[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
  "Commands:": "命令:",
  "Options:": "選項:",
  "Examples:": "例:",
  "boolean": "布林",
  "count": "次數",
  "string": "字串",
  "number": "數字",
  "array": "陣列",
  "required": "必須",
  "default:": "預設值:",
  "choices:": "可選值:",
  "aliases:": "別名:",
  "generated-value": "生成的值",
  "Not enough non-option arguments: got %s, need at least %s": "non-option 引數不足:只傳入了 %s 個, 至少要 %s 個",
  "Too many non-option arguments: got %s, maximum of %s": "non-option 引數過多:傳入了 %s 個, 但最多 %s 個",
  "Missing argument value: %s": {
    "one": "此引數無指定值:%s",
    "other": "這些引數無指定值:%s"
  "Missing required argument: %s": {
    "one": "缺少必須的引數:%s",
    "other": "缺少這些必須的引數:%s"
  "Unknown argument: %s": {
    "one": "未知的引數:%s",
    "other": "未知的這些引數:%s"
  "Invalid values:": "無效的選項值:",
  "Argument: %s, Given: %s, Choices: %s": "引數名稱: %s, 傳入的值: %s, 可選的值:%s",
  "Argument check failed: %s": "引數驗證失敗:%s",
  "Implications failed:": "缺少依賴的選項:",
  "Not enough arguments following: %s": "沒有提供足夠的值給此引數:%s",
  "Invalid JSON config file: %s": "無效的 JSON 設置文件:%s",
  "Path to JSON config file": "JSON 設置文件的路徑",
  "Show help": "顯示說明",
  "Show version number": "顯示版本",
  "Did you mean %s?": "是指 %s?",
  "Arguments %s and %s are mutually exclusive" : "引數 %s 和 %s 是互斥的"


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