[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# archy

Render nested hierarchies `npm ls` style with unicode pipes.

[![browser support](http://ci.testling.com/substack/node-archy.png)](http://ci.testling.com/substack/node-archy)

[![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/substack/node-archy.png)](http://travis-ci.org/substack/node-archy)

# example

``` js
var archy = require('archy');
var s = archy({
  label : 'beep',
  nodes : [
      label : 'boop',
      nodes : [
          label : 'o_O',
          nodes : [
              label : 'oh',
              nodes : [ 'hello', 'puny' ]


├── ity
└─┬ boop
  ├─┬ o_O
  │ ├─┬ oh
  │ │ ├── hello
  │ │ └── puny
  │ └── human
  └── party

# methods

var archy = require('archy')

## archy(obj, prefix='', opts={})

Return a string representation of `obj` with unicode pipe characters like how
`npm ls` looks.

`obj` should be a tree of nested objects with `'label'` and `'nodes'` fields.
`'label'` is a string of text to display at a node level and `'nodes'` is an
array of the descendents of the current node.

If a node is a string, that string will be used as the `'label'` and an empty
array of `'nodes'` will be used.

`prefix` gets prepended to all the lines and is used by the algorithm to
recursively update.

If `'label'` has newlines they will be indented at the present indentation level
with the current prefix.

To disable unicode results in favor of all-ansi output set `opts.unicode` to

# install

With [npm](http://npmjs.org) do:

npm install archy

# license



Name Type Size Permission Actions
examples Folder 0755
.travis.yml File 43 B 0644
LICENSE File 1.05 KB 0644
README.markdown File 1.72 KB 0644
index.js File 1.11 KB 0644
package.json File 1.67 KB 0644