[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
'use strict'

// npm view [pkg [pkg ...]]
module.exports = view

const BB = require('bluebird')

const byteSize = require('byte-size')
const color = require('ansicolors')
const columns = require('cli-columns')
const npmConfig = require('./config/figgy-config.js')
const log = require('npmlog')
const figgyPudding = require('figgy-pudding')
const npa = require('libnpm/parse-arg')
const npm = require('./npm.js')
const packument = require('libnpm/packument')
const path = require('path')
const readJson = require('libnpm/read-json')
const relativeDate = require('tiny-relative-date')
const semver = require('semver')
const style = require('ansistyles')
const usage = require('./utils/usage')
const util = require('util')
const validateName = require('validate-npm-package-name')

const ViewConfig = figgyPudding({
  global: {},
  json: {},
  tag: {},
  unicode: {}

view.usage = usage(
  'npm view [<@scope>/]<pkg>[@<version>] [<field>[.subfield]...]'

view.completion = function (opts, cb) {
  if (opts.conf.argv.remain.length <= 2) {
    // FIXME: there used to be registry completion here, but it stopped making
    // sense somewhere around 50,000 packages on the registry
    return cb()
  // have the package, get the fields.
  const config = ViewConfig(npmConfig())
  const tag = config.tag
  const spec = npa(opts.conf.argv.remain[2])
  return packument(spec, config).then(d => {
    const dv = d.versions[d['dist-tags'][tag]]
    d.versions = Object.keys(d.versions).sort(semver.compareLoose)
    return getFields(d).concat(getFields(dv))

  function getFields (d, f, pref) {
    f = f || []
    if (!d) return f
    pref = pref || []
    Object.keys(d).forEach(function (k) {
      if (k.charAt(0) === '_' || k.indexOf('.') !== -1) return
      const p = pref.concat(k).join('.')
      if (Array.isArray(d[k])) {
        d[k].forEach(function (val, i) {
          const pi = p + '[' + i + ']'
          if (val && typeof val === 'object') getFields(val, f, [p])
          else f.push(pi)
      if (typeof d[k] === 'object') getFields(d[k], f, [p])
    return f

function view (args, silent, cb) {
  if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
    cb = silent
    silent = false

  if (!args.length) args = ['.']

  const opts = ViewConfig(npmConfig())
  const pkg = args.shift()
  let nv
  if (/^[.]@/.test(pkg)) {
    nv = npa.resolve(null, pkg.slice(2))
  } else {
    nv = npa(pkg)
  const name = nv.name
  const local = (name === '.' || !name)

  if (opts.global && local) {
    return cb(new Error('Cannot use view command in global mode.'))

  if (local) {
    const dir = npm.prefix
    BB.resolve(readJson(path.resolve(dir, 'package.json'))).nodeify((er, d) => {
      d = d || {}
      if (er && er.code !== 'ENOENT' && er.code !== 'ENOTDIR') return cb(er)
      if (!d.name) return cb(new Error('Invalid package.json'))

      const p = d.name
      nv = npa(p)
      if (pkg && ~pkg.indexOf('@')) {
        nv.rawSpec = pkg.split('@')[pkg.indexOf('@')]

      fetchAndRead(nv, args, silent, opts, cb)
  } else {
    fetchAndRead(nv, args, silent, opts, cb)

function fetchAndRead (nv, args, silent, opts, cb) {
  // get the data about this package
  let version = nv.rawSpec || npm.config.get('tag')

  return packument(nv, opts.concat({
    fullMetadata: true,
    'prefer-online': true
  })).catch(err => {
    // TODO - this should probably go into pacote, but the tests expect it.
    if (err.code === 'E404') {
      err.message = `'${nv.name}' is not in the npm registry.`
      const validated = validateName(nv.name)
      if (!validated.validForNewPackages) {
        err.message += '\n'
        err.message += (validated.errors || []).join('\n')
        err.message += (validated.warnings || []).join('\n')
      } else {
        err.message += '\nYou should bug the author to publish it'
        err.message += '\n(or use the name yourself!)'
        err.message += '\n'
        err.message += '\nNote that you can also install from a'
        err.message += '\ntarball, folder, http url, or git url.'
    throw err
  }).then(data => {
    if (data['dist-tags'] && data['dist-tags'][version]) {
      version = data['dist-tags'][version]

    if (data.time && data.time.unpublished) {
      const u = data.time.unpublished
      let er = new Error('Unpublished by ' + u.name + ' on ' + u.time)
      er.statusCode = 404
      er.code = 'E404'
      er.pkgid = data._id
      throw er

    const results = []
    let error = null
    const versions = data.versions || {}
    data.versions = Object.keys(versions).sort(semver.compareLoose)
    if (!args.length) args = ['']

    // remove readme unless we asked for it
    if (args.indexOf('readme') === -1) {
      delete data.readme

    Object.keys(versions).forEach(function (v) {
      if (semver.satisfies(v, version, true)) {
        args.forEach(function (args) {
          // remove readme unless we asked for it
          if (args.indexOf('readme') !== -1) {
            delete versions[v].readme
          results.push(showFields(data, versions[v], args))
    let retval = results.reduce(reducer, {})

    if (args.length === 1 && args[0] === '') {
      retval = cleanBlanks(retval)
      log.silly('view', retval)

    if (silent) {
      return retval
    } else if (error) {
      throw error
    } else if (
      !opts.json &&
      args.length === 1 &&
      args[0] === ''
    ) {
      data.version = version
      return BB.all(
        results.map((v) => prettyView(data, v[Object.keys(v)[0]][''], opts))
      ).then(() => retval)
    } else {
      return BB.fromNode(cb => {
        printData(retval, data._id, opts, cb)
      }).then(() => retval)

function prettyView (packument, manifest, opts) {
  // More modern, pretty printing of default view
  const unicode = opts.unicode
  return BB.try(() => {
    if (!manifest) {
        'No matching versions.\n' +
        'To see a list of versions, run:\n' +
        `> npm view ${packument.name} versions`
    const tags = []
    Object.keys(packument['dist-tags']).forEach((t) => {
      const version = packument['dist-tags'][t]
      tags.push(`${style.bright(color.green(t))}: ${version}`)
    const unpackedSize = manifest.dist.unpackedSize &&
    const licenseField = manifest.license || manifest.licence || 'Proprietary'
    const info = {
      name: color.green(manifest.name),
      version: color.green(manifest.version),
      bins: Object.keys(manifest.bin || {}).map(color.yellow),
      versions: color.yellow(packument.versions.length + ''),
      description: manifest.description,
      deprecated: manifest.deprecated,
      keywords: (packument.keywords || []).map(color.yellow),
      license: typeof licenseField === 'string'
        ? licenseField
        : (licenseField.type || 'Proprietary'),
      deps: Object.keys(manifest.dependencies || {}).map((dep) => {
        return `${color.yellow(dep)}: ${manifest.dependencies[dep]}`
      publisher: manifest._npmUser && unparsePerson({
        name: color.yellow(manifest._npmUser.name),
        email: color.cyan(manifest._npmUser.email)
      modified: packument.time ? color.yellow(relativeDate(packument.time[packument.version])) : undefined,
      maintainers: (packument.maintainers || []).map((u) => unparsePerson({
        name: color.yellow(u.name),
        email: color.cyan(u.email)
      repo: (
        manifest.bugs && (manifest.bugs.url || manifest.bugs)
      ) || (
        manifest.repository && (manifest.repository.url || manifest.repository)
      site: (
        manifest.homepage && (manifest.homepage.url || manifest.homepage)
      stars: color.yellow('' + packument.users ? Object.keys(packument.users || {}).length : 0),
      tarball: color.cyan(manifest.dist.tarball),
      shasum: color.yellow(manifest.dist.shasum),
      integrity: manifest.dist.integrity && color.yellow(manifest.dist.integrity),
      fileCount: manifest.dist.fileCount && color.yellow(manifest.dist.fileCount),
      unpackedSize: unpackedSize && color.yellow(unpackedSize.value) + ' ' + unpackedSize.unit
    if (info.license.toLowerCase().trim() === 'proprietary') {
      info.license = style.bright(color.red(info.license))
    } else {
      info.license = color.green(info.license)
      style.underline(style.bright(`${info.name}@${info.version}`)) +
      ' | ' + info.license +
      ' | deps: ' + (info.deps.length ? color.cyan(info.deps.length) : color.green('none')) +
      ' | versions: ' + info.versions
    info.description && console.log(info.description)
    if (info.repo || info.site) {
      info.site && console.log(color.cyan(info.site))

    const warningSign = unicode ? ' ⚠️ ' : '!!'
    info.deprecated && console.log(
      } - ${info.deprecated}`

    if (info.keywords.length) {
      console.log('keywords:', info.keywords.join(', '))

    if (info.bins.length) {
      console.log('bin:', info.bins.join(', '))

    console.log('.tarball:', info.tarball)
    console.log('.shasum:', info.shasum)
    info.integrity && console.log('.integrity:', info.integrity)
    info.unpackedSize && console.log('.unpackedSize:', info.unpackedSize)

    const maxDeps = 24
    if (info.deps.length) {
      console.log(columns(info.deps.slice(0, maxDeps), {padding: 1}))
      if (info.deps.length > maxDeps) {
        console.log(`(...and ${info.deps.length - maxDeps} more.)`)

    if (info.maintainers && info.maintainers.length) {
      info.maintainers.forEach((u) => console.log('-', u))


    if (info.publisher || info.modified) {
      let publishInfo = 'published'
      if (info.modified) { publishInfo += ` ${info.modified}` }
      if (info.publisher) { publishInfo += ` by ${info.publisher}` }

function cleanBlanks (obj) {
  const clean = {}
  Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (version) {
    clean[version] = obj[version]['']
  return clean

function reducer (l, r) {
  if (r) {
    Object.keys(r).forEach(function (v) {
      l[v] = l[v] || {}
      Object.keys(r[v]).forEach(function (t) {
        l[v][t] = r[v][t]

  return l

// return whatever was printed
function showFields (data, version, fields) {
  const o = {}
  ;[data, version].forEach(function (s) {
    Object.keys(s).forEach(function (k) {
      o[k] = s[k]
  return search(o, fields.split('.'), version.version, fields)

function search (data, fields, version, title) {
  let field
  const tail = fields
  while (!field && fields.length) field = tail.shift()
  fields = [field].concat(tail)
  let o
  if (!field && !tail.length) {
    o = {}
    o[version] = {}
    o[version][title] = data
    return o
  let index = field.match(/(.+)\[([^\]]+)\]$/)
  if (index) {
    field = index[1]
    index = index[2]
    if (data.field && data.field.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
      return search(data[field][index], tail, version, title)
    } else {
      field = field + '[' + index + ']'
  if (Array.isArray(data)) {
    if (data.length === 1) {
      return search(data[0], fields, version, title)
    let results = []
    data.forEach(function (data, i) {
      const tl = title.length
      const newt = title.substr(0, tl - fields.join('.').length - 1) +
                 '[' + i + ']' + [''].concat(fields).join('.')
      results.push(search(data, fields.slice(), version, newt))
    results = results.reduce(reducer, {})
    return results
  if (!data.hasOwnProperty(field)) return undefined
  data = data[field]
  if (tail.length) {
    if (typeof data === 'object') {
      // there are more fields to deal with.
      return search(data, tail, version, title)
    } else {
      return new Error('Not an object: ' + data)
  o = {}
  o[version] = {}
  o[version][title] = data
  return o

function printData (data, name, opts, cb) {
  const versions = Object.keys(data)
  let msg = ''
  let msgJson = []
  const includeVersions = versions.length > 1
  let includeFields

  versions.forEach(function (v) {
    const fields = Object.keys(data[v])
    includeFields = includeFields || (fields.length > 1)
    if (opts.json) msgJson.push({})
    fields.forEach(function (f) {
      let d = cleanup(data[v][f])
      if (fields.length === 1 && opts.json) {
        msgJson[msgJson.length - 1][f] = d
      if (includeVersions || includeFields || typeof d !== 'string') {
        if (opts.json) {
          msgJson[msgJson.length - 1][f] = d
        } else {
          d = util.inspect(d, { showHidden: false, depth: 5, colors: npm.color, maxArrayLength: null })
      } else if (typeof d === 'string' && opts.json) {
        d = JSON.stringify(d)
      if (!opts.json) {
        if (f && includeFields) f += ' = '
        if (d.indexOf('\n') !== -1) d = ' \n' + d
        msg += (includeVersions ? name + '@' + v + ' ' : '') +
               (includeFields ? f : '') + d + '\n'

  if (opts.json) {
    if (msgJson.length && Object.keys(msgJson[0]).length === 1) {
      const k = Object.keys(msgJson[0])[0]
      msgJson = msgJson.map(function (m) { return m[k] })

    if (msgJson.length === 1) {
      msg = JSON.stringify(msgJson[0], null, 2) + '\n'
    } else if (msgJson.length > 1) {
      msg = JSON.stringify(msgJson, null, 2) + '\n'

  // preserve output symmetry by adding a whitespace-only line at the end if
  // there's one at the beginning
  if (/^\s*\n/.test(msg)) msg += '\n'

  // disable the progress bar entirely, as we can't meaningfully update it if
  // we may have partial lines printed.

  // print directly to stdout to not unnecessarily add blank lines
  process.stdout.write(msg, () => cb(null, data))
function cleanup (data) {
  if (Array.isArray(data)) {
    return data.map(cleanup)
  if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') return data

  if (typeof data.versions === 'object' &&
      data.versions &&
      !Array.isArray(data.versions)) {
    data.versions = Object.keys(data.versions || {})

  let keys = Object.keys(data)
  keys.forEach(function (d) {
    if (d.charAt(0) === '_') delete data[d]
    else if (typeof data[d] === 'object') data[d] = cleanup(data[d])
  keys = Object.keys(data)
  if (keys.length <= 3 &&
      data.name &&
      (keys.length === 1 ||
       (keys.length === 3 && data.email && data.url) ||
       (keys.length === 2 && (data.email || data.url)))) {
    data = unparsePerson(data)
  return data
function unparsePerson (d) {
  if (typeof d === 'string') return d
  return d.name +
    (d.email ? ' <' + d.email + '>' : '') +
    (d.url ? ' (' + d.url + ')' : '')


Name Type Size Permission Actions
auth Folder 0755
config Folder 0755
doctor Folder 0755
install Folder 0755
search Folder 0755
utils Folder 0755
access.js File 5.54 KB 0644
adduser.js File 1.31 KB 0644
audit.js File 10.56 KB 0644
bin.js File 515 B 0644
bugs.js File 864 B 0644
build.js File 4.44 KB 0644
cache.js File 4.66 KB 0644
ci.js File 1.31 KB 0644
completion.js File 7.11 KB 0644
config.js File 7.43 KB 0644
dedupe.js File 4.88 KB 0644
deprecate.js File 2.11 KB 0644
dist-tag.js File 4.11 KB 0644
docs.js File 1.04 KB 0644
doctor.js File 3.98 KB 0644
edit.js File 1.37 KB 0644
explore.js File 1.67 KB 0644
fetch-package-metadata.js File 3.97 KB 0644
fetch-package-metadata.md File 1.77 KB 0644
fund.js File 4.91 KB 0644
get.js File 235 B 0644
help-search.js File 5.64 KB 0644
help.js File 6.35 KB 0644
hook.js File 4.62 KB 0644
init.js File 2.74 KB 0644
install-ci-test.js File 486 B 0644
install-test.js File 507 B 0644
install.js File 36.47 KB 0644
link.js File 5.6 KB 0644
logout.js File 1.26 KB 0644
ls.js File 16.09 KB 0644
npm.js File 14.37 KB 0644
org.js File 4.18 KB 0644
outdated.js File 12.28 KB 0644
owner.js File 6.6 KB 0644
pack.js File 11.79 KB 0644
ping.js File 1.11 KB 0644
prefix.js File 330 B 0644
profile.js File 11.13 KB 0644
prune.js File 2.23 KB 0644
publish.js File 5.14 KB 0644
rebuild.js File 2.09 KB 0644
repo.js File 1.44 KB 0644
restart.js File 64 B 0644
root.js File 320 B 0644
run-script.js File 5.41 KB 0644
search.js File 3.36 KB 0644
set.js File 276 B 0644
shrinkwrap.js File 9.82 KB 0644
star.js File 2.11 KB 0644
stars.js File 1.03 KB 0644
start.js File 62 B 0644
stop.js File 61 B 0644
substack.js File 509 B 0644
team.js File 4.61 KB 0644
test.js File 374 B 0644
token.js File 6.66 KB 0644
unbuild.js File 4.27 KB 0644
uninstall.js File 2.21 KB 0644
unpublish.js File 3.51 KB 0644
update.js File 2.16 KB 0644
version.js File 9.79 KB 0644
view.js File 15.11 KB 0644
visnup.js File 4.01 KB 0644
whoami.js File 1.77 KB 0644
xmas.js File 1.62 KB 0644