[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# PNG support code
# See "PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification, version 1.0;
# W3C Recommendation", 1996-10-01, Thomas Boutell (ed.).
# history:
# 1996-05-06 fl   Created (couldn't resist it)
# 1996-12-14 fl   Upgraded, added read and verify support (0.2)
# 1996-12-15 fl   Separate PNG stream parser
# 1996-12-29 fl   Added write support, added getchunks
# 1996-12-30 fl   Eliminated circular references in decoder (0.3)
# 1998-07-12 fl   Read/write 16-bit images as mode I (0.4)
# 2001-02-08 fl   Added transparency support (from Zircon) (0.5)
# 2001-04-16 fl   Don't close data source in "open" method (0.6)
# 2004-02-24 fl   Don't even pretend to support interlaced files (0.7)
# 2004-08-31 fl   Do basic sanity check on chunk identifiers (0.8)
# 2004-09-20 fl   Added PngInfo chunk container
# 2004-12-18 fl   Added DPI read support (based on code by Niki Spahiev)
# 2008-08-13 fl   Added tRNS support for RGB images
# 2009-03-06 fl   Support for preserving ICC profiles (by Florian Hoech)
# 2009-03-08 fl   Added zTXT support (from Lowell Alleman)
# 2009-03-29 fl   Read interlaced PNG files (from Conrado Porto Lopes Gouvua)
# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 by Secret Labs AB
# Copyright (c) 1996 by Fredrik Lundh
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.

import itertools
import logging
import re
import struct
import warnings
import zlib

from . import Image, ImageChops, ImageFile, ImagePalette, ImageSequence
from ._binary import i8
from ._binary import i16be as i16
from ._binary import i32be as i32
from ._binary import o8
from ._binary import o16be as o16
from ._binary import o32be as o32

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

is_cid = re.compile(br"\w\w\w\w").match

_MAGIC = b"\211PNG\r\n\032\n"

_MODES = {
    # supported bits/color combinations, and corresponding modes/rawmodes
    # Greyscale
    (1, 0): ("1", "1"),
    (2, 0): ("L", "L;2"),
    (4, 0): ("L", "L;4"),
    (8, 0): ("L", "L"),
    (16, 0): ("I", "I;16B"),
    # Truecolour
    (8, 2): ("RGB", "RGB"),
    (16, 2): ("RGB", "RGB;16B"),
    # Indexed-colour
    (1, 3): ("P", "P;1"),
    (2, 3): ("P", "P;2"),
    (4, 3): ("P", "P;4"),
    (8, 3): ("P", "P"),
    # Greyscale with alpha
    (8, 4): ("LA", "LA"),
    (16, 4): ("RGBA", "LA;16B"),  # LA;16B->LA not yet available
    # Truecolour with alpha
    (8, 6): ("RGBA", "RGBA"),
    (16, 6): ("RGBA", "RGBA;16B"),

_simple_palette = re.compile(b"^\xff*\x00\xff*$")

Maximum decompressed size for a iTXt or zTXt chunk.
Eliminates decompression bombs where compressed chunks can expand 1000x.
See :ref:`Text in PNG File Format<png-text>`.
Set the maximum total text chunk size.
See :ref:`Text in PNG File Format<png-text>`.

# APNG frame disposal modes
No disposal is done on this frame before rendering the next frame.
See :ref:`Saving APNG sequences<apng-saving>`.
This frame’s modified region is cleared to fully transparent black before rendering
the next frame.
See :ref:`Saving APNG sequences<apng-saving>`.
This frame’s modified region is reverted to the previous frame’s contents before
rendering the next frame.
See :ref:`Saving APNG sequences<apng-saving>`.

# APNG frame blend modes
All color components of this frame, including alpha, overwrite the previous output
image contents.
See :ref:`Saving APNG sequences<apng-saving>`.
This frame should be alpha composited with the previous output image contents.
See :ref:`Saving APNG sequences<apng-saving>`.

def _safe_zlib_decompress(s):
    dobj = zlib.decompressobj()
    plaintext = dobj.decompress(s, MAX_TEXT_CHUNK)
    if dobj.unconsumed_tail:
        raise ValueError("Decompressed Data Too Large")
    return plaintext

def _crc32(data, seed=0):
    return zlib.crc32(data, seed) & 0xFFFFFFFF

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Support classes.  Suitable for PNG and related formats like MNG etc.

class ChunkStream:
    def __init__(self, fp):

        self.fp = fp
        self.queue = []

    def read(self):
        """Fetch a new chunk. Returns header information."""
        cid = None

        if self.queue:
            cid, pos, length = self.queue.pop()
            s = self.fp.read(8)
            cid = s[4:]
            pos = self.fp.tell()
            length = i32(s)

        if not is_cid(cid):
            if not ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES:
                raise SyntaxError(f"broken PNG file (chunk {repr(cid)})")

        return cid, pos, length

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):

    def close(self):
        self.queue = self.crc = self.fp = None

    def push(self, cid, pos, length):

        self.queue.append((cid, pos, length))

    def call(self, cid, pos, length):
        """Call the appropriate chunk handler"""

        logger.debug("STREAM %r %s %s", cid, pos, length)
        return getattr(self, "chunk_" + cid.decode("ascii"))(pos, length)

    def crc(self, cid, data):
        """Read and verify checksum"""

        # Skip CRC checks for ancillary chunks if allowed to load truncated
        # images
        # 5th byte of first char is 1 [specs, section 5.4]
        if ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES and (i8(cid[0]) >> 5 & 1):
            self.crc_skip(cid, data)

            crc1 = _crc32(data, _crc32(cid))
            crc2 = i32(self.fp.read(4))
            if crc1 != crc2:
                raise SyntaxError(
                    f"broken PNG file (bad header checksum in {repr(cid)})"
        except struct.error as e:
            raise SyntaxError(
                f"broken PNG file (incomplete checksum in {repr(cid)})"
            ) from e

    def crc_skip(self, cid, data):
        """Read checksum.  Used if the C module is not present"""


    def verify(self, endchunk=b"IEND"):

        # Simple approach; just calculate checksum for all remaining
        # blocks.  Must be called directly after open.

        cids = []

        while True:
                cid, pos, length = self.read()
            except struct.error as e:
                raise OSError("truncated PNG file") from e

            if cid == endchunk:
            self.crc(cid, ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length))

        return cids

class iTXt(str):
    Subclass of string to allow iTXt chunks to look like strings while
    keeping their extra information


    def __new__(cls, text, lang=None, tkey=None):
        :param cls: the class to use when creating the instance
        :param text: value for this key
        :param lang: language code
        :param tkey: UTF-8 version of the key name

        self = str.__new__(cls, text)
        self.lang = lang
        self.tkey = tkey
        return self

class PngInfo:
    PNG chunk container (for use with save(pnginfo=))


    def __init__(self):
        self.chunks = []

    def add(self, cid, data, after_idat=False):
        """Appends an arbitrary chunk. Use with caution.

        :param cid: a byte string, 4 bytes long.
        :param data: a byte string of the encoded data
        :param after_idat: for use with private chunks. Whether the chunk
                           should be written after IDAT


        chunk = [cid, data]
        if after_idat:

    def add_itxt(self, key, value, lang="", tkey="", zip=False):
        """Appends an iTXt chunk.

        :param key: latin-1 encodable text key name
        :param value: value for this key
        :param lang: language code
        :param tkey: UTF-8 version of the key name
        :param zip: compression flag


        if not isinstance(key, bytes):
            key = key.encode("latin-1", "strict")
        if not isinstance(value, bytes):
            value = value.encode("utf-8", "strict")
        if not isinstance(lang, bytes):
            lang = lang.encode("utf-8", "strict")
        if not isinstance(tkey, bytes):
            tkey = tkey.encode("utf-8", "strict")

        if zip:
                key + b"\0\x01\0" + lang + b"\0" + tkey + b"\0" + zlib.compress(value),
            self.add(b"iTXt", key + b"\0\0\0" + lang + b"\0" + tkey + b"\0" + value)

    def add_text(self, key, value, zip=False):
        """Appends a text chunk.

        :param key: latin-1 encodable text key name
        :param value: value for this key, text or an
           :py:class:`PIL.PngImagePlugin.iTXt` instance
        :param zip: compression flag

        if isinstance(value, iTXt):
            return self.add_itxt(key, value, value.lang, value.tkey, zip=zip)

        # The tEXt chunk stores latin-1 text
        if not isinstance(value, bytes):
                value = value.encode("latin-1", "strict")
            except UnicodeError:
                return self.add_itxt(key, value, zip=zip)

        if not isinstance(key, bytes):
            key = key.encode("latin-1", "strict")

        if zip:
            self.add(b"zTXt", key + b"\0\0" + zlib.compress(value))
            self.add(b"tEXt", key + b"\0" + value)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PNG image stream (IHDR/IEND)

class PngStream(ChunkStream):
    def __init__(self, fp):

        # local copies of Image attributes
        self.im_info = {}
        self.im_text = {}
        self.im_size = (0, 0)
        self.im_mode = None
        self.im_tile = None
        self.im_palette = None
        self.im_custom_mimetype = None
        self.im_n_frames = None
        self._seq_num = None
        self.rewind_state = None

        self.text_memory = 0

    def check_text_memory(self, chunklen):
        self.text_memory += chunklen
        if self.text_memory > MAX_TEXT_MEMORY:
            raise ValueError(
                "Too much memory used in text chunks: "

    def save_rewind(self):
        self.rewind_state = {
            "info": self.im_info.copy(),
            "tile": self.im_tile,
            "seq_num": self._seq_num,

    def rewind(self):
        self.im_info = self.rewind_state["info"]
        self.im_tile = self.rewind_state["tile"]
        self._seq_num = self.rewind_state["seq_num"]

    def chunk_iCCP(self, pos, length):

        # ICC profile
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        # according to PNG spec, the iCCP chunk contains:
        # Profile name  1-79 bytes (character string)
        # Null separator        1 byte (null character)
        # Compression method    1 byte (0)
        # Compressed profile    n bytes (zlib with deflate compression)
        i = s.find(b"\0")
        logger.debug("iCCP profile name %r", s[:i])
        logger.debug("Compression method %s", i8(s[i]))
        comp_method = i8(s[i])
        if comp_method != 0:
            raise SyntaxError(f"Unknown compression method {comp_method} in iCCP chunk")
            icc_profile = _safe_zlib_decompress(s[i + 2 :])
        except ValueError:
            if ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES:
                icc_profile = None
        except zlib.error:
            icc_profile = None  # FIXME
        self.im_info["icc_profile"] = icc_profile
        return s

    def chunk_IHDR(self, pos, length):

        # image header
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        self.im_size = i32(s), i32(s[4:])
            self.im_mode, self.im_rawmode = _MODES[(i8(s[8]), i8(s[9]))]
        except Exception:
        if i8(s[12]):
            self.im_info["interlace"] = 1
        if i8(s[11]):
            raise SyntaxError("unknown filter category")
        return s

    def chunk_IDAT(self, pos, length):

        # image data
        if "bbox" in self.im_info:
            tile = [("zip", self.im_info["bbox"], pos, self.im_rawmode)]
            if self.im_n_frames is not None:
                self.im_info["default_image"] = True
            tile = [("zip", (0, 0) + self.im_size, pos, self.im_rawmode)]
        self.im_tile = tile
        self.im_idat = length
        raise EOFError

    def chunk_IEND(self, pos, length):

        # end of PNG image
        raise EOFError

    def chunk_PLTE(self, pos, length):

        # palette
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            self.im_palette = "RGB", s
        return s

    def chunk_tRNS(self, pos, length):

        # transparency
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        if self.im_mode == "P":
            if _simple_palette.match(s):
                # tRNS contains only one full-transparent entry,
                # other entries are full opaque
                i = s.find(b"\0")
                if i >= 0:
                    self.im_info["transparency"] = i
                # otherwise, we have a byte string with one alpha value
                # for each palette entry
                self.im_info["transparency"] = s
        elif self.im_mode in ("1", "L", "I"):
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s)
        elif self.im_mode == "RGB":
            self.im_info["transparency"] = i16(s), i16(s[2:]), i16(s[4:])
        return s

    def chunk_gAMA(self, pos, length):
        # gamma setting
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        self.im_info["gamma"] = i32(s) / 100000.0
        return s

    def chunk_cHRM(self, pos, length):
        # chromaticity, 8 unsigned ints, actual value is scaled by 100,000
        # WP x,y, Red x,y, Green x,y Blue x,y

        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        raw_vals = struct.unpack(">%dI" % (len(s) // 4), s)
        self.im_info["chromaticity"] = tuple(elt / 100000.0 for elt in raw_vals)
        return s

    def chunk_sRGB(self, pos, length):
        # srgb rendering intent, 1 byte
        # 0 perceptual
        # 1 relative colorimetric
        # 2 saturation
        # 3 absolute colorimetric

        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        self.im_info["srgb"] = i8(s)
        return s

    def chunk_pHYs(self, pos, length):

        # pixels per unit
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        px, py = i32(s), i32(s[4:])
        unit = i8(s[8])
        if unit == 1:  # meter
            dpi = int(px * 0.0254 + 0.5), int(py * 0.0254 + 0.5)
            self.im_info["dpi"] = dpi
        elif unit == 0:
            self.im_info["aspect"] = px, py
        return s

    def chunk_tEXt(self, pos, length):

        # text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
            k, v = s.split(b"\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            # fallback for broken tEXt tags
            k = s
            v = b""
        if k:
            k = k.decode("latin-1", "strict")
            v_str = v.decode("latin-1", "replace")

            self.im_info[k] = v if k == "exif" else v_str
            self.im_text[k] = v_str

        return s

    def chunk_zTXt(self, pos, length):

        # compressed text
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
            k, v = s.split(b"\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            k = s
            v = b""
        if v:
            comp_method = i8(v[0])
            comp_method = 0
        if comp_method != 0:
            raise SyntaxError(f"Unknown compression method {comp_method} in zTXt chunk")
            v = _safe_zlib_decompress(v[1:])
        except ValueError:
            if ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES:
                v = b""
        except zlib.error:
            v = b""

        if k:
            k = k.decode("latin-1", "strict")
            v = v.decode("latin-1", "replace")

            self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = v

        return s

    def chunk_iTXt(self, pos, length):

        # international text
        r = s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
            k, r = r.split(b"\0", 1)
        except ValueError:
            return s
        if len(r) < 2:
            return s
        cf, cm, r = i8(r[0]), i8(r[1]), r[2:]
            lang, tk, v = r.split(b"\0", 2)
        except ValueError:
            return s
        if cf != 0:
            if cm == 0:
                    v = _safe_zlib_decompress(v)
                except ValueError:
                    if ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES:
                        return s
                except zlib.error:
                    return s
                return s
            k = k.decode("latin-1", "strict")
            lang = lang.decode("utf-8", "strict")
            tk = tk.decode("utf-8", "strict")
            v = v.decode("utf-8", "strict")
        except UnicodeError:
            return s

        self.im_info[k] = self.im_text[k] = iTXt(v, lang, tk)

        return s

    def chunk_eXIf(self, pos, length):
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        self.im_info["exif"] = b"Exif\x00\x00" + s
        return s

    # APNG chunks
    def chunk_acTL(self, pos, length):
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        if self.im_n_frames is not None:
            self.im_n_frames = None
            warnings.warn("Invalid APNG, will use default PNG image if possible")
            return s
        n_frames = i32(s)
        if n_frames == 0 or n_frames > 0x80000000:
            warnings.warn("Invalid APNG, will use default PNG image if possible")
            return s
        self.im_n_frames = n_frames
        self.im_info["loop"] = i32(s[4:])
        self.im_custom_mimetype = "image/apng"
        return s

    def chunk_fcTL(self, pos, length):
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
        seq = i32(s)
        if (self._seq_num is None and seq != 0) or (
            self._seq_num is not None and self._seq_num != seq - 1
            raise SyntaxError("APNG contains frame sequence errors")
        self._seq_num = seq
        width, height = i32(s[4:]), i32(s[8:])
        px, py = i32(s[12:]), i32(s[16:])
        im_w, im_h = self.im_size
        if px + width > im_w or py + height > im_h:
            raise SyntaxError("APNG contains invalid frames")
        self.im_info["bbox"] = (px, py, px + width, py + height)
        delay_num, delay_den = i16(s[20:]), i16(s[22:])
        if delay_den == 0:
            delay_den = 100
        self.im_info["duration"] = float(delay_num) / float(delay_den) * 1000
        self.im_info["disposal"] = i8(s[24])
        self.im_info["blend"] = i8(s[25])
        return s

    def chunk_fdAT(self, pos, length):
        s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, 4)
        seq = i32(s)
        if self._seq_num != seq - 1:
            raise SyntaxError("APNG contains frame sequence errors")
        self._seq_num = seq
        return self.chunk_IDAT(pos + 4, length - 4)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PNG reader

def _accept(prefix):
    return prefix[:8] == _MAGIC

# Image plugin for PNG images.

class PngImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):

    format = "PNG"
    format_description = "Portable network graphics"

    def _open(self):

        if not _accept(self.fp.read(8)):
            raise SyntaxError("not a PNG file")
        self.__fp = self.fp
        self.__frame = 0

        # Parse headers up to the first IDAT or fDAT chunk

        self.private_chunks = []
        self.png = PngStream(self.fp)

        while True:

            # get next chunk

            cid, pos, length = self.png.read()

                s = self.png.call(cid, pos, length)
            except EOFError:
            except AttributeError:
                logger.debug("%r %s %s (unknown)", cid, pos, length)
                s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
                if cid[1:2].islower():
                    self.private_chunks.append((cid, s))

            self.png.crc(cid, s)

        # Copy relevant attributes from the PngStream.  An alternative
        # would be to let the PngStream class modify these attributes
        # directly, but that introduces circular references which are
        # difficult to break if things go wrong in the decoder...
        # (believe me, I've tried ;-)

        self.mode = self.png.im_mode
        self._size = self.png.im_size
        self.info = self.png.im_info
        self._text = None
        self.tile = self.png.im_tile
        self.custom_mimetype = self.png.im_custom_mimetype
        self.n_frames = self.png.im_n_frames or 1
        self.default_image = self.info.get("default_image", False)

        if self.png.im_palette:
            rawmode, data = self.png.im_palette
            self.palette = ImagePalette.raw(rawmode, data)

        if cid == b"fdAT":
            self.__prepare_idat = length - 4
            self.__prepare_idat = length  # used by load_prepare()

        if self.png.im_n_frames is not None:
            self._close_exclusive_fp_after_loading = False
            self.__rewind_idat = self.__prepare_idat
            self.__rewind = self.__fp.tell()
            if self.default_image:
                # IDAT chunk contains default image and not first animation frame
                self.n_frames += 1
        self.is_animated = self.n_frames > 1

    def text(self):
        # experimental
        if self._text is None:
            # iTxt, tEXt and zTXt chunks may appear at the end of the file
            # So load the file to ensure that they are read
            if self.is_animated:
                frame = self.__frame
                # for APNG, seek to the final frame before loading
                self.seek(self.n_frames - 1)
            if self.is_animated:
        return self._text

    def verify(self):
        """Verify PNG file"""

        if self.fp is None:
            raise RuntimeError("verify must be called directly after open")

        # back up to beginning of IDAT block
        self.fp.seek(self.tile[0][2] - 8)


        if self._exclusive_fp:
        self.fp = None

    def seek(self, frame):
        if not self._seek_check(frame):
        if frame < self.__frame:
            self._seek(0, True)

        last_frame = self.__frame
        for f in range(self.__frame + 1, frame + 1):
            except EOFError as e:
                raise EOFError("no more images in APNG file") from e

    def _seek(self, frame, rewind=False):
        if frame == 0:
            if rewind:
                self.__prepare_idat = self.__rewind_idat
                self.im = None
                if self.pyaccess:
                    self.pyaccess = None
                self.info = self.png.im_info
                self.tile = self.png.im_tile
                self.fp = self.__fp
            self._prev_im = None
            self.dispose = None
            self.default_image = self.info.get("default_image", False)
            self.dispose_op = self.info.get("disposal")
            self.blend_op = self.info.get("blend")
            self.dispose_extent = self.info.get("bbox")
            self.__frame = 0
            if frame != self.__frame + 1:
                raise ValueError(f"cannot seek to frame {frame}")

        # ensure previous frame was loaded

        self.fp = self.__fp

        # advance to the next frame
        if self.__prepare_idat:
            ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, self.__prepare_idat)
            self.__prepare_idat = 0
        frame_start = False
        while True:
            self.fp.read(4)  # CRC

                cid, pos, length = self.png.read()
            except (struct.error, SyntaxError):

            if cid == b"IEND":
                raise EOFError("No more images in APNG file")
            if cid == b"fcTL":
                if frame_start:
                    # there must be at least one fdAT chunk between fcTL chunks
                    raise SyntaxError("APNG missing frame data")
                frame_start = True

                self.png.call(cid, pos, length)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
            except EOFError:
                if cid == b"fdAT":
                    length -= 4
                    if frame_start:
                        self.__prepare_idat = length
                ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
            except AttributeError:
                logger.debug("%r %s %s (unknown)", cid, pos, length)
                ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)

        self.__frame = frame
        self.tile = self.png.im_tile
        self.dispose_op = self.info.get("disposal")
        self.blend_op = self.info.get("blend")
        self.dispose_extent = self.info.get("bbox")

        if not self.tile:
            raise EOFError

    def tell(self):
        return self.__frame

    def load_prepare(self):
        """internal: prepare to read PNG file"""

        if self.info.get("interlace"):
            self.decoderconfig = self.decoderconfig + (1,)

        self.__idat = self.__prepare_idat  # used by load_read()

    def load_read(self, read_bytes):
        """internal: read more image data"""

        while self.__idat == 0:
            # end of chunk, skip forward to next one

            self.fp.read(4)  # CRC

            cid, pos, length = self.png.read()

            if cid not in [b"IDAT", b"DDAT", b"fdAT"]:
                self.png.push(cid, pos, length)
                return b""

            if cid == b"fdAT":
                    self.png.call(cid, pos, length)
                except EOFError:
                self.__idat = length - 4  # sequence_num has already been read
                self.__idat = length  # empty chunks are allowed

        # read more data from this chunk
        if read_bytes <= 0:
            read_bytes = self.__idat
            read_bytes = min(read_bytes, self.__idat)

        self.__idat = self.__idat - read_bytes

        return self.fp.read(read_bytes)

    def load_end(self):
        """internal: finished reading image data"""
        while True:
            self.fp.read(4)  # CRC

                cid, pos, length = self.png.read()
            except (struct.error, SyntaxError):

            if cid == b"IEND":
            elif cid == b"fcTL" and self.is_animated:
                # start of the next frame, stop reading
                self.__prepare_idat = 0
                self.png.push(cid, pos, length)

                self.png.call(cid, pos, length)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
            except EOFError:
                if cid == b"fdAT":
                    length -= 4
                ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
            except AttributeError:
                logger.debug("%r %s %s (unknown)", cid, pos, length)
                s = ImageFile._safe_read(self.fp, length)
                if cid[1:2].islower():
                    self.private_chunks.append((cid, s, True))
        self._text = self.png.im_text
        if not self.is_animated:
            self.png = None
            # setup frame disposal (actual disposal done when needed in _seek())
            if self._prev_im is None and self.dispose_op == APNG_DISPOSE_OP_PREVIOUS:
                self.dispose_op = APNG_DISPOSE_OP_BACKGROUND

            if self.dispose_op == APNG_DISPOSE_OP_PREVIOUS:
                dispose = self._prev_im.copy()
                dispose = self._crop(dispose, self.dispose_extent)
            elif self.dispose_op == APNG_DISPOSE_OP_BACKGROUND:
                dispose = Image.core.fill(self.im.mode, self.size)
                dispose = self._crop(dispose, self.dispose_extent)
                dispose = None

            if self._prev_im and self.blend_op == APNG_BLEND_OP_OVER:
                updated = self._crop(self.im, self.dispose_extent)
                    updated, self.dispose_extent, updated.convert("RGBA")
                self.im = self._prev_im
                if self.pyaccess:
                    self.pyaccess = None
            self._prev_im = self.im.copy()

            if dispose:
                self._prev_im.paste(dispose, self.dispose_extent)

    def _getexif(self):
        if "exif" not in self.info:
        if "exif" not in self.info and "Raw profile type exif" not in self.info:
            return None
        return dict(self.getexif())

    def getexif(self):
        if "exif" not in self.info:

        return super().getexif()

    def _close__fp(self):
            if self.__fp != self.fp:
        except AttributeError:
            self.__fp = None

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PNG writer

    # supported PIL modes, and corresponding rawmodes/bits/color combinations
    "1": ("1", b"\x01\x00"),
    "L;1": ("L;1", b"\x01\x00"),
    "L;2": ("L;2", b"\x02\x00"),
    "L;4": ("L;4", b"\x04\x00"),
    "L": ("L", b"\x08\x00"),
    "LA": ("LA", b"\x08\x04"),
    "I": ("I;16B", b"\x10\x00"),
    "I;16": ("I;16B", b"\x10\x00"),
    "P;1": ("P;1", b"\x01\x03"),
    "P;2": ("P;2", b"\x02\x03"),
    "P;4": ("P;4", b"\x04\x03"),
    "P": ("P", b"\x08\x03"),
    "RGB": ("RGB", b"\x08\x02"),
    "RGBA": ("RGBA", b"\x08\x06"),

def putchunk(fp, cid, *data):
    """Write a PNG chunk (including CRC field)"""

    data = b"".join(data)

    fp.write(o32(len(data)) + cid)
    crc = _crc32(data, _crc32(cid))

class _idat:
    # wrap output from the encoder in IDAT chunks

    def __init__(self, fp, chunk):
        self.fp = fp
        self.chunk = chunk

    def write(self, data):
        self.chunk(self.fp, b"IDAT", data)

class _fdat:
    # wrap encoder output in fdAT chunks

    def __init__(self, fp, chunk, seq_num):
        self.fp = fp
        self.chunk = chunk
        self.seq_num = seq_num

    def write(self, data):
        self.chunk(self.fp, b"fdAT", o32(self.seq_num), data)
        self.seq_num += 1

def _write_multiple_frames(im, fp, chunk, rawmode):
    default_image = im.encoderinfo.get("default_image", im.info.get("default_image"))
    duration = im.encoderinfo.get("duration", im.info.get("duration", 0))
    loop = im.encoderinfo.get("loop", im.info.get("loop", 0))
    disposal = im.encoderinfo.get("disposal", im.info.get("disposal"))
    blend = im.encoderinfo.get("blend", im.info.get("blend"))

    if default_image:
        chain = itertools.chain(im.encoderinfo.get("append_images", []))
        chain = itertools.chain([im], im.encoderinfo.get("append_images", []))

    im_frames = []
    frame_count = 0
    for im_seq in chain:
        for im_frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(im_seq):
            im_frame = im_frame.copy()
            if im_frame.mode != im.mode:
                if im.mode == "P":
                    im_frame = im_frame.convert(im.mode, palette=im.palette)
                    im_frame = im_frame.convert(im.mode)
            encoderinfo = im.encoderinfo.copy()
            if isinstance(duration, (list, tuple)):
                encoderinfo["duration"] = duration[frame_count]
            if isinstance(disposal, (list, tuple)):
                encoderinfo["disposal"] = disposal[frame_count]
            if isinstance(blend, (list, tuple)):
                encoderinfo["blend"] = blend[frame_count]
            frame_count += 1

            if im_frames:
                previous = im_frames[-1]
                prev_disposal = previous["encoderinfo"].get("disposal")
                prev_blend = previous["encoderinfo"].get("blend")
                if prev_disposal == APNG_DISPOSE_OP_PREVIOUS and len(im_frames) < 2:
                    prev_disposal = APNG_DISPOSE_OP_BACKGROUND

                if prev_disposal == APNG_DISPOSE_OP_BACKGROUND:
                    base_im = previous["im"]
                    dispose = Image.core.fill("RGBA", im.size, (0, 0, 0, 0))
                    bbox = previous["bbox"]
                    if bbox:
                        dispose = dispose.crop(bbox)
                        bbox = (0, 0) + im.size
                    base_im.paste(dispose, bbox)
                elif prev_disposal == APNG_DISPOSE_OP_PREVIOUS:
                    base_im = im_frames[-2]["im"]
                    base_im = previous["im"]
                delta = ImageChops.subtract_modulo(
                    im_frame.convert("RGB"), base_im.convert("RGB")
                bbox = delta.getbbox()
                if (
                    not bbox
                    and prev_disposal == encoderinfo.get("disposal")
                    and prev_blend == encoderinfo.get("blend")
                    duration = encoderinfo.get("duration", 0)
                    if duration:
                        if "duration" in previous["encoderinfo"]:
                            previous["encoderinfo"]["duration"] += duration
                            previous["encoderinfo"]["duration"] = duration
                bbox = None
            im_frames.append({"im": im_frame, "bbox": bbox, "encoderinfo": encoderinfo})

    # animation control
        o32(len(im_frames)),  # 0: num_frames
        o32(loop),  # 4: num_plays

    # default image IDAT (if it exists)
    if default_image:
        ImageFile._save(im, _idat(fp, chunk), [("zip", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, rawmode)])

    seq_num = 0
    for frame, frame_data in enumerate(im_frames):
        im_frame = frame_data["im"]
        if not frame_data["bbox"]:
            bbox = (0, 0) + im_frame.size
            bbox = frame_data["bbox"]
            im_frame = im_frame.crop(bbox)
        size = im_frame.size
        duration = int(round(frame_data["encoderinfo"].get("duration", 0)))
        disposal = frame_data["encoderinfo"].get("disposal", APNG_DISPOSE_OP_NONE)
        blend = frame_data["encoderinfo"].get("blend", APNG_BLEND_OP_SOURCE)
        # frame control
            o32(seq_num),  # sequence_number
            o32(size[0]),  # width
            o32(size[1]),  # height
            o32(bbox[0]),  # x_offset
            o32(bbox[1]),  # y_offset
            o16(duration),  # delay_numerator
            o16(1000),  # delay_denominator
            o8(disposal),  # dispose_op
            o8(blend),  # blend_op
        seq_num += 1
        # frame data
        if frame == 0 and not default_image:
            # first frame must be in IDAT chunks for backwards compatibility
                _idat(fp, chunk),
                [("zip", (0, 0) + im_frame.size, 0, rawmode)],
            fdat_chunks = _fdat(fp, chunk, seq_num)
                [("zip", (0, 0) + im_frame.size, 0, rawmode)],
            seq_num = fdat_chunks.seq_num

def _save_all(im, fp, filename):
    _save(im, fp, filename, save_all=True)

def _save(im, fp, filename, chunk=putchunk, save_all=False):
    # save an image to disk (called by the save method)

    mode = im.mode

    if mode == "P":

        # attempt to minimize storage requirements for palette images
        if "bits" in im.encoderinfo:
            # number of bits specified by user
            colors = 1 << im.encoderinfo["bits"]
            # check palette contents
            if im.palette:
                colors = max(min(len(im.palette.getdata()[1]) // 3, 256), 2)
                colors = 256

        if colors <= 2:
            bits = 1
        elif colors <= 4:
            bits = 2
        elif colors <= 16:
            bits = 4
            bits = 8
        if bits != 8:
            mode = f"{mode};{bits}"

    # encoder options
    im.encoderconfig = (
        im.encoderinfo.get("optimize", False),
        im.encoderinfo.get("compress_level", -1),
        im.encoderinfo.get("compress_type", -1),
        im.encoderinfo.get("dictionary", b""),

    # get the corresponding PNG mode
        rawmode, mode = _OUTMODES[mode]
    except KeyError as e:
        raise OSError(f"cannot write mode {mode} as PNG") from e

    # write minimal PNG file


        o32(im.size[0]),  # 0: size
        mode,  # 8: depth/type
        b"\0",  # 10: compression
        b"\0",  # 11: filter category
        b"\0",  # 12: interlace flag

    chunks = [b"cHRM", b"gAMA", b"sBIT", b"sRGB", b"tIME"]

    icc = im.encoderinfo.get("icc_profile", im.info.get("icc_profile"))
    if icc:
        # ICC profile
        # according to PNG spec, the iCCP chunk contains:
        # Profile name  1-79 bytes (character string)
        # Null separator        1 byte (null character)
        # Compression method    1 byte (0)
        # Compressed profile    n bytes (zlib with deflate compression)
        name = b"ICC Profile"
        data = name + b"\0\0" + zlib.compress(icc)
        chunk(fp, b"iCCP", data)

        # You must either have sRGB or iCCP.
        # Disallow sRGB chunks when an iCCP-chunk has been emitted.

    info = im.encoderinfo.get("pnginfo")
    if info:
        chunks_multiple_allowed = [b"sPLT", b"iTXt", b"tEXt", b"zTXt"]
        for info_chunk in info.chunks:
            cid, data = info_chunk[:2]
            if cid in chunks:
                chunk(fp, cid, data)
            elif cid in chunks_multiple_allowed:
                chunk(fp, cid, data)
            elif cid[1:2].islower():
                # Private chunk
                after_idat = info_chunk[2:3]
                if not after_idat:
                    chunk(fp, cid, data)

    if im.mode == "P":
        palette_byte_number = (2 ** bits) * 3
        palette_bytes = im.im.getpalette("RGB")[:palette_byte_number]
        while len(palette_bytes) < palette_byte_number:
            palette_bytes += b"\0"
        chunk(fp, b"PLTE", palette_bytes)

    transparency = im.encoderinfo.get("transparency", im.info.get("transparency", None))

    if transparency or transparency == 0:
        if im.mode == "P":
            # limit to actual palette size
            alpha_bytes = 2 ** bits
            if isinstance(transparency, bytes):
                chunk(fp, b"tRNS", transparency[:alpha_bytes])
                transparency = max(0, min(255, transparency))
                alpha = b"\xFF" * transparency + b"\0"
                chunk(fp, b"tRNS", alpha[:alpha_bytes])
        elif im.mode in ("1", "L", "I"):
            transparency = max(0, min(65535, transparency))
            chunk(fp, b"tRNS", o16(transparency))
        elif im.mode == "RGB":
            red, green, blue = transparency
            chunk(fp, b"tRNS", o16(red) + o16(green) + o16(blue))
            if "transparency" in im.encoderinfo:
                # don't bother with transparency if it's an RGBA
                # and it's in the info dict. It's probably just stale.
                raise OSError("cannot use transparency for this mode")
        if im.mode == "P" and im.im.getpalettemode() == "RGBA":
            alpha = im.im.getpalette("RGBA", "A")
            alpha_bytes = 2 ** bits
            chunk(fp, b"tRNS", alpha[:alpha_bytes])

    dpi = im.encoderinfo.get("dpi")
    if dpi:
            o32(int(dpi[0] / 0.0254 + 0.5)),
            o32(int(dpi[1] / 0.0254 + 0.5)),

    if info:
        chunks = [b"bKGD", b"hIST"]
        for info_chunk in info.chunks:
            cid, data = info_chunk[:2]
            if cid in chunks:
                chunk(fp, cid, data)

    exif = im.encoderinfo.get("exif", im.info.get("exif"))
    if exif:
        if isinstance(exif, Image.Exif):
            exif = exif.tobytes(8)
        if exif.startswith(b"Exif\x00\x00"):
            exif = exif[6:]
        chunk(fp, b"eXIf", exif)

    if save_all:
        _write_multiple_frames(im, fp, chunk, rawmode)
        ImageFile._save(im, _idat(fp, chunk), [("zip", (0, 0) + im.size, 0, rawmode)])

    if info:
        for info_chunk in info.chunks:
            cid, data = info_chunk[:2]
            if cid[1:2].islower():
                # Private chunk
                after_idat = info_chunk[2:3]
                if after_idat:
                    chunk(fp, cid, data)

    chunk(fp, b"IEND", b"")

    if hasattr(fp, "flush"):

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PNG chunk converter

def getchunks(im, **params):
    """Return a list of PNG chunks representing this image."""

    class collector:
        data = []

        def write(self, data):

        def append(self, chunk):

    def append(fp, cid, *data):
        data = b"".join(data)
        crc = o32(_crc32(data, _crc32(cid)))
        fp.append((cid, data, crc))

    fp = collector()

        im.encoderinfo = params
        _save(im, fp, None, append)
        del im.encoderinfo

    return fp.data

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Registry

Image.register_open(PngImageFile.format, PngImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_save(PngImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_save_all(PngImageFile.format, _save_all)

Image.register_extensions(PngImageFile.format, [".png", ".apng"])

Image.register_mime(PngImageFile.format, "image/png")


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 2755
BdfFontFile.py File 2.75 KB 0644
BlpImagePlugin.py File 14 KB 0644
BmpImagePlugin.py File 13.92 KB 0644
BufrStubImagePlugin.py File 1.48 KB 0644
ContainerIO.py File 2.82 KB 0644
CurImagePlugin.py File 1.68 KB 0644
DcxImagePlugin.py File 2.09 KB 0644
DdsImagePlugin.py File 5.34 KB 0644
EpsImagePlugin.py File 11.82 KB 0644
ExifTags.py File 8.8 KB 0644
FitsStubImagePlugin.py File 1.59 KB 0644
FliImagePlugin.py File 4.23 KB 0644
FontFile.py File 2.7 KB 0644
FpxImagePlugin.py File 6.53 KB 0644
FtexImagePlugin.py File 3.23 KB 0644
GbrImagePlugin.py File 2.73 KB 0644
GdImageFile.py File 2.47 KB 0644
GifImagePlugin.py File 28.25 KB 0644
GimpGradientFile.py File 3.27 KB 0644
GimpPaletteFile.py File 1.24 KB 0644
GribStubImagePlugin.py File 1.51 KB 0644
Hdf5StubImagePlugin.py File 1.48 KB 0644
IcnsImagePlugin.py File 11.44 KB 0644
IcoImagePlugin.py File 9.94 KB 0644
ImImagePlugin.py File 10.53 KB 0644
Image.py File 113.4 KB 0644
ImageChops.py File 7.13 KB 0644
ImageCms.py File 36.22 KB 0644
ImageColor.py File 8.44 KB 0644
ImageDraw.py File 29.94 KB 0644
ImageDraw2.py File 4.9 KB 0644
ImageEnhance.py File 3.12 KB 0644
ImageFile.py File 20.74 KB 0644
ImageFilter.py File 15.46 KB 0644
ImageFont.py File 43.49 KB 0644
ImageGrab.py File 3.54 KB 0644
ImageMath.py File 6.88 KB 0644
ImageMode.py File 1.6 KB 0644
ImageMorph.py File 7.67 KB 0644
ImageOps.py File 18.03 KB 0644
ImagePalette.py File 6.2 KB 0644
ImagePath.py File 336 B 0644
ImageQt.py File 5.67 KB 0644
ImageSequence.py File 1.81 KB 0644
ImageShow.py File 6.15 KB 0644
ImageStat.py File 3.81 KB 0644
ImageTk.py File 9.11 KB 0644
ImageTransform.py File 2.78 KB 0644
ImageWin.py File 7.02 KB 0644
ImtImagePlugin.py File 2.15 KB 0644
IptcImagePlugin.py File 5.6 KB 0644
Jpeg2KImagePlugin.py File 8.52 KB 0644
JpegImagePlugin.py File 27.16 KB 0644
JpegPresets.py File 12.41 KB 0644
McIdasImagePlugin.py File 1.71 KB 0644
MicImagePlugin.py File 2.54 KB 0644
MpegImagePlugin.py File 1.76 KB 0644
MpoImagePlugin.py File 4.14 KB 0644
MspImagePlugin.py File 5.43 KB 0644
PSDraw.py File 6.51 KB 0644
PaletteFile.py File 1.08 KB 0644
PalmImagePlugin.py File 8.89 KB 0644
PcdImagePlugin.py File 1.47 KB 0644
PcfFontFile.py File 6.2 KB 0644
PcxImagePlugin.py File 5.41 KB 0644
PdfImagePlugin.py File 7.49 KB 0644
PdfParser.py File 33.58 KB 0644
PixarImagePlugin.py File 1.61 KB 0644
PngImagePlugin.py File 42.79 KB 0644
PpmImagePlugin.py File 4.34 KB 0644
PsdImagePlugin.py File 7.56 KB 0644
PyAccess.py File 9.37 KB 0644
SgiImagePlugin.py File 5.96 KB 0644
SpiderImagePlugin.py File 9.31 KB 0644
SunImagePlugin.py File 4.2 KB 0644
TarIO.py File 1.41 KB 0644
TgaImagePlugin.py File 6.18 KB 0644
TiffImagePlugin.py File 66.86 KB 0644
TiffTags.py File 14.22 KB 0644
WalImageFile.py File 5.4 KB 0644
WebPImagePlugin.py File 10.54 KB 0644
WmfImagePlugin.py File 4.56 KB 0644
XVThumbImagePlugin.py File 1.9 KB 0644
XbmImagePlugin.py File 2.37 KB 0644
XpmImagePlugin.py File 3 KB 0644
__init__.py File 3.18 KB 0644
__main__.py File 41 B 0644
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_version.py File 50 B 0644
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features.py File 8.8 KB 0644