[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
declare namespace envPaths {
	export interface Options {
		__Don't use this option unless you really have to!__

		Suffix appended to the project name to avoid name conflicts with native apps. Pass an empty string to disable it.

		@default 'nodejs'
		readonly suffix?: string;

	export interface Paths {
		Directory for data files.
		readonly data: string;

		Directory for data files.
		readonly config: string;

		Directory for non-essential data files.
		readonly cache: string;

		Directory for log files.
		readonly log: string;

		Directory for temporary files.
		readonly temp: string;

declare const envPaths: {
	Get paths for storing things like data, config, cache, etc.

	@param name - Name of your project. Used to generate the paths.
	@returns The paths to use for your project on current OS.

	import envPaths = require('env-paths');

	const paths = envPaths('MyApp');

	//=> '/home/sindresorhus/.local/share/MyApp-nodejs'

	//=> '/home/sindresorhus/.config/MyApp-nodejs'
	(name: string, options?: envPaths.Options): envPaths.Paths;

	// TODO: Remove this for the next major release, refactor the whole definition to:
	// declare function envPaths(name: string, options?: envPaths.Options): envPaths.Paths;
	// export = envPaths;
	default: typeof envPaths;

export = envPaths;


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