[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# script for creating a zip and tarball for inclusion in node

unset CDPATH

set -e

rm -rf release *.tgz || true
rm node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/*.pyc || true
rm node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/*.pyc || true
mkdir release
node ./bin/npm-cli.js pack --loglevel error >/dev/null
mv *.tgz release
cd release
tar xzf *.tgz
cp ../.npmrc package/
cp -r ../tap-snapshots package/
cp -r ../test package/

mkdir node_modules
mv package node_modules/npm

# make the zip for windows users
cp node_modules/npm/bin/*.cmd .
zipname=npm-$(node ../bin/npm-cli.js -v).zip
zip -q -9 -r -X "$zipname" *.cmd node_modules

# make the tar for node's deps
cd node_modules
tarname=npm-$(node ../../bin/npm-cli.js -v).tgz
tar czf "$tarname" npm

cd ..
mv "node_modules/$tarname" .

rm -rf *.cmd
rm -rf node_modules

cd ..

echo "release/$tarname"
echo "release/$zipname"


Name Type Size Permission Actions
changelog.js File 3 KB 0644
clean-old.sh File 4.17 KB 0755
dep-update File 294 B 0755
dev-dep-update File 292 B 0755
docs-build.js File 825 B 0644
gen-changelog File 420 B 0755
gen-dev-ignores.js File 350 B 0644
install.sh File 5.47 KB 0755
maketest File 1.8 KB 0755
pr File 3.96 KB 0755
publish-tag.js File 151 B 0644
release.sh File 889 B 0644
relocate.sh File 673 B 0755
update-authors.sh File 197 B 0755
update-dist-tags.js File 3.46 KB 0644