[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
'use strict';

/* eslint no-magic-numbers: 1 */

var test = require('tape');
var isCallable = require('./');
var hasSymbols = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol('foo') === 'symbol';
var genFn = require('make-generator-function');
var arrowFn = require('make-arrow-function')();
var weirdlyCommentedArrowFn;
var asyncFn;
var asyncArrowFn;
try {
	/* eslint no-new-func: 0 */
	weirdlyCommentedArrowFn = Function('return cl/*/**/=>/**/ass - 1;')();
	asyncFn = Function('return async function foo() {};')();
	asyncArrowFn = Function('return async () => {};')();
} catch (e) { /**/ }
var forEach = require('foreach');

var noop = function () {};
var classFake = function classFake() { }; // eslint-disable-line func-name-matching
var returnClass = function () { return ' class '; };
var return3 = function () { return 3; };
/* for coverage */
/* end for coverage */

var invokeFunction = function invokeFunctionString(str) {
	var result;
	try {
		/* eslint-disable no-new-func */
		var fn = Function(str);
		/* eslint-enable no-new-func */
		result = fn();
	} catch (e) {}
	return result;

var classConstructor = invokeFunction('"use strict"; return class Foo {}');

var commentedClass = invokeFunction('"use strict"; return class/*kkk*/\n//blah\n Bar\n//blah\n {}');
var commentedClassOneLine = invokeFunction('"use strict"; return class/**/A{}');
var classAnonymous = invokeFunction('"use strict"; return class{}');
var classAnonymousCommentedOneLine = invokeFunction('"use strict"; return class/*/*/{}');

test('not callables', function (t) {
	t.test('non-number/string primitives', function (st) {
		st.notOk(isCallable(), 'undefined is not callable');
		st.notOk(isCallable(null), 'null is not callable');
		st.notOk(isCallable(false), 'false is not callable');
		st.notOk(isCallable(true), 'true is not callable');

	t.notOk(isCallable([]), 'array is not callable');
	t.notOk(isCallable({}), 'object is not callable');
	t.notOk(isCallable(/a/g), 'regex literal is not callable');
	t.notOk(isCallable(new RegExp('a', 'g')), 'regex object is not callable');
	t.notOk(isCallable(new Date()), 'new Date() is not callable');

	t.test('numbers', function (st) {
		st.notOk(isCallable(42), 'number is not callable');
		st.notOk(isCallable(Object(42)), 'number object is not callable');
		st.notOk(isCallable(NaN), 'NaN is not callable');
		st.notOk(isCallable(Infinity), 'Infinity is not callable');

	t.test('strings', function (st) {
		st.notOk(isCallable('foo'), 'string primitive is not callable');
		st.notOk(isCallable(Object('foo')), 'string object is not callable');

	t.test('non-function with function in its [[Prototype]] chain', function (st) {
		var Foo = function Bar() {};
		Foo.prototype = noop;
		st.equal(true, isCallable(Foo), 'sanity check: Foo is callable');
		st.equal(false, isCallable(new Foo()), 'instance of Foo is not callable');


test('@@toStringTag', { skip: !hasSymbols || !Symbol.toStringTag }, function (t) {
	var fakeFunction = {
		toString: function () { return String(return3); },
		valueOf: return3
	fakeFunction[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Function';
	t.equal(String(fakeFunction), String(return3));
	t.equal(Number(fakeFunction), return3());
	t.notOk(isCallable(fakeFunction), 'fake Function with @@toStringTag "Function" is not callable');

var typedArrayNames = [

test('Functions', function (t) {
	t.ok(isCallable(noop), 'function is callable');
	t.ok(isCallable(classFake), 'function with name containing "class" is callable');
	t.ok(isCallable(returnClass), 'function with string " class " is callable');
	t.ok(isCallable(isCallable), 'isCallable is callable');

test('Typed Arrays', function (st) {
	forEach(typedArrayNames, function (typedArray) {
		/* istanbul ignore if : covered in node 0.6 */
		if (typeof global[typedArray] === 'undefined') {
			st.comment('# SKIP typed array "' + typedArray + '" not supported');
		} else {
			st.ok(isCallable(global[typedArray]), typedArray + ' is callable');

test('Generators', { skip: !genFn }, function (t) {
	t.ok(isCallable(genFn), 'generator function is callable');

test('Arrow functions', { skip: !arrowFn }, function (t) {
	t.ok(isCallable(arrowFn), 'arrow function is callable');
	t.ok(isCallable(weirdlyCommentedArrowFn), 'weirdly commented arrow functions are callable');

test('"Class" constructors', { skip: !classConstructor || !commentedClass || !commentedClassOneLine || !classAnonymous }, function (t) {
	t.notOk(isCallable(classConstructor), 'class constructors are not callable');
	t.notOk(isCallable(commentedClass), 'class constructors with comments in the signature are not callable');
	t.notOk(isCallable(commentedClassOneLine), 'one-line class constructors with comments in the signature are not callable');
	t.notOk(isCallable(classAnonymous), 'anonymous class constructors are not callable');
	t.notOk(isCallable(classAnonymousCommentedOneLine), 'anonymous one-line class constructors with comments in the signature are not callable');

test('`async function`s', { skip: !asyncFn }, function (t) {
	t.ok(isCallable(asyncFn), '`async function`s are callable');
	t.ok(isCallable(asyncArrowFn), '`async` arrow functions are callable');


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CHANGELOG.md File 1.96 KB 0644
LICENSE File 1.06 KB 0644
Makefile File 3.74 KB 0644
README.md File 1.93 KB 0644
index.js File 1.09 KB 0644
package.json File 2.85 KB 0644
test.js File 5.41 KB 0644