// Instructions
// 1. Set basic layout by:
// setxkbmap -rules evdev -model jollasbj -layout cz
// 2. Set variant by:
// setxkbmap -rules evdev -model jollasbj -layout cz -variant qwerty
// In practice this is equivalent to:
// setxkbmap -rules evdev -model jollasbj -layout cz_qwerty
// However, the latter form isn't portable so always use the -variant option.
// 3. Set multilayout by:
// setxkbmap -rules evdev -model jollasbj -layout "us,cz" -variant ",qwerty" -option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle
// This sets the basic us layout active. You can switch to qwerty
// variant of cz layout by pressing ctrl+shift.
// Pitfalls
// 1. Many to one mappings
// Higher level input method components don't necessarily handle many to
// one mappings correctly. They may assume that there exists only a one
// to one mapping between a hardware key and a symbol. Therefore you
// should take care not to introduce many to one mappings for keys that
// are going to be reverse mapped from a symbol to a hardware key.
// Currently at least the modifier keys are affected. Clients may set
// states, such as autorepeat, for hardware keys by reverse mapping a
// modifier symbol to a hardware key and then setting the state for the
// first hardware key that maps to the symbol. The correct way would be
// to modify the state of all hardware keys mapping to a given symbol.
// We are nice and keep the mappings one to one for clients that don't
// choose to handle many to one mappings.
default partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "common" {
include "pc(pc105)"
include "jolla_vndr/sbj(common-keys)"
// This section should not be included by any other section. It's
// referenced only once by rule file to allow multiple layout
// configurations.
partial hidden alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "common-keys" {
// These keycodes are beyond the X11 255 limit value so it would
// only be valid for the use with SW which supports extended keycodes,
// like xkbcommon.
// generated from the headset, must always be in the map.
key <I264> { [ XF86Phone ] };