[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013 Vinay Sajip.
# Licensed to the Python Software Foundation under a contributor agreement.
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
    from threading import Thread
except ImportError:
    from dummy_threading import Thread

from . import DistlibException
from .compat import (HTTPBasicAuthHandler, Request, HTTPPasswordMgr,
                     urlparse, build_opener, string_types)
from .util import cached_property, zip_dir, ServerProxy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_INDEX = 'https://pypi.org/pypi'

class PackageIndex(object):
    This class represents a package index compatible with PyPI, the Python
    Package Index.

    boundary = b'----------ThIs_Is_tHe_distlib_index_bouNdaRY_$'

    def __init__(self, url=None):
        Initialise an instance.

        :param url: The URL of the index. If not specified, the URL for PyPI is
        self.url = url or DEFAULT_INDEX
        scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag = urlparse(self.url)
        if params or query or frag or scheme not in ('http', 'https'):
            raise DistlibException('invalid repository: %s' % self.url)
        self.password_handler = None
        self.ssl_verifier = None
        self.gpg = None
        self.gpg_home = None
        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as sink:
            # Use gpg by default rather than gpg2, as gpg2 insists on
            # prompting for passwords
            for s in ('gpg', 'gpg2'):
                    rc = subprocess.check_call([s, '--version'], stdout=sink,
                    if rc == 0:
                        self.gpg = s
                except OSError:

    def _get_pypirc_command(self):
        Get the distutils command for interacting with PyPI configurations.
        :return: the command.
        from distutils.core import Distribution
        from distutils.config import PyPIRCCommand
        d = Distribution()
        return PyPIRCCommand(d)

    def read_configuration(self):
        Read the PyPI access configuration as supported by distutils, getting
        PyPI to do the actual work. This populates ``username``, ``password``,
        ``realm`` and ``url`` attributes from the configuration.
        # get distutils to do the work
        c = self._get_pypirc_command()
        c.repository = self.url
        cfg = c._read_pypirc()
        self.username = cfg.get('username')
        self.password = cfg.get('password')
        self.realm = cfg.get('realm', 'pypi')
        self.url = cfg.get('repository', self.url)

    def save_configuration(self):
        Save the PyPI access configuration. You must have set ``username`` and
        ``password`` attributes before calling this method.

        Again, distutils is used to do the actual work.
        # get distutils to do the work
        c = self._get_pypirc_command()
        c._store_pypirc(self.username, self.password)

    def check_credentials(self):
        Check that ``username`` and ``password`` have been set, and raise an
        exception if not.
        if self.username is None or self.password is None:
            raise DistlibException('username and password must be set')
        pm = HTTPPasswordMgr()
        _, netloc, _, _, _, _ = urlparse(self.url)
        pm.add_password(self.realm, netloc, self.username, self.password)
        self.password_handler = HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pm)

    def register(self, metadata):
        Register a distribution on PyPI, using the provided metadata.

        :param metadata: A :class:`Metadata` instance defining at least a name
                         and version number for the distribution to be
        :return: The HTTP response received from PyPI upon submission of the
        d = metadata.todict()
        d[':action'] = 'verify'
        request = self.encode_request(d.items(), [])
        response = self.send_request(request)
        d[':action'] = 'submit'
        request = self.encode_request(d.items(), [])
        return self.send_request(request)

    def _reader(self, name, stream, outbuf):
        Thread runner for reading lines of from a subprocess into a buffer.

        :param name: The logical name of the stream (used for logging only).
        :param stream: The stream to read from. This will typically a pipe
                       connected to the output stream of a subprocess.
        :param outbuf: The list to append the read lines to.
        while True:
            s = stream.readline()
            if not s:
            s = s.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
            logger.debug('%s: %s' % (name, s))

    def get_sign_command(self, filename, signer, sign_password,
        Return a suitable command for signing a file.

        :param filename: The pathname to the file to be signed.
        :param signer: The identifier of the signer of the file.
        :param sign_password: The passphrase for the signer's
                              private key used for signing.
        :param keystore: The path to a directory which contains the keys
                         used in verification. If not specified, the
                         instance's ``gpg_home`` attribute is used instead.
        :return: The signing command as a list suitable to be
                 passed to :class:`subprocess.Popen`.
        cmd = [self.gpg, '--status-fd', '2', '--no-tty']
        if keystore is None:
            keystore = self.gpg_home
        if keystore:
            cmd.extend(['--homedir', keystore])
        if sign_password is not None:
            cmd.extend(['--batch', '--passphrase-fd', '0'])
        td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        sf = os.path.join(td, os.path.basename(filename) + '.asc')
        cmd.extend(['--detach-sign', '--armor', '--local-user',
                    signer, '--output', sf, filename])
        logger.debug('invoking: %s', ' '.join(cmd))
        return cmd, sf

    def run_command(self, cmd, input_data=None):
        Run a command in a child process , passing it any input data specified.

        :param cmd: The command to run.
        :param input_data: If specified, this must be a byte string containing
                           data to be sent to the child process.
        :return: A tuple consisting of the subprocess' exit code, a list of
                 lines read from the subprocess' ``stdout``, and a list of
                 lines read from the subprocess' ``stderr``.
        kwargs = {
            'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
            'stderr': subprocess.PIPE,
        if input_data is not None:
            kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE
        stdout = []
        stderr = []
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
        # We don't use communicate() here because we may need to
        # get clever with interacting with the command
        t1 = Thread(target=self._reader, args=('stdout', p.stdout, stdout))
        t2 = Thread(target=self._reader, args=('stderr', p.stderr, stderr))
        if input_data is not None:

        return p.returncode, stdout, stderr

    def sign_file(self, filename, signer, sign_password, keystore=None):
        Sign a file.

        :param filename: The pathname to the file to be signed.
        :param signer: The identifier of the signer of the file.
        :param sign_password: The passphrase for the signer's
                              private key used for signing.
        :param keystore: The path to a directory which contains the keys
                         used in signing. If not specified, the instance's
                         ``gpg_home`` attribute is used instead.
        :return: The absolute pathname of the file where the signature is
        cmd, sig_file = self.get_sign_command(filename, signer, sign_password,
        rc, stdout, stderr = self.run_command(cmd,
        if rc != 0:
            raise DistlibException('sign command failed with error '
                                   'code %s' % rc)
        return sig_file

    def upload_file(self, metadata, filename, signer=None, sign_password=None,
                    filetype='sdist', pyversion='source', keystore=None):
        Upload a release file to the index.

        :param metadata: A :class:`Metadata` instance defining at least a name
                         and version number for the file to be uploaded.
        :param filename: The pathname of the file to be uploaded.
        :param signer: The identifier of the signer of the file.
        :param sign_password: The passphrase for the signer's
                              private key used for signing.
        :param filetype: The type of the file being uploaded. This is the
                        distutils command which produced that file, e.g.
                        ``sdist`` or ``bdist_wheel``.
        :param pyversion: The version of Python which the release relates
                          to. For code compatible with any Python, this would
                          be ``source``, otherwise it would be e.g. ``3.2``.
        :param keystore: The path to a directory which contains the keys
                         used in signing. If not specified, the instance's
                         ``gpg_home`` attribute is used instead.
        :return: The HTTP response received from PyPI upon submission of the
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            raise DistlibException('not found: %s' % filename)
        d = metadata.todict()
        sig_file = None
        if signer:
            if not self.gpg:
                logger.warning('no signing program available - not signed')
                sig_file = self.sign_file(filename, signer, sign_password,
        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            file_data = f.read()
        md5_digest = hashlib.md5(file_data).hexdigest()
        sha256_digest = hashlib.sha256(file_data).hexdigest()
            ':action': 'file_upload',
            'protocol_version': '1',
            'filetype': filetype,
            'pyversion': pyversion,
            'md5_digest': md5_digest,
            'sha256_digest': sha256_digest,
        files = [('content', os.path.basename(filename), file_data)]
        if sig_file:
            with open(sig_file, 'rb') as f:
                sig_data = f.read()
            files.append(('gpg_signature', os.path.basename(sig_file),
        request = self.encode_request(d.items(), files)
        return self.send_request(request)

    def upload_documentation(self, metadata, doc_dir):
        Upload documentation to the index.

        :param metadata: A :class:`Metadata` instance defining at least a name
                         and version number for the documentation to be
        :param doc_dir: The pathname of the directory which contains the
                        documentation. This should be the directory that
                        contains the ``index.html`` for the documentation.
        :return: The HTTP response received from PyPI upon submission of the
        if not os.path.isdir(doc_dir):
            raise DistlibException('not a directory: %r' % doc_dir)
        fn = os.path.join(doc_dir, 'index.html')
        if not os.path.exists(fn):
            raise DistlibException('not found: %r' % fn)
        name, version = metadata.name, metadata.version
        zip_data = zip_dir(doc_dir).getvalue()
        fields = [(':action', 'doc_upload'),
                  ('name', name), ('version', version)]
        files = [('content', name, zip_data)]
        request = self.encode_request(fields, files)
        return self.send_request(request)

    def get_verify_command(self, signature_filename, data_filename,
        Return a suitable command for verifying a file.

        :param signature_filename: The pathname to the file containing the
        :param data_filename: The pathname to the file containing the
                              signed data.
        :param keystore: The path to a directory which contains the keys
                         used in verification. If not specified, the
                         instance's ``gpg_home`` attribute is used instead.
        :return: The verifying command as a list suitable to be
                 passed to :class:`subprocess.Popen`.
        cmd = [self.gpg, '--status-fd', '2', '--no-tty']
        if keystore is None:
            keystore = self.gpg_home
        if keystore:
            cmd.extend(['--homedir', keystore])
        cmd.extend(['--verify', signature_filename, data_filename])
        logger.debug('invoking: %s', ' '.join(cmd))
        return cmd

    def verify_signature(self, signature_filename, data_filename,
        Verify a signature for a file.

        :param signature_filename: The pathname to the file containing the
        :param data_filename: The pathname to the file containing the
                              signed data.
        :param keystore: The path to a directory which contains the keys
                         used in verification. If not specified, the
                         instance's ``gpg_home`` attribute is used instead.
        :return: True if the signature was verified, else False.
        if not self.gpg:
            raise DistlibException('verification unavailable because gpg '
        cmd = self.get_verify_command(signature_filename, data_filename,
        rc, stdout, stderr = self.run_command(cmd)
        if rc not in (0, 1):
            raise DistlibException('verify command failed with error '
                             'code %s' % rc)
        return rc == 0

    def download_file(self, url, destfile, digest=None, reporthook=None):
        This is a convenience method for downloading a file from an URL.
        Normally, this will be a file from the index, though currently
        no check is made for this (i.e. a file can be downloaded from

        The method is just like the :func:`urlretrieve` function in the
        standard library, except that it allows digest computation to be
        done during download and checking that the downloaded data
        matched any expected value.

        :param url: The URL of the file to be downloaded (assumed to be
                    available via an HTTP GET request).
        :param destfile: The pathname where the downloaded file is to be
        :param digest: If specified, this must be a (hasher, value)
                       tuple, where hasher is the algorithm used (e.g.
                       ``'md5'``) and ``value`` is the expected value.
        :param reporthook: The same as for :func:`urlretrieve` in the
                           standard library.
        if digest is None:
            digester = None
            logger.debug('No digest specified')
            if isinstance(digest, (list, tuple)):
                hasher, digest = digest
                hasher = 'md5'
            digester = getattr(hashlib, hasher)()
            logger.debug('Digest specified: %s' % digest)
        # The following code is equivalent to urlretrieve.
        # We need to do it this way so that we can compute the
        # digest of the file as we go.
        with open(destfile, 'wb') as dfp:
            # addinfourl is not a context manager on 2.x
            # so we have to use try/finally
            sfp = self.send_request(Request(url))
                headers = sfp.info()
                blocksize = 8192
                size = -1
                read = 0
                blocknum = 0
                if "content-length" in headers:
                    size = int(headers["Content-Length"])
                if reporthook:
                    reporthook(blocknum, blocksize, size)
                while True:
                    block = sfp.read(blocksize)
                    if not block:
                    read += len(block)
                    if digester:
                    blocknum += 1
                    if reporthook:
                        reporthook(blocknum, blocksize, size)

        # check that we got the whole file, if we can
        if size >= 0 and read < size:
            raise DistlibException(
                'retrieval incomplete: got only %d out of %d bytes'
                % (read, size))
        # if we have a digest, it must match.
        if digester:
            actual = digester.hexdigest()
            if digest != actual:
                raise DistlibException('%s digest mismatch for %s: expected '
                                       '%s, got %s' % (hasher, destfile,
                                                       digest, actual))
            logger.debug('Digest verified: %s', digest)

    def send_request(self, req):
        Send a standard library :class:`Request` to PyPI and return its

        :param req: The request to send.
        :return: The HTTP response from PyPI (a standard library HTTPResponse).
        handlers = []
        if self.password_handler:
        if self.ssl_verifier:
        opener = build_opener(*handlers)
        return opener.open(req)

    def encode_request(self, fields, files):
        Encode fields and files for posting to an HTTP server.

        :param fields: The fields to send as a list of (fieldname, value)
        :param files: The files to send as a list of (fieldname, filename,
                      file_bytes) tuple.
        # Adapted from packaging, which in turn was adapted from
        # http://code.activestate.com/recipes/146306

        parts = []
        boundary = self.boundary
        for k, values in fields:
            if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
                values = [values]

            for v in values:
                    b'--' + boundary,
                    ('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' %
        for key, filename, value in files:
                b'--' + boundary,
                ('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' %
                 (key, filename)).encode('utf-8'),

        parts.extend((b'--' + boundary + b'--', b''))

        body = b'\r\n'.join(parts)
        ct = b'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary
        headers = {
            'Content-type': ct,
            'Content-length': str(len(body))
        return Request(self.url, body, headers)

    def search(self, terms, operator=None):
        if isinstance(terms, string_types):
            terms = {'name': terms}
        rpc_proxy = ServerProxy(self.url, timeout=3.0)
            return rpc_proxy.search(terms, operator or 'and')


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 2755
_backport Folder 2755
__init__.py File 581 B 0644
compat.py File 40.44 KB 0644
database.py File 49.86 KB 0644
index.py File 20.57 KB 0644
locators.py File 50.88 KB 0644
manifest.py File 14.46 KB 0644
markers.py File 4.28 KB 0644
metadata.py File 38.05 KB 0644
resources.py File 10.51 KB 0644
scripts.py File 16.78 KB 0644
t32.exe File 94.5 KB 0644
t64.exe File 103.5 KB 0644
util.py File 58.44 KB 0644
version.py File 22.84 KB 0644
w32.exe File 88 KB 0644
w64.exe File 97.5 KB 0644
wheel.py File 40.18 KB 0644