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section: cli-commands 
title: npm-hook
description: Manage registry hooks

# npm-hook(1)

## Manage registry hooks

### Synopsis

npm hook ls [pkg]
npm hook add <entity> <url> <secret>
npm hook update <id> <url> [secret]
npm hook rm <id>

### Example

Add a hook to watch a package for changes:
$ npm hook add lodash https://example.com/ my-shared-secret

Add a hook to watch packages belonging to the user `substack`:
$ npm hook add ~substack https://example.com/ my-shared-secret

Add a hook to watch packages in the scope `@npm`
$ npm hook add @npm https://example.com/ my-shared-secret

List all your active hooks:
$ npm hook ls

List your active hooks for the `lodash` package:
$ npm hook ls lodash

Update an existing hook's url:
$ npm hook update id-deadbeef https://my-new-website.here/

Remove a hook:
$ npm hook rm id-deadbeef

### Description

Allows you to manage [npm hooks](https://blog.npmjs.org/post/145260155635/introducing-hooks-get-notifications-of-npm),
including adding, removing, listing, and updating.

Hooks allow you to configure URL endpoints that will be notified whenever a
change happens to any of the supported entity types. Three different types of
entities can be watched by hooks: packages, owners, and scopes.

To create a package hook, simply reference the package name.

To create an owner hook, prefix the owner name with `~` (as in, `~youruser`).

To create a scope hook, prefix the scope name with `@` (as in, `@yourscope`).

The hook `id` used by `update` and `rm` are the IDs listed in `npm hook ls` for
that particular hook.

The shared secret will be sent along to the URL endpoint so you can verify the
request came from your own configured hook.

### See Also

* ["Introducing Hooks" blog post](https://blog.npmjs.org/post/145260155635/introducing-hooks-get-notifications-of-npm)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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