[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Usage: gen-changelog [comittish]
# Reads all the commits since comittish and produces changelog entries in
# our style as best as it can, appendning them to CHANGELOG.md.  If it
# encounters a git error it won't modify CHANGELOG.md
# @iarna uses this as the first step in producing changelogs for a release.
(node $(npm prefix)/scripts/changelog.js "$@"; cat CHANGELOG.md) > new.md && mv new.md CHANGELOG.md


Name Type Size Permission Actions
changelog.js File 3 KB 0644
clean-old.sh File 4.17 KB 0755
dep-update File 294 B 0755
dev-dep-update File 292 B 0755
docs-build.js File 825 B 0644
gen-changelog File 420 B 0755
gen-dev-ignores.js File 350 B 0644
install.sh File 5.47 KB 0755
maketest File 1.8 KB 0755
pr File 3.96 KB 0755
publish-tag.js File 151 B 0644
release.sh File 889 B 0644
relocate.sh File 673 B 0755
update-authors.sh File 197 B 0755
update-dist-tags.js File 3.46 KB 0644