// // XKB symbol :: National Bangla/Bengali Standard Keyboard Layout for Bangladesh // Ref: http://www.bcc.net.bd/keyboard/bsti_kb_specification.pdf // // Author: Jamil Ahmed <jamil at bengalinux.org> // Created: 18-12-2005 // Last Updated: 08-01-2006 // Version: 6.01.3 // // Issues: // <AC08> Khanda-Ta is given U-09CE; But BCC had U-09BA // <AC07> U-09BB is added though it is not allocated in Original Unicode // <AE06> U-09B3 is added though it is not allocated in Original Unicode // 3 Conjunct characters are not included // default partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "basic" { name[Group1]= "Bangla"; key <ESC> { [ Escape ] }; // numbers key <TLDE> { [ grave, asciitilde, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AE01> { [ 0x10009E7, exclam, 0x10009F4, voidsymbol ] }; key <AE02> { [ 0x10009E8, at, 0x10009F5, voidsymbol ] }; key <AE03> { [ 0x10009E9, numbersign, 0x10009F6, voidsymbol ] }; key <AE04> { [ 0x10009EA, dollar, 0x10009F3, 0x10009F2 ] }; key <AE05> { [ 0x10009EB, percent, 0x10009F7, voidsymbol ] }; key <AE06> { [ 0x10009EC, asciicircum, 0x10009F8, 0x10009B3 ] }; key <AE07> { [ 0x10009ED, ampersand, 0x1000902, voidsymbol ] }; key <AE08> { [ 0x10009EE, asterisk, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AE09> { [ 0x10009EF, parenleft, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AE10> { [ 0x10009E6, parenright, 0x10009F9, voidsymbol ] }; key <AE11> { [ minus, underscore, 0x100200C, voidsymbol ] }; key <AE12> { [ equal, plus, 0x100200D, voidsymbol ] }; key <BKSP> { [ BackSpace ] }; // tab, q to ] key <TAB> { [ Tab, ISO_Left_Tab ] }; key <AD01> { [ 0x1000999, 0x1000982, 0x10009E2, 0x10009E3 ] }; key <AD02> { [ 0x10009AF, 0x10009DF, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AD03> { [ 0x10009A1, 0x10009A2, 0x10009C4, voidsymbol ] }; key <AD04> { [ 0x10009AA, 0x10009AB, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AD05> { [ 0x100099F, 0x10009A0, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AD06> { [ 0x100099A, 0x100099B, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AD07> { [ 0x100099C, 0x100099D, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AD08> { [ 0x10009B9, 0x100099E, 0x10009BD, voidsymbol ] }; key <AD09> { [ 0x1000997, 0x1000998, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AD10> { [ 0x10009DC, 0x10009DD, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AD11> { [ bracketleft, braceleft, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AD12> { [ bracketright, braceright, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <RTRN> { [ Return ] }; // caps, a to ' // key <CAPS> { [ Caps_Lock ] }; key <AC01> { [ 0x10009C3, 0x10009D7, 0x100098B, 0x10009E0 ] }; key <AC02> { [ 0x10009C1, 0x10009C2, 0x1000989, 0x100098A ] }; key <AC03> { [ 0x10009BF, 0x10009C0, 0x1000987, 0x1000988 ] }; key <AC04> { [ 0x10009AC, 0x10009AD, 0x10009F0, 0x10009F1 ] }; key <AC05> { [ 0x10009CD, 0x1000964, 0x1000965, voidsymbol ] }; key <AC06> { [ 0x10009BE, 0x1000985, 0x1000986, voidsymbol ] }; key <AC07> { [ 0x1000995, 0x1000996, 0x10009BB, voidsymbol ] }; key <AC08> { [ 0x10009A4, 0x10009A5, 0x10009CE, voidsymbol ] }; key <AC09> { [ 0x10009A6, 0x10009A7, 0x100098C, 0x10009E1 ] }; key <AC10> { [ semicolon, colon, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AC11> { [ apostrophe, quotedbl, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; // shift, z to / // key <LFSH> { [ Shift_L ] }; key <AB01> { [ 0x1000981, 0x1000983, 0x10009FA, voidsymbol ] }; key <AB02> { [ 0x10009CB, 0x10009CC, 0x1000993, 0x1000994 ] }; key <AB03> { [ 0x10009C7, 0x10009C8, 0x100098F, 0x1000990 ] }; key <AB04> { [ 0x10009B0, 0x10009B2, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AB05> { [ 0x10009A8, 0x10009A3, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AB06> { [ 0x10009B8, 0x10009B7, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AB07> { [ 0x10009AE, 0x10009B6, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AB08> { [ comma, less, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <AB09> { [ period, greater, 0x10009BC, voidsymbol ] }; key <AB10> { [ slash, question, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; key <BKSL> { [ backslash, bar, voidsymbol, voidsymbol ] }; // third level with right-Alt include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; // // XKB symbol :: Probhat Bangla/Bengali Keyboard Layout // Ref: www.ankurbangla.org/images/probhat_layout.png // xkb_symbols "probhat" { include "in(ben_probhat)" name[Group1]= "Bangla (Probhat)"; };
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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cn | File | 10.91 KB | 0644 |
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latam | File | 6.22 KB | 0644 |
latin | File | 14.29 KB | 0644 |
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level5 | File | 4.63 KB | 0644 |
lk | File | 8 KB | 0644 |
lt | File | 16.53 KB | 0644 |
lv | File | 18.56 KB | 0644 |
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sk | File | 5.2 KB | 0644 |
sn | File | 2.17 KB | 0644 |
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sy | File | 6.91 KB | 0644 |
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