[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
import calendar
import codecs
import collections
import mmap
import os
import re
import time
import zlib

# see Text String Type on page 86 and D.3 PDFDocEncoding Character Set
# on page 656
def encode_text(s):
    return codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE + s.encode("utf_16_be")

PDFDocEncoding = {
    0x16: "\u0017",
    0x18: "\u02D8",
    0x19: "\u02C7",
    0x1A: "\u02C6",
    0x1B: "\u02D9",
    0x1C: "\u02DD",
    0x1D: "\u02DB",
    0x1E: "\u02DA",
    0x1F: "\u02DC",
    0x80: "\u2022",
    0x81: "\u2020",
    0x82: "\u2021",
    0x83: "\u2026",
    0x84: "\u2014",
    0x85: "\u2013",
    0x86: "\u0192",
    0x87: "\u2044",
    0x88: "\u2039",
    0x89: "\u203A",
    0x8A: "\u2212",
    0x8B: "\u2030",
    0x8C: "\u201E",
    0x8D: "\u201C",
    0x8E: "\u201D",
    0x8F: "\u2018",
    0x90: "\u2019",
    0x91: "\u201A",
    0x92: "\u2122",
    0x93: "\uFB01",
    0x94: "\uFB02",
    0x95: "\u0141",
    0x96: "\u0152",
    0x97: "\u0160",
    0x98: "\u0178",
    0x99: "\u017D",
    0x9A: "\u0131",
    0x9B: "\u0142",
    0x9C: "\u0153",
    0x9D: "\u0161",
    0x9E: "\u017E",
    0xA0: "\u20AC",

def decode_text(b):
    if b[: len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE)] == codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE:
        return b[len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE) :].decode("utf_16_be")
        return "".join(PDFDocEncoding.get(byte, chr(byte)) for byte in b)

class PdfFormatError(RuntimeError):
    """An error that probably indicates a syntactic or semantic error in the
    PDF file structure"""


def check_format_condition(condition, error_message):
    if not condition:
        raise PdfFormatError(error_message)

class IndirectReference(
    collections.namedtuple("IndirectReferenceTuple", ["object_id", "generation"])
    def __str__(self):
        return "%s %s R" % self

    def __bytes__(self):
        return self.__str__().encode("us-ascii")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            other.__class__ is self.__class__
            and other.object_id == self.object_id
            and other.generation == self.generation

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.object_id, self.generation))

class IndirectObjectDef(IndirectReference):
    def __str__(self):
        return "%s %s obj" % self

class XrefTable:
    def __init__(self):
        self.existing_entries = {}  # object ID => (offset, generation)
        self.new_entries = {}  # object ID => (offset, generation)
        self.deleted_entries = {0: 65536}  # object ID => generation
        self.reading_finished = False

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if self.reading_finished:
            self.new_entries[key] = value
            self.existing_entries[key] = value
        if key in self.deleted_entries:
            del self.deleted_entries[key]

    def __getitem__(self, key):
            return self.new_entries[key]
        except KeyError:
            return self.existing_entries[key]

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        if key in self.new_entries:
            generation = self.new_entries[key][1] + 1
            del self.new_entries[key]
            self.deleted_entries[key] = generation
        elif key in self.existing_entries:
            generation = self.existing_entries[key][1] + 1
            self.deleted_entries[key] = generation
        elif key in self.deleted_entries:
            generation = self.deleted_entries[key]
            raise IndexError(
                "object ID " + str(key) + " cannot be deleted because it doesn't exist"

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self.existing_entries or key in self.new_entries

    def __len__(self):
        return len(
            | set(self.new_entries.keys())
            | set(self.deleted_entries.keys())

    def keys(self):
        return (
            set(self.existing_entries.keys()) - set(self.deleted_entries.keys())
        ) | set(self.new_entries.keys())

    def write(self, f):
        keys = sorted(set(self.new_entries.keys()) | set(self.deleted_entries.keys()))
        deleted_keys = sorted(set(self.deleted_entries.keys()))
        startxref = f.tell()
        while keys:
            # find a contiguous sequence of object IDs
            prev = None
            for index, key in enumerate(keys):
                if prev is None or prev + 1 == key:
                    prev = key
                    contiguous_keys = keys[:index]
                    keys = keys[index:]
                contiguous_keys = keys
                keys = None
            f.write(b"%d %d\n" % (contiguous_keys[0], len(contiguous_keys)))
            for object_id in contiguous_keys:
                if object_id in self.new_entries:
                    f.write(b"%010d %05d n \n" % self.new_entries[object_id])
                    this_deleted_object_id = deleted_keys.pop(0)
                        object_id == this_deleted_object_id,
                        f"expected the next deleted object ID to be {object_id}, "
                        f"instead found {this_deleted_object_id}",
                        next_in_linked_list = deleted_keys[0]
                    except IndexError:
                        next_in_linked_list = 0
                        b"%010d %05d f \n"
                        % (next_in_linked_list, self.deleted_entries[object_id])
        return startxref

class PdfName:
    def __init__(self, name):
        if isinstance(name, PdfName):
            self.name = name.name
        elif isinstance(name, bytes):
            self.name = name
            self.name = name.encode("us-ascii")

    def name_as_str(self):
        return self.name.decode("us-ascii")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            isinstance(other, PdfName) and other.name == self.name
        ) or other == self.name

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.name)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"PdfName({repr(self.name)})"

    def from_pdf_stream(cls, data):
        return cls(PdfParser.interpret_name(data))

    allowed_chars = set(range(33, 127)) - {ord(c) for c in "#%/()<>[]{}"}

    def __bytes__(self):
        result = bytearray(b"/")
        for b in self.name:
            if b in self.allowed_chars:
                result.extend(b"#%02X" % b)
        return bytes(result)

class PdfArray(list):
    def __bytes__(self):
        return b"[ " + b" ".join(pdf_repr(x) for x in self) + b" ]"

class PdfDict(collections.UserDict):
    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        if key == "data":
            collections.UserDict.__setattr__(self, key, value)
            self[key.encode("us-ascii")] = value

    def __getattr__(self, key):
            value = self[key.encode("us-ascii")]
        except KeyError as e:
            raise AttributeError(key) from e
        if isinstance(value, bytes):
            value = decode_text(value)
        if key.endswith("Date"):
            if value.startswith("D:"):
                value = value[2:]

            relationship = "Z"
            if len(value) > 17:
                relationship = value[14]
                offset = int(value[15:17]) * 60
                if len(value) > 20:
                    offset += int(value[18:20])

            format = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"[: len(value) - 2]
            value = time.strptime(value[: len(format) + 2], format)
            if relationship in ["+", "-"]:
                offset *= 60
                if relationship == "+":
                    offset *= -1
                value = time.gmtime(calendar.timegm(value) + offset)
        return value

    def __bytes__(self):
        out = bytearray(b"<<")
        for key, value in self.items():
            if value is None:
            value = pdf_repr(value)
            out.extend(b" ")
        return bytes(out)

class PdfBinary:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def __bytes__(self):
        return b"<%s>" % b"".join(b"%02X" % b for b in self.data)

class PdfStream:
    def __init__(self, dictionary, buf):
        self.dictionary = dictionary
        self.buf = buf

    def decode(self):
            filter = self.dictionary.Filter
        except AttributeError:
            return self.buf
        if filter == b"FlateDecode":
                expected_length = self.dictionary.DL
            except AttributeError:
                expected_length = self.dictionary.Length
            return zlib.decompress(self.buf, bufsize=int(expected_length))
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"stream filter {repr(self.dictionary.Filter)} unknown/unsupported"

def pdf_repr(x):
    if x is True:
        return b"true"
    elif x is False:
        return b"false"
    elif x is None:
        return b"null"
    elif isinstance(x, (PdfName, PdfDict, PdfArray, PdfBinary)):
        return bytes(x)
    elif isinstance(x, int):
        return str(x).encode("us-ascii")
    elif isinstance(x, time.struct_time):
        return b"(D:" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ", x).encode("us-ascii") + b")"
    elif isinstance(x, dict):
        return bytes(PdfDict(x))
    elif isinstance(x, list):
        return bytes(PdfArray(x))
    elif isinstance(x, str):
        return pdf_repr(encode_text(x))
    elif isinstance(x, bytes):
        # XXX escape more chars? handle binary garbage
        x = x.replace(b"\\", b"\\\\")
        x = x.replace(b"(", b"\\(")
        x = x.replace(b")", b"\\)")
        return b"(" + x + b")"
        return bytes(x)

class PdfParser:
    """Based on
    Supports PDF up to 1.4

    def __init__(self, filename=None, f=None, buf=None, start_offset=0, mode="rb"):
        if buf and f:
            raise RuntimeError("specify buf or f or filename, but not both buf and f")
        self.filename = filename
        self.buf = buf
        self.f = f
        self.start_offset = start_offset
        self.should_close_buf = False
        self.should_close_file = False
        if filename is not None and f is None:
            self.f = f = open(filename, mode)
            self.should_close_file = True
        if f is not None:
            self.buf = buf = self.get_buf_from_file(f)
            self.should_close_buf = True
            if not filename and hasattr(f, "name"):
                self.filename = f.name
        self.cached_objects = {}
        if buf:
            self.file_size_total = self.file_size_this = 0
            self.root = PdfDict()
            self.root_ref = None
            self.info = PdfDict()
            self.info_ref = None
            self.page_tree_root = {}
            self.pages = []
            self.orig_pages = []
            self.pages_ref = None
            self.last_xref_section_offset = None
            self.trailer_dict = {}
            self.xref_table = XrefTable()
        self.xref_table.reading_finished = True
        if f:

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        return False  # do not suppress exceptions

    def start_writing(self):

    def close_buf(self):
        except AttributeError:
        self.buf = None

    def close(self):
        if self.should_close_buf:
        if self.f is not None and self.should_close_file:
            self.f = None

    def seek_end(self):
        self.f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)

    def write_header(self):

    def write_comment(self, s):
        self.f.write(f"% {s}\n".encode("utf-8"))

    def write_catalog(self):
        self.root_ref = self.next_object_id(self.f.tell())
        self.pages_ref = self.next_object_id(0)
        self.write_obj(self.root_ref, Type=PdfName(b"Catalog"), Pages=self.pages_ref)
        return self.root_ref

    def rewrite_pages(self):
        pages_tree_nodes_to_delete = []
        for i, page_ref in enumerate(self.orig_pages):
            page_info = self.cached_objects[page_ref]
            del self.xref_table[page_ref.object_id]
            if page_ref not in self.pages:
                # the page has been deleted
            # make dict keys into strings for passing to write_page
            stringified_page_info = {}
            for key, value in page_info.items():
                # key should be a PdfName
                stringified_page_info[key.name_as_str()] = value
            stringified_page_info["Parent"] = self.pages_ref
            new_page_ref = self.write_page(None, **stringified_page_info)
            for j, cur_page_ref in enumerate(self.pages):
                if cur_page_ref == page_ref:
                    # replace the page reference with the new one
                    self.pages[j] = new_page_ref
        # delete redundant Pages tree nodes from xref table
        for pages_tree_node_ref in pages_tree_nodes_to_delete:
            while pages_tree_node_ref:
                pages_tree_node = self.cached_objects[pages_tree_node_ref]
                if pages_tree_node_ref.object_id in self.xref_table:
                    del self.xref_table[pages_tree_node_ref.object_id]
                pages_tree_node_ref = pages_tree_node.get(b"Parent", None)
        self.orig_pages = []

    def write_xref_and_trailer(self, new_root_ref=None):
        if new_root_ref:
            self.root_ref = new_root_ref
        if self.info:
            self.info_ref = self.write_obj(None, self.info)
        start_xref = self.xref_table.write(self.f)
        num_entries = len(self.xref_table)
        trailer_dict = {b"Root": self.root_ref, b"Size": num_entries}
        if self.last_xref_section_offset is not None:
            trailer_dict[b"Prev"] = self.last_xref_section_offset
        if self.info:
            trailer_dict[b"Info"] = self.info_ref
        self.last_xref_section_offset = start_xref
            + bytes(PdfDict(trailer_dict))
            + b"\nstartxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF" % start_xref

    def write_page(self, ref, *objs, **dict_obj):
        if isinstance(ref, int):
            ref = self.pages[ref]
        if "Type" not in dict_obj:
            dict_obj["Type"] = PdfName(b"Page")
        if "Parent" not in dict_obj:
            dict_obj["Parent"] = self.pages_ref
        return self.write_obj(ref, *objs, **dict_obj)

    def write_obj(self, ref, *objs, **dict_obj):
        f = self.f
        if ref is None:
            ref = self.next_object_id(f.tell())
            self.xref_table[ref.object_id] = (f.tell(), ref.generation)
        stream = dict_obj.pop("stream", None)
        if stream is not None:
            dict_obj["Length"] = len(stream)
        if dict_obj:
        for obj in objs:
        if stream is not None:
        return ref

    def del_root(self):
        if self.root_ref is None:
        del self.xref_table[self.root_ref.object_id]
        del self.xref_table[self.root[b"Pages"].object_id]

    def get_buf_from_file(f):
        if hasattr(f, "getbuffer"):
            return f.getbuffer()
        elif hasattr(f, "getvalue"):
            return f.getvalue()
                return mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
            except ValueError:  # cannot mmap an empty file
                return b""

    def read_pdf_info(self):
        self.file_size_total = len(self.buf)
        self.file_size_this = self.file_size_total - self.start_offset
        self.root_ref = self.trailer_dict[b"Root"]
        self.info_ref = self.trailer_dict.get(b"Info", None)
        self.root = PdfDict(self.read_indirect(self.root_ref))
        if self.info_ref is None:
            self.info = PdfDict()
            self.info = PdfDict(self.read_indirect(self.info_ref))
        check_format_condition(b"Type" in self.root, "/Type missing in Root")
            self.root[b"Type"] == b"Catalog", "/Type in Root is not /Catalog"
        check_format_condition(b"Pages" in self.root, "/Pages missing in Root")
            isinstance(self.root[b"Pages"], IndirectReference),
            "/Pages in Root is not an indirect reference",
        self.pages_ref = self.root[b"Pages"]
        self.page_tree_root = self.read_indirect(self.pages_ref)
        self.pages = self.linearize_page_tree(self.page_tree_root)
        # save the original list of page references
        # in case the user modifies, adds or deletes some pages
        # and we need to rewrite the pages and their list
        self.orig_pages = self.pages[:]

    def next_object_id(self, offset=None):
            # TODO: support reuse of deleted objects
            reference = IndirectReference(max(self.xref_table.keys()) + 1, 0)
        except ValueError:
            reference = IndirectReference(1, 0)
        if offset is not None:
            self.xref_table[reference.object_id] = (offset, 0)
        return reference

    delimiter = br"[][()<>{}/%]"
    delimiter_or_ws = br"[][()<>{}/%\000\011\012\014\015\040]"
    whitespace = br"[\000\011\012\014\015\040]"
    whitespace_or_hex = br"[\000\011\012\014\015\0400-9a-fA-F]"
    whitespace_optional = whitespace + b"*"
    whitespace_mandatory = whitespace + b"+"
    newline_only = br"[\r\n]+"
    newline = whitespace_optional + newline_only + whitespace_optional
    re_trailer_end = re.compile(
        + br"trailer"
        + whitespace_optional
        + br"\<\<(.*\>\>)"
        + newline
        + br"startxref"
        + newline
        + br"([0-9]+)"
        + newline
        + br"%%EOF"
        + whitespace_optional
        + br"$",
    re_trailer_prev = re.compile(
        + br"trailer"
        + whitespace_optional
        + br"\<\<(.*?\>\>)"
        + newline
        + br"startxref"
        + newline
        + br"([0-9]+)"
        + newline
        + br"%%EOF"
        + whitespace_optional,

    def read_trailer(self):
        search_start_offset = len(self.buf) - 16384
        if search_start_offset < self.start_offset:
            search_start_offset = self.start_offset
        m = self.re_trailer_end.search(self.buf, search_start_offset)
        check_format_condition(m, "trailer end not found")
        # make sure we found the LAST trailer
        last_match = m
        while m:
            last_match = m
            m = self.re_trailer_end.search(self.buf, m.start() + 16)
        if not m:
            m = last_match
        trailer_data = m.group(1)
        self.last_xref_section_offset = int(m.group(2))
        self.trailer_dict = self.interpret_trailer(trailer_data)
        self.xref_table = XrefTable()
        if b"Prev" in self.trailer_dict:

    def read_prev_trailer(self, xref_section_offset):
        trailer_offset = self.read_xref_table(xref_section_offset=xref_section_offset)
        m = self.re_trailer_prev.search(
            self.buf[trailer_offset : trailer_offset + 16384]
        check_format_condition(m, "previous trailer not found")
        trailer_data = m.group(1)
            int(m.group(2)) == xref_section_offset,
            "xref section offset in previous trailer doesn't match what was expected",
        trailer_dict = self.interpret_trailer(trailer_data)
        if b"Prev" in trailer_dict:

    re_whitespace_optional = re.compile(whitespace_optional)
    re_name = re.compile(
        + br"/([!-$&'*-.0-;=?-Z\\^-z|~]+)(?="
        + delimiter_or_ws
        + br")"
    re_dict_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"\<\<")
    re_dict_end = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"\>\>" + whitespace_optional)

    def interpret_trailer(cls, trailer_data):
        trailer = {}
        offset = 0
        while True:
            m = cls.re_name.match(trailer_data, offset)
            if not m:
                m = cls.re_dict_end.match(trailer_data, offset)
                    m and m.end() == len(trailer_data),
                    "name not found in trailer, remaining data: "
                    + repr(trailer_data[offset:]),
            key = cls.interpret_name(m.group(1))
            value, offset = cls.get_value(trailer_data, m.end())
            trailer[key] = value
            b"Size" in trailer and isinstance(trailer[b"Size"], int),
            "/Size not in trailer or not an integer",
            b"Root" in trailer and isinstance(trailer[b"Root"], IndirectReference),
            "/Root not in trailer or not an indirect reference",
        return trailer

    re_hashes_in_name = re.compile(br"([^#]*)(#([0-9a-fA-F]{2}))?")

    def interpret_name(cls, raw, as_text=False):
        name = b""
        for m in cls.re_hashes_in_name.finditer(raw):
            if m.group(3):
                name += m.group(1) + bytearray.fromhex(m.group(3).decode("us-ascii"))
                name += m.group(1)
        if as_text:
            return name.decode("utf-8")
            return bytes(name)

    re_null = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"null(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")")
    re_true = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"true(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")")
    re_false = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"false(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")")
    re_int = re.compile(
        whitespace_optional + br"([-+]?[0-9]+)(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")"
    re_real = re.compile(
        + br"([-+]?([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+))(?="
        + delimiter_or_ws
        + br")"
    re_array_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"\[")
    re_array_end = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"]")
    re_string_hex = re.compile(
        whitespace_optional + br"\<(" + whitespace_or_hex + br"*)\>"
    re_string_lit = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"\(")
    re_indirect_reference = re.compile(
        + br"([-+]?[0-9]+)"
        + whitespace_mandatory
        + br"([-+]?[0-9]+)"
        + whitespace_mandatory
        + br"R(?="
        + delimiter_or_ws
        + br")"
    re_indirect_def_start = re.compile(
        + br"([-+]?[0-9]+)"
        + whitespace_mandatory
        + br"([-+]?[0-9]+)"
        + whitespace_mandatory
        + br"obj(?="
        + delimiter_or_ws
        + br")"
    re_indirect_def_end = re.compile(
        whitespace_optional + br"endobj(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")"
    re_comment = re.compile(
        br"(" + whitespace_optional + br"%[^\r\n]*" + newline + br")*"
    re_stream_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"stream\r?\n")
    re_stream_end = re.compile(
        whitespace_optional + br"endstream(?=" + delimiter_or_ws + br")"

    def get_value(cls, data, offset, expect_indirect=None, max_nesting=-1):
        if max_nesting == 0:
            return None, None
        m = cls.re_comment.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            offset = m.end()
        m = cls.re_indirect_def_start.match(data, offset)
        if m:
                int(m.group(1)) > 0,
                "indirect object definition: object ID must be greater than 0",
                int(m.group(2)) >= 0,
                "indirect object definition: generation must be non-negative",
                expect_indirect is None
                or expect_indirect
                == IndirectReference(int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))),
                "indirect object definition different than expected",
            object, offset = cls.get_value(data, m.end(), max_nesting=max_nesting - 1)
            if offset is None:
                return object, None
            m = cls.re_indirect_def_end.match(data, offset)
            check_format_condition(m, "indirect object definition end not found")
            return object, m.end()
            not expect_indirect, "indirect object definition not found"
        m = cls.re_indirect_reference.match(data, offset)
        if m:
                int(m.group(1)) > 0,
                "indirect object reference: object ID must be greater than 0",
                int(m.group(2)) >= 0,
                "indirect object reference: generation must be non-negative",
            return IndirectReference(int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))), m.end()
        m = cls.re_dict_start.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            offset = m.end()
            result = {}
            m = cls.re_dict_end.match(data, offset)
            while not m:
                key, offset = cls.get_value(data, offset, max_nesting=max_nesting - 1)
                if offset is None:
                    return result, None
                value, offset = cls.get_value(data, offset, max_nesting=max_nesting - 1)
                result[key] = value
                if offset is None:
                    return result, None
                m = cls.re_dict_end.match(data, offset)
            offset = m.end()
            m = cls.re_stream_start.match(data, offset)
            if m:
                    stream_len = int(result[b"Length"])
                except (TypeError, KeyError, ValueError) as e:
                    raise PdfFormatError(
                        "bad or missing Length in stream dict (%r)"
                        % result.get(b"Length", None)
                    ) from e
                stream_data = data[m.end() : m.end() + stream_len]
                m = cls.re_stream_end.match(data, m.end() + stream_len)
                check_format_condition(m, "stream end not found")
                offset = m.end()
                result = PdfStream(PdfDict(result), stream_data)
                result = PdfDict(result)
            return result, offset
        m = cls.re_array_start.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            offset = m.end()
            result = []
            m = cls.re_array_end.match(data, offset)
            while not m:
                value, offset = cls.get_value(data, offset, max_nesting=max_nesting - 1)
                if offset is None:
                    return result, None
                m = cls.re_array_end.match(data, offset)
            return result, m.end()
        m = cls.re_null.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            return None, m.end()
        m = cls.re_true.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            return True, m.end()
        m = cls.re_false.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            return False, m.end()
        m = cls.re_name.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            return PdfName(cls.interpret_name(m.group(1))), m.end()
        m = cls.re_int.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            return int(m.group(1)), m.end()
        m = cls.re_real.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            # XXX Decimal instead of float???
            return float(m.group(1)), m.end()
        m = cls.re_string_hex.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            # filter out whitespace
            hex_string = bytearray(
                [b for b in m.group(1) if b in b"0123456789abcdefABCDEF"]
            if len(hex_string) % 2 == 1:
                # append a 0 if the length is not even - yes, at the end
            return bytearray.fromhex(hex_string.decode("us-ascii")), m.end()
        m = cls.re_string_lit.match(data, offset)
        if m:
            return cls.get_literal_string(data, m.end())
        # return None, offset  # fallback (only for debugging)
        raise PdfFormatError("unrecognized object: " + repr(data[offset : offset + 32]))

    re_lit_str_token = re.compile(
    escaped_chars = {
        b"n": b"\n",
        b"r": b"\r",
        b"t": b"\t",
        b"b": b"\b",
        b"f": b"\f",
        b"(": b"(",
        b")": b")",
        b"\\": b"\\",
        ord(b"n"): b"\n",
        ord(b"r"): b"\r",
        ord(b"t"): b"\t",
        ord(b"b"): b"\b",
        ord(b"f"): b"\f",
        ord(b"("): b"(",
        ord(b")"): b")",
        ord(b"\\"): b"\\",

    def get_literal_string(cls, data, offset):
        nesting_depth = 0
        result = bytearray()
        for m in cls.re_lit_str_token.finditer(data, offset):
            result.extend(data[offset : m.start()])
            if m.group(1):
            elif m.group(2):
                result.append(int(m.group(2)[1:], 8))
            elif m.group(3):
            elif m.group(5):
            elif m.group(6):
                nesting_depth += 1
            elif m.group(7):
                if nesting_depth == 0:
                    return bytes(result), m.end()
                nesting_depth -= 1
            offset = m.end()
        raise PdfFormatError("unfinished literal string")

    re_xref_section_start = re.compile(whitespace_optional + br"xref" + newline)
    re_xref_subsection_start = re.compile(
        + br"([0-9]+)"
        + whitespace_mandatory
        + br"([0-9]+)"
        + whitespace_optional
        + newline_only
    re_xref_entry = re.compile(br"([0-9]{10}) ([0-9]{5}) ([fn])( \r| \n|\r\n)")

    def read_xref_table(self, xref_section_offset):
        subsection_found = False
        m = self.re_xref_section_start.match(
            self.buf, xref_section_offset + self.start_offset
        check_format_condition(m, "xref section start not found")
        offset = m.end()
        while True:
            m = self.re_xref_subsection_start.match(self.buf, offset)
            if not m:
                    subsection_found, "xref subsection start not found"
            subsection_found = True
            offset = m.end()
            first_object = int(m.group(1))
            num_objects = int(m.group(2))
            for i in range(first_object, first_object + num_objects):
                m = self.re_xref_entry.match(self.buf, offset)
                check_format_condition(m, "xref entry not found")
                offset = m.end()
                is_free = m.group(3) == b"f"
                generation = int(m.group(2))
                if not is_free:
                    new_entry = (int(m.group(1)), generation)
                        i not in self.xref_table or self.xref_table[i] == new_entry,
                        "xref entry duplicated (and not identical)",
                    self.xref_table[i] = new_entry
        return offset

    def read_indirect(self, ref, max_nesting=-1):
        offset, generation = self.xref_table[ref[0]]
            generation == ref[1],
            f"expected to find generation {ref[1]} for object ID {ref[0]} in xref "
            f"table, instead found generation {generation} at offset {offset}",
        value = self.get_value(
            offset + self.start_offset,
        self.cached_objects[ref] = value
        return value

    def linearize_page_tree(self, node=None):
        if node is None:
            node = self.page_tree_root
            node[b"Type"] == b"Pages", "/Type of page tree node is not /Pages"
        pages = []
        for kid in node[b"Kids"]:
            kid_object = self.read_indirect(kid)
            if kid_object[b"Type"] == b"Page":
        return pages


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