreError: true})
    } catch (e) {
      self.emit('error', e)

  response.caseless = caseless(response.headers)

  if (response.caseless.has('set-cookie') && (!self._disableCookies)) {
    var headerName = response.caseless.has('set-cookie')
    if (Array.isArray(response.headers[headerName])) {
    } else {

  if (self._redirect.onResponse(response)) {
    return // Ignore the rest of the response
  } else {
    // Be a good stream and emit end when the response is finished.
    // Hack to emit end on close because of a core bug that never fires end
    response.on('close', function () {
      if (!self._ended) {

    response.once('end', function () {
      self._ended = true

    var noBody = function (code) {
      return (
        self.method === 'HEAD' ||
        // Informational
        (code >= 100 && code < 200) ||
        // No Content
        code === 204 ||
        // Not Modified
        code === 304

    var responseContent
    if (self.gzip && !noBody(response.statusCode)) {
      var contentEncoding = response.headers['content-encoding'] || 'identity'
      contentEncoding = contentEncoding.trim().toLowerCase()

      // Be more lenient with decoding compressed responses, since (very rarely)
      // servers send slightly invalid gzip responses that are still accepted
      // by common browsers.
      // Always using Z_SYNC_FLUSH is what cURL does.
      var zlibOptions = {
        flush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH,
        finishFlush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH

      if (contentEncoding === 'gzip') {
        responseContent = zlib.createGunzip(zlibOptions)
      } else if (contentEncoding === 'deflate') {
        responseContent = zlib.createInflate(zlibOptions)
      } else {
        // Since previous versions didn't check for Content-Encoding header,
        // ignore any invalid values to preserve backwards-compatibility
        if (contentEncoding !== 'identity') {
          debug('ignoring unrecognized Content-Encoding ' + contentEncoding)
        responseContent = response
    } else {
      responseContent = response

    if (self.encoding) {
      if (self.dests.length !== 0) {
        console.error('Ignoring encoding parameter as this stream is being piped to another stream which makes the encoding option invalid.')
      } else {

    if (self._paused) {

    self.responseContent = responseContent

    self.emit('response', response)

    self.dests.forEach(function (dest) {

    responseContent.on('data', function (chunk) {
      if (self.timing && !self.responseStarted) {
        self.responseStartTime = (new Date()).getTime()

        // NOTE: responseStartTime is deprecated in favor of .timings
        response.responseStartTime = self.responseStartTime
      self._destdata = true
      self.emit('data', chunk)
    responseContent.once('end', function (chunk) {
      self.emit('end', chunk)
    responseContent.on('error', function (error) {
      self.emit('error', error)
    responseContent.on('close', function () { self.emit('close') })

    if (self.callback) {
    } else { // if no callback
      self.on('end', function () {
        if (self._aborted) {
          debug('aborted', self.uri.href)
        self.emit('complete', response)
  debug('finish init function', self.uri.href)

Request.prototype.readResponseBody = function (response) {
  var self = this
  debug("reading response's body")
  var buffers = []
  var bufferLength = 0
  var strings = []

  self.on('data', function (chunk) {
    if (!Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) {
    } else if (chunk.length) {
      bufferLength += chunk.length
  self.on('end', function () {
    debug('end event', self.uri.href)
    if (self._aborted) {
      debug('aborted', self.uri.href)
      // `buffer` is defined in the parent scope and used in a closure it exists for the life of the request.
      // This can lead to leaky behavior if the user retains a reference to the request object.
      buffers = []
      bufferLength = 0

    if (bufferLength) {
      debug('has body', self.uri.href, bufferLength)
      response.body = Buffer.concat(buffers, bufferLength)
      if (self.encoding !== null) {
        response.body = response.body.toString(self.encoding)
      // `buffer` is defined in the parent scope and used in a closure it exists for the life of the Request.
      // This can lead to leaky behavior if the user retains a reference to the request object.
      buffers = []
      bufferLength = 0
    } else if (strings.length) {
      // The UTF8 BOM [0xEF,0xBB,0xBF] is converted to [0xFE,0xFF] in the JS UTC16/UCS2 representation.
      // Strip this value out when the encoding is set to 'utf8', as upstream consumers won't expect it and it breaks JSON.parse().
      if (self.encoding === 'utf8' && strings[0].length > 0 && strings[0][0] === '\uFEFF') {
        strings[0] = strings[0].substring(1)
      response.body = strings.join('')

    if (self._json) {
      try {
        response.body = JSON.parse(response.body, self._jsonReviver)
      } catch (e) {
        debug('invalid JSON received', self.uri.href)
    debug('emitting complete', self.uri.href)
    if (typeof response.body === 'undefined' && !self._json) {
      response.body = self.encoding === null ? Buffer.alloc(0) : ''
    self.emit('complete', response, response.body)

Request.prototype.abort = function () {
  var self = this
  self._aborted = true

  if (self.req) {
  } else if (self.response) {


Request.prototype.pipeDest = function (dest) {
  var self = this
  var response = self.response
  // Called after the response is received
  if (dest.headers && !dest.headersSent) {
    if (response.caseless.has('content-type')) {
      var ctname = response.caseless.has('content-type')
      if (dest.setHeader) {
        dest.setHeader(ctname, response.headers[ctname])
      } else {
        dest.headers[ctname] = response.headers[ctname]

    if (response.caseless.has('content-length')) {
      var clname = response.caseless.has('content-length')
      if (dest.setHeader) {
        dest.setHeader(clname, response.headers[clname])
      } else {
        dest.headers[clname] = response.headers[clname]
  if (dest.setHeader && !dest.headersSent) {
    for (var i in response.headers) {
      // If the response content is being decoded, the Content-Encoding header
      // of the response doesn't represent the piped content, so don't pass it.
      if (!self.gzip || i !== 'content-encoding') {
        dest.setHeader(i, response.headers[i])
    dest.statusCode = response.statusCode
  if (self.pipefilter) {
    self.pipefilter(response, dest)

Request.prototype.qs = function (q, clobber) {
  var self = this
  var base
  if (!clobber && self.uri.query) {
    base = self._qs.parse(self.uri.query)
  } else {
    base = {}

  for (var i in q) {
    base[i] = q[i]

  var qs = self._qs.stringify(base)

  if (qs === '') {
    return self

  self.uri = url.parse(self.uri.href.split('?')[0] + '?' + qs)
  self.url = self.uri
  self.path = self.uri.path

  if (self.uri.host === 'unix') {

  return self
Request.prototype.form = function (form) {
  var self = this
  if (form) {
    if (!/^application\/x-www-form-urlencoded\b/.test(self.getHeader('content-type'))) {
      self.setHeader('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
    self.body = (typeof form === 'string')
      ? self._qs.rfc3986(form.toString('utf8'))
      : self._qs.stringify(form).toString('utf8')
    return self
  // create form-data object
  self._form = new FormData()
  self._form.on('error', function (err) {
    err.message = 'form-data: ' + err.message
    self.emit('error', err)
  return self._form
Request.prototype.multipart = function (multipart) {
  var self = this


  if (!self._multipart.chunked) {
    self.body = self._multipart.body

  return self
Request.prototype.json = function (val) {
  var self = this

  if (!self.hasHeader('accept')) {
    self.setHeader('accept', 'application/json')

  if (typeof self.jsonReplacer === 'function') {
    self._jsonReplacer = self.jsonReplacer

  self._json = true
  if (typeof val === 'boolean') {
    if (self.body !== undefined) {
      if (!/^application\/x-www-form-urlencoded\b/.test(self.getHeader('content-type'))) {
        self.body = safeStringify(self.body, self._jsonReplacer)
      } else {
        self.body = self._qs.rfc3986(self.body)
      if (!self.hasHeader('content-type')) {
        self.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json')
  } else {
    self.body = safeStringify(val, self._jsonReplacer)
    if (!self.hasHeader('content-type')) {
      self.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json')

  if (typeof self.jsonReviver === 'function') {
    self._jsonReviver = self.jsonReviver

  return self
Request.prototype.getHeader = function (name, headers) {
  var self = this
  var result, re, match
  if (!headers) {
    headers = self.headers
  Object.keys(headers).forEach(function (key) {
    if (key.length !== name.length) {
    re = new RegExp(name, 'i')
    match = key.match(re)
    if (match) {
      result = headers[key]
  return result
Request.prototype.enableUnixSocket = function () {
  // Get the socket & request paths from the URL
  var unixParts = this.uri.path.split(':')
  var host = unixParts[0]
  var path = unixParts[1]
  // Apply unix properties to request
  this.socketPath = host
  this.uri.pathname = path
  this.uri.path = path
  this.uri.host = host
  this.uri.hostname = host
  this.uri.isUnix = true

Request.prototype.auth = function (user, pass, sendImmediately, bearer) {
  var self = this

  self._auth.onRequest(user, pass, sendImmediately, bearer)

  return self
Request.prototype.aws = function (opts, now) {
  var self = this

  if (!now) {
    self._aws = opts
    return self

  if (opts.sign_version === 4 || opts.sign_version === '4') {
    // use aws4
    var options = {
      host: self.uri.host,
      path: self.uri.path,
      method: self.method,
      headers: self.headers,
      body: self.body
    if (opts.service) {
      options.service = opts.service
    var signRes = aws4.sign(options, {
      accessKeyId: opts.key,
      secretAccessKey: opts.secret,
      sessionToken: opts.session
    self.setHeader('authorization', signRes.headers.Authorization)
    self.setHeader('x-amz-date', signRes.headers['X-Amz-Date'])
    if (signRes.headers['X-Amz-Security-Token']) {
      self.setHeader('x-amz-security-token', signRes.headers['X-Amz-Security-Token'])
  } else {
    // default: use aws-sign2
    var date = new Date()
    self.setHeader('date', date.toUTCString())
    var auth = {
      key: opts.key,
      secret: opts.secret,
      verb: self.method.toUpperCase(),
      date: date,
      contentType: self.getHeader('content-type') || '',
      md5: self.getHeader('content-md5') || '',
      amazonHeaders: aws2.canonicalizeHeaders(self.headers)
    var path = self.uri.path
    if (opts.bucket && path) {
      auth.resource = '/' + opts.bucket + path
    } else if (opts.bucket && !path) {
      auth.resource = '/' + opts.bucket
    } else if (!opts.bucket && path) {
      auth.resource = path
    } else if (!opts.bucket && !path) {
      auth.resource = '/'
    auth.resource = aws2.canonicalizeResource(auth.resource)
    self.setHeader('authorization', aws2.authorization(auth))

  return self
Request.prototype.httpSignature = function (opts) {
  var self = this
    getHeader: function (header) {
      return self.getHeader(header, self.headers)
    setHeader: function (header, value) {
      self.setHeader(header, value)
    method: self.method,
    path: self.path
  }, opts)
  debug('httpSignature authorization', self.getHeader('authorization'))

  return self
Request.prototype.hawk = function (opts) {
  var self = this
  self.setHeader('Authorization', hawk.header(self.uri, self.method, opts))
Request.prototype.oauth = function (_oauth) {
  var self = this


  return self

Request.prototype.jar = function (jar) {
  var self = this
  var cookies

  if (self._redirect.redirectsFollowed === 0) {
    self.originalCookieHeader = self.getHeader('cookie')

  if (!jar) {
    // disable cookies
    cookies = false
    self._disableCookies = true
  } else {
    var targetCookieJar = (jar && jar.getCookieString) ? jar : globalCookieJar
    var urihref = self.uri.href
    // fetch cookie in the Specified host
    if (targetCookieJar) {
      cookies = targetCookieJar.getCookieString(urihref)

  // if need cookie and cookie is not empty
  if (cookies && cookies.length) {
    if (self.originalCookieHeader) {
      // Don't overwrite existing Cookie header
      self.setHeader('cookie', self.originalCookieHeader + '; ' + cookies)
    } else {
      self.setHeader('cookie', cookies)
  self._jar = jar
  return self

// Stream API
Request.prototype.pipe = function (dest, opts) {
  var self = this

  if (self.response) {
    if (self._destdata) {
      self.emit('error', new Error('You cannot pipe after data has been emitted from the response.'))
    } else if (self._ended) {
      self.emit('error', new Error('You cannot pipe after the response has been ended.'))
    } else {
      stream.Stream.prototype.pipe.call(self, dest, opts)
      return dest
  } else {
    stream.Stream.prototype.pipe.call(self, dest, opts)
    return dest
Request.prototype.write = function () {
  var self = this
  if (self._aborted) { return }

  if (!self._started) {
  if (self.req) {
    return self.req.write.apply(self.req, arguments)
Request.prototype.end = function (chunk) {
  var self = this
  if (self._aborted) { return }

  if (chunk) {
  if (!self._started) {
  if (self.req) {
Request.prototype.pause = function () {
  var self = this
  if (!self.responseContent) {
    self._paused = true
  } else {
    self.responseContent.pause.apply(self.responseContent, arguments)
Request.prototype.resume = function () {
  var self = this
  if (!self.responseContent) {
    self._paused = false
  } else {
    self.responseContent.resume.apply(self.responseContent, arguments)
Request.prototype.destroy = function () {
  var self = this
  if (!self._ended) {
  } else if (self.response) {

Request.defaultProxyHeaderWhiteList =

Request.defaultProxyHeaderExclusiveList =

// Exports

Request.prototype.toJSON = requestToJSON
module.exports = Request


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lib Folder 0755
CHANGELOG.md File 66.81 KB 0644
LICENSE File 8.93 KB 0644
README.md File 43.57 KB 0644
index.js File 3.88 KB 0755
package.json File 47.68 KB 0644
request.js File 43.47 KB 0644